tisdag 25 oktober 2011

Occupy Wall Street, GLOBAL update 3


(Oct. 23, 2011 - Chicago) - Wall Street demonstranter inom ockupera Chicago rörelsen, höll stånd i Chicagos centrum park. Polisen gav order om att protestanterna skulle avlägsna sig, vilket istället ledde till 130 arresteringar tidigt på söndagen, sade myndigheterna.

Ockupera Chicagos talesman, Joshua Kaunert, lovade efter arresteringar att protesterna skulle fortsätta i Midwest City. "Vi kommer inte att försvinna. Det finns fortfarande massor av oss,"

På andra håll i landet rapporterade polisen bl a 11 gripanden över natten i ”ockupera Cincinnati” protester. Polisen sade att de gripna hade vistats i stadens ”Fountain Square” efter stängningsdags klockan 3 på söndagen och alla åtalades för olaga intrång.


New York, Oct. 15, 2011
Police officers on scooters follow along a mass of Occupy Wall Street protestors as they march towards Times Square, Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011,


New York, Oct. 15, 2011
Demonstrators associated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement protest in Times Square on Oct. 15, 2011 in New York City.


New York, Oct. 15, 2011
Occupy Wall Street protestors march through the financial district the day after successfully resisting a potential eviction from their camp in Zuccotti Park, Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011,


New York, Oct. 22, 2011
Demonstrators associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement hold a rally against police brutality at Union Square in New York on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011.


Madrid, Oct. 15, 2011
People take a part in a demostration in Puerta del Sol square in solidarity action for the worldwide protest dubbed "Occupy the City" in Madrid on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011.


London, Oct. 15, 2011
A tourist bus passes demonstrators and police officers outside St Paul's Cathedral, next to the London Stock Exchange, in central London Oct. 15, 2011.


Rome, Oct. 15, 2011
Protesters of the 'Indignant' group walk past the Colosseum during a demonstration against banking and finance in Rome October 15, 2011. While the protests in Rome had been planned for months, the Occupy Wall Street movement has inspired people across the globe to protest against financial institutions.


Manila, Oct. 21, 2011
Joining the global Occupy Wall Street movement, protesters attempt to occupy the Philippine Stock Exchange in Manila, Oct. 21, 2011. Local activists are protesting against economic inequality and moves to fully liberalize utilities and industries.


Washington, DC, Oct. 21, 2011
A participant rolls up his tent as protesters continue to camp at the Freedom Plaza, Oct. 21, 2011 in Washington, DC.



If millions of us from across the world stand with them, we’ll boost their resolve and show the media and leaders that the protests are part of a massive mainstream movement for change.




We stand with you in this struggle for real democracy. Together we can end the capture and corruption of our governments by corporate and wealthy elites, and hold our politicians accountable to serve the public interest. We are united – the time for change has come!

You’d better run Wall Street, We’re comming for you…
Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän

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