Kan det vara så enkelt att Ankdammsmedia fortfarande är lite sura på Ryssarna för att Ankdammens amerikanska cowboys inte fick "rädda barnen" i Syrien med en rolig mediesubventionerad bombkampanj med laserstyrda fredskrigsbomber?
Uteblev krigsindustrikomplexets förväntade fredsfolkmords-intäkter plötsligt? Osis.
Varför åker Ankdammens "Presstituerade" egentligen iväg till OS i Ryssland om de hatar allt i landet? Hade det inte varit så mycket lättare att bara stanna hemma i den inavlade dammen och fabricera hitte-på-nyheterna åt plantageägarna som vanligt istället?
Bloggen blir nog ändå tvingad att dela ut en OS-guldmedalj till Ankdammsmedia i klassen:
- Störst antal patetiska, livegna, lögnaktiga och odugliga "Presstitutes." - En välförtjänt seger:)

Publicerad den 8 feb 2014
In the days, weeks and even months leading up to the Sochi Winter Olympics of 2014, the Western mainstream media have been trying to ruin the excitement by picking apart every tiny - often made-up - flaw they could lay their hands on - from strange toilets to hiking up paranoia over explosives being brought in in tooth paste tubes. RT's Anastasia Churkina takes a look at the hysteria- READ MORE http://on.rt.com/y1xc94

Publicerad den 7 feb 2014
Cyber security experts are calling out an NBC Sochi-hacker hit-job as a fabrication that, at best, made liberal use of assistance given to them by experts. NBC News' chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel and security expert Kyle Wilhoit claimed to prove how fresh computers were hacked within 24 hours of operation in Russia. A theatrically staged set-up featuring Moscow landmarks wrongly claimed to prove the point Engel wanted to make: Your data is not safe at the Sochi Olympics. RT's Ameera David takes a look at the latest example of "Sochi Shaming" by the mainstream media.***
Publicerad den 10 feb 2014
Olympic athletes are showing more and more impressive results as the days of Sochi 2014 go by, stealing the show from the mainstream media's poisonous stories that have been attempting to turn sports into politics. RT's Anastasia Churkina reports.***

Direktuppspelades 7 feb 2014
The XXII Winter Olympic Games are on after opening officially in a sparkling, star-studded show in Sochi. Over 40,000 spectators from all over the world watched the opening extravaganza, and the introduction of the athletes in the Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, signaling the start of the full sporting program of the Winter Olympics. For the next 16 days the world's top athletes will be going for it, competing hard with every sinew and fiber.
LATEST FROM SOCHI: http://2014.rt.com/
LATEST FROM SOCHI: http://2014.rt.com/
Sammanfattning av Ankdammsmedias patetiska OS-rapport
***Anti-Sochi Behavior: 'Cold War' media bears roaring at Russia
Publicerad den 13 feb 2014
The lively atmosphere in Sochi has
been gradually thawing the hearts of the doubters. Still, there are some
who prefer to only notice the downside, and ignore the high points.
RT's Gayane Chichyakyan looks at where the media criticism of the
Olympics is coming from.LATEST FROM SOCHI: http://2014.rt.com/
Ankdammsmedias Anti-Ryska Hatfabricerade OS-nyheter = Kalla-Kriget-Propaganda på Nytt
-Europe Stunned, Angry As Switzerland Votes To Curb Immigration-
SvaraRaderaFebruary 9, 2014
Source: Zero Hedge
This wasn't supposed to happen. At a time when the European Union, reeling from the ongoing near collapse of the Eurozone, has been preaching its key benefits - the removal of borders and the free transit of labor - moments ago Switzerland, with a tiny majority of 50.4%, voted in favor of new immigration curbs which requires the government to set an upper limit for foreigners, risking a backlash from the (utterly toothless) European Union.
In some ways this was a vote of the urban vs rural population: Voters in the cities of Zurich and Basel and cantons in western Switzerland opposed the measures, while those in rural German- speaking cantons and the Italian-speaking region of Ticino backed it, reports Bloomberg.
The problem for Europe is that the backlash against immigration was supposed to be a PIIG thing, having led to the surge of such nationalist parties as Golden Dawn in Greece, but they don't matter as the will of the "peripheral" people is completely ignored in Europe. However, now that one of Europe's most successful nations has opined against the free importing of labor, despite the prevalent perception that it has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of immigration, Switzerland has just left Europe's pro-migration propaganda in shambles.[...]
--Why the Olympics Are a Lot Like ‘The Hunger Games’--
SvaraRaderaThe grandeur of the opening ceremonies of The Hunger Games is designed to mask the cruelty of the competition itself. The Olympic opening ceremonies serve a similar purpose. Like the kids representing the districts of Panem, each nation’s athletes are trotted around a massive arena like prize ponies, shrouded in the patriotic glory of their particular flag.[...]
--Återpublicerad kommentar av "TheSindiin" på YouTube 2014-02-08--
SvaraRaderaI Never will understand why people dont realize that some 30 million Russians died in ww2 and we here in america say we won that war , that's just bullshit.
I give lots of respect to those across the ocean, all of you not just the Russians but the world, I hope war never comes to my door like it has to so many out there.
The bitterness and childishness playing out in the media, and through our political leaders should be set aside and we should all take a moment to reflect on the fact that we are all oppressed and subject to a small group of peoples decisions on our lives.
They divide us into nations, then into states, then into parties and religions, govt against states against people against rebels, it dosent end until we all realize that we are all HUMAN, we are all from EARTH.
The Olympics are supposed to be an event to show unity it pains me to see the my own country using this event to spread division, hate and fear, but please all out there in the world hear this , we are not all ignorant, our govt is no longer ours, they have a good grip on us but that grip is failing, and they know it.
***The world is waking up and as humans we are all tired of this shit.***
Sverige är en ankdamm som är lätt att punktera med rå sanning.
SvaraRaderaAtt överösta en förskönande nyhetsrapport gör man med en ännu mera sanning.
Exempel är i våldsdrabbade länder då nyheter saneras i från det äckligaste.
Allt för att vi i västvärlden inte ska behöva må illa.
Visa Sveriges riktiga sanning med rättorik och mindre vridet skit.
Ni gör allt symboliskt och bra men det är inte alla som förstår i Sveriges obildade land.
Vad gör kungen för skandaler i dag? En fråga som alla är intresserade av.
Vad gör våra kändisar och vad mår folk illa av.
Folk kan inte ens se sanningen i vitögat ens fören det blir liv.
Så varför ska vi ha nyheter till om det inte får bli bråk!
Blöta journalister äro fittor som står och vibrerar vid minsta beröring.
Visa lite mera stake och lite mera äckel om Sverige tack!
Ni är bra. HA HA HA !!
Tackar för supporten:)
RaderaJa, tyvärr förstår inte många i landet (utöver myndigheter) att verkligheten är lite tvärt emot vad media säger.
Man får trösta sig med att USA:s krigsindustri förstår bloggen, eftersom de läser ca: 10 sidor varje dag...