
RT 2014-02-14.
As the latest winter storm turns away from the southern United States and pounds the Northeast, it’s leaving a cold trail of deaths and destruction in its wake.
According to the Associated Press, at least 21 deaths - including a pregnant woman from New York City who was killed by a snow plow - are blamed on a paralyzing snowstorm gripping large parts of the country, as heavy ice accumulation has downed trees and power lines, leaving hundreds of thousands without electricity or heat.
- An estimated 1.2 million homes and businesses lost power as the storm swept its way from the South through the Northeast.
By Thursday evening, about 550,000 households, mostly in South Carolina and Georgia, were without electricity.
Officials fear those numbers could rise if icy conditions continue through the night. [...]
Minst 21 döda till följd av episka snöstormar i södra och nordöstra USA
Köldrekord och arktiska polarstormar över USA - Förstör verkligheten klimatkyrkans affärer?
Klimat-alarmisternas forskare hjälplöst fast i Antarktis enorma ismassor - kan de räddas?

Minst 21 döda till följd av episka snöstormar i södra och nordöstra USA
--Global opium and heroin production explodes--
SvaraRaderaFebruary 16, 2014
Source: Voltaire Network
Poppy cultivation reached an unprecedented historical peak in 2013, surpassing the record of 2007-08, said Yuri Fedotov, director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
375 tons came from Afghanistan, while 50 tons originated from Myanmar and Laos.
--Russia: US and France planning military intervention in Syria--
SvaraRaderaFebruary 16, 2014
Source: Middle East Monitor
Russia may call an urgent UN Security Council meeting to "stop the slide towards escalation in Syria", Russian sources told Al-Mayadeenchannel. The source revealed that Russia had information that Washington and Paris are currently putting a plan for military intervention in Syria to stop the advance of the Syrian army.
However, sources confirmed that there was no agreement on the next round of negotiations in Geneva.
"Washington has been confused by Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi's visit to Moscow, and all options are open," he added, explaining that serious developments are taking place in the Syrian crisis and the relations between Moscow and Washington.
En amerikan kan inte köra bil som en svensk det vet vi alla med automat som handikapputrustning.
SvaraRaderaDetta tillsammans med icke godkända vinterdäck enligt svenskt mönster utan för mudd and snow för skit.
Gör den medelmåtta amerikanen till en krypande vägråtta.
Med startgas i stället för kupevärmare och defa får dom senapsgas och fisgas vid minsta sladd.
Så i bilens förlovade land regerar enbart passagerare då en koppling till ett fäste i värklighet inte finnes.
Amerikanarna lär sig att köra bil väldigt tidigt vilket visar en omogen bilkultur.
Ja, jänkarna verkar bättre på att skjuta folk än att köra bil...