
Public Schools Are Preparing America's Children For Life In A Police State
***informationliberation - By Michael Snyder
Our children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state.

As you will read about below, students all over the country are now being monitored by RFID microchips, their lunches are being inspected on a daily basis by school administrators, and the social media accounts of students are being constantly monitored even when they are at home.
Of course these sorts of things do not happen everywhere just yet, but on the path that we are on it is just a matter of time. At this point, many of our public schools very closely resemble “totalitarian dictatorships”, and so if the United States ever slips into totalitarianism the students of today will actually feel very comfortable under that political system.
I went to public schools all my life, so I have experience in this area. Sadly, things have gone downhill quite a bit since those days.
For example, one thing that was unheard of back when I was in high school was “active shooter drills”.
They are being held in school districts all over the nation today, and they often involve the firing of blanks and the use of fake blood. The following is from a recent NBC News about these drills…

- In a cramped, carpeted amphitheater in the basement of Troy Buchanan High School, 69 students are waiting to die.
"You'll know when it pops off," says Robert Bowen, the school's campus police officer. "If you get engaged with one of the shooters, you'll know it."
"When you get shot, you need to close your fingers and keep 'em in," adds Tammy Kozinski, the drama teacher. "When the bad guy and the police come through, they'll step all over you, and who will be saying they're sorry?"
"Nobody!" the students cry in unison.
...This isn't a bizarre, premeditated mass murder or some twisted sacrifice led by a student cult.
- These are the 20 minutes preceding an active shooter drill, the 13th one Missouri's Lincoln County school district has staged in the past year.
All but 69 students have gone home for the day on early dismissal.
These volunteer victims, mostly culled from the school's drama class, are outfitted in fake-bloody bullet wounds, still wet and dripping down their foreheads, necks and chests.
Bowen tells them what to expect: They'll see "bad guys with AR-15s" shooting blanks during a simulated "passing period"—the moments when one class ends and the other begins. PVC pipes will be dropped on the floor to approximate IEDs.
Crystal Lanham, a baby-faced freshman with long, gently-crimped brown hair, receives the dubious honor of being chosen as one of the gunmen's hostages. She's thrilled.
"I just really wanna get shot," she jokes. "Is that weird?"
"It's so hard to hear all of [those gunshots] and not freak out."
Skolbarn i USA övas att dö och undvika dödas av inbillade skolskyttar - Polisstaten har hybris
---Mass Surveillance of All Car Trips Is Nearly Upon Us---
SvaraRaderaFebruary 21, 2014
Source: The Atlantic
The automobile has afforded greater freedom to so many different kinds of Americans: the mad dreamers portrayed in On the Road; the post-World War II families who suddenly had the means to pack their kids in the backseat and vacation a thousand miles from home; the Jim Crow-era blacks for whom cars were an alternative to racist public-transportation systems; the generations of American teenagers who cruised the local strip in their own versions of American Graffiti. This heritage is dear to many, and helps explain popular opposition to policies as diverse as toll roads, speed cameras, and permitting the Transportation Security Administration to expand its operations on the nation’s highways.
All challenge a romantic preference for an America where anyone can climb into a car, fill up, and drive wherever they damn well please unimpeded.
Sympathetic as I am to that broad vision, its adherents sometimes resist sound reforms. The nation would be better off with better public-transportation infrastructure, more bike lanes, and lower carbon emissions. All of this can be accomplished without coercing anyone out of their cars.
Meanwhile, a far more profound threat to the significant freedoms automobiles afford has garnered very little attention, and hardly any backlash, in part because it’s been implemented so quietly: The U.S. government is pushing for infrastructure that could track every car trip we take.[...]
Read more at the Atlantic
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