- Översta bilden är från TV-serien och bilden under från det verkliga Atlanta...
RT 2014-01-30
A freak snowstorm in the southeastern US on Tuesday continued to paralyze much of the region on Wednesday. The weather’s impact on the area was no more stark than in Atlanta, where abandoned vehicles on highways recalled scenes from a zombie apocalypse.
Tuesday’s 2.6 inches of snowfall in Atlanta, the largest city in the region, crippled interstates and frustrated drivers, stranding hundreds of commuters in their vehicles, retail outlets, schools and workplaces overnight.
Despite the confused and at times chaotic response in the city, only one death - as a result of a car accident - has been confirmed in the Atlanta area.
Nonetheless, as Twitter users were quick to spot, the picture of civilizational collapse was instantly recognizable from the hit show The Walking Dead.
Fittingly, the zombie-centered cable horror series is both set and filmed in Georgia.

The DeKalb County 911 Center said they have received an average of around 400 to 500 calls an hour since the beginning of the storm. Road crews continued to chip away at ice and snow accumulation, but transportation officials said a return to normalcy may not occur until Thursday.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed downplayed the blame directed at the state and city’s response to the uncharacteristic snowfall in Atlanta. Deal pointed to the National Weather Service’s forecast before the storm hit as reason his administration does not deserve sole responsibility for the state’s muddled response.
Deal claimed the National Weather Service "had continually had modeling showing Atlanta would not be the primary area (of the storm). It would be south of Atlanta."
Marshall Shepherd, a meteorologist with the University of Georgia and president of the American
Meteorological Society, said weather forecasters were not to blame for the state and local government’s faults.
"The buses had a tough time getting kids home, but meteorologists should not be thrown under the bus," he said.
Many snow-affected states, including Georgia, declared states of emergency. Gov. Deal sent the state’s National Guard to assist stranded motorists on major freeways, USA Today reported.
USA Today reports at least nine people died in car accidents across the South. Four people were killed early Tuesday in Mississippi after a faulty space heater set a mobile home ablaze.
Tusentals resande övergav sina bilar och en del fick tydligtvis övernatta i olika varuhus...
- Den högteknologiska civilisationen modell 2014 kan tydligen kollapsa fullständigt om det oväntat kommer 6 centimeter snö på vissa ställen..?
- Hur som helst så var det nog tur att det inte kom 7 centimeter, då hade väl alla Zombies i USA börjat äta upp varann, precis som på TV..?

Hjälplösa Zombies invaderade USA? - 6 cm snöoväder gav apokalyps-liknande landskap
Mer Otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
--Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck--
SvaraRaderaFebruary 1, 2014
Source: TIME
The economic picture is looking brighter these days. The federal government announced Thursday that economic growth had picked up to its fastest pace in two years, while employment growth over the past five months has averaged a healthy 185,000 new jobs. But as evidenced by a report out Thursday from the Corporation for Enterprise Development, nearly half of Americans are living in a state of “persistent economic security,” that makes it “difficult to look beyond immediate needs and plan for a more secure future.”
In other words, too many of us are living paycheck to paycheck. The CFED calls these folks “liquid asset poor,” and its report finds that 44% of Americans are living with less than $5,887 in savings for a family of four. The plight of these folks is compounded by the fact that the recession ravaged many Americans’ credit scores to the point that now 56% percent of us have subprime credit.[...]