Även om man skulle räkna in samtliga omkomna vid 9/11, så blir det ändå ganska jämt i antalet amerikanska dödsoffer som de inhemska poliserna orsakat, jämfört med de övriga grupperna...
Filming Cops 2013
Cops have killed well over 5,000 Americans since 9/11. Many of these killings have occurred during no-knock raids, which have risen by 4000% since the 1980s.
Iraqi insurgents, by comparison, have killed around 3,500 Americans in Iraq since 9/11 in Operation Iraqi “Freedom.”
It is not just Iraq. The number of Americans killed by police also now exceeds the number of Americans killed by Afghan insurgents.
Afghan insurgents have killed around 2,000 Americans in Afghanistan since 9/11 in Operation Enduring “Freedom.”
The police are getting paid with our money to go on shooting sprees and they are killing more of us than the terrorists from whom they “protect” us.
- Do not be too surprised.
- This data is to be expected; it naturally fits with the fact that the State uses “counter-terrorism” as a means to oppress and initiate violence against the population. In fact, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than by an actual “terrorist.”
Domestic violence is two-four times more common among police families than American families in general.
As of 2010 the compared data lifted from Cato’s NPMSRP shows that the reports of police committing sexual assault amounted to more than 2 times the reports in the entire general population.
If officer-involved killings were prosecuted as murder, the murder rate for law enforcement officers would exceed the general population murder rate by at least 472%. And these are only the reported incidents. The vast majority of police misconduct and abuse is unreported. Who knows what the actual total is.
While we’re at it, over a quarter of a billion human beings were killed by government last century alone, making government the leading cause of unnatural death in the 20th century. This doesn’t include casualties from all the wars that governments started to “protect” us.
- The number of Americans in prison now exceeds the number of high school teachers and engineers.
- There are at least 7.3 million Americans locked in captivity or under federal control as you read this, the majority of whom are non-violent (for example, they were caught ingesting a plant that the government claims is “illegal”).
One in 25 Americans were arrested as of 2011. The number may be even higher now.
Friends, don’t listen to anybody who tells you it’s “just a few bad apples.” The whole barrel is rotten.
Publicerad den 13 feb 2014
Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq Warhttp://filmingcops.com/americans-kill...
Second Possible Terror Attack on U.S. Power Plant Uncovered
Holder urges 11 states to restore the voting rights of former felons
Publicerad den 13 feb 2014

The deputies crashed through the front gate and began executing a search warrant for methamphetamine on the property. Detective Patrick Hobbs, a self-described narcotics expert who claimed he "smelled the strong odor of chemicals" downwind from the house after being tipped off to illegal activity from an anonymous informant, spearheaded the investigation.
The deputies announced their presence, and Pate emerged from the trailer where she'd been sleeping to escape the sweltering summer heat of the California desert. Lamos and a couple of friends emerged from another trailer, and a handyman tinkering with a car on the property also gave himself up without resistance. But Mallory, who preferred to sleep in the house, was nowhere to be seen.
Deputies approached the house, and what happened next is where things get murky. The deputies said they announced their presence upon entering and were met in the hallway by the 80-year-old man, wielding a gun and stumbling towards them. The deputies later changed the story when the massive bloodstains on Mallory's mattress indicated to investigators that he'd most likely been in bed at the time of the shooting.
Investigators also found that an
audio recording of the incident revealed a discrepancy in the deputies'
original narrative: Before listening to the audio recording, [Sgt.
John] Bones believed that he told Mallory to "Drop the gun" prior to the
shooting. The recording revealed, however, that his commands to "Drop
the gun" occurred immediately after the shooting.
When it was all over, Eugene Mallory died of six gunshot wounds from Sgt. John Bones' MP-5 9mm submachine gun. When a coroner arrived, he found the loaded .22 caliber pistol the two deputies claimed Mallory had pointed at them on the bedside table.
Mallory had not fired of a single shot. The raid turned up no evidence of methamphetamine on the property.
To find out more about this case, including details about what the police did find, watch the above video, featuring Mallory's widow Tonya Pate. Pate has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, an agency plagued by prison abuse scandals, questionable hiring practices, and allegations of racial profiling and harassment in recent years.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department declined multiple requests to comment on this story.
Approximately 7:30. Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Camera by Tracy Oppenheimer and Zach Weissmueller. Additional voice acting by Paul Detrick, Alex Manning, and Oppenheimer.
When it was all over, Eugene Mallory died of six gunshot wounds from Sgt. John Bones' MP-5 9mm submachine gun. When a coroner arrived, he found the loaded .22 caliber pistol the two deputies claimed Mallory had pointed at them on the bedside table.
Mallory had not fired of a single shot. The raid turned up no evidence of methamphetamine on the property.
To find out more about this case, including details about what the police did find, watch the above video, featuring Mallory's widow Tonya Pate. Pate has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, an agency plagued by prison abuse scandals, questionable hiring practices, and allegations of racial profiling and harassment in recent years.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department declined multiple requests to comment on this story.
Approximately 7:30. Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Camera by Tracy Oppenheimer and Zach Weissmueller. Additional voice acting by Paul Detrick, Alex Manning, and Oppenheimer.
(Bilderna från polisens invasion av Boston under 2013)
USA:s polis har dödat fler amerikaner än Iraks militanta stridande och världens terrorister
Police chief admits sex acts, pleads guilty to federal charges
Police Officers Who Shot at Two Innocent Women 103 Times Won't Be Fired
Police Shoot, Kill 80 Year Old Man In His Own Bed, Don't Find the Drugs They Were Looking For
BREAKING: Death Sentence for a $96 ticket
Cameras & Movement Tracking; Drug TestingMetal Detection & Weapon Confiscation; Crowd Control Checkpoints & Random Pat Searches; Mail SurveillanceTelephone Monitoring; Lockdowns; Snitching
" Title 18 U.S.C. § 4: Misprision of felony...
Title 18 U.S.C. § 4: Misprision of felony: Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Policy and program statements from the Bureau of Prisons are available at:
Ett par av länkarna i bloggen:
SvaraRaderaUSA: 8 poliser sköt 103 skott mot 2 kvinnliga tidningsbud "av misstag" - alla behåller jobbet
Police Shoot, Kill 80-Year-Old Man In His Own Bed... (video finns ovanför, på slutet av posten)
Om amerikanarna slutade och röka på så in i helvete och blev lagliga så slapp dom göra så mycket brott.
SvaraRaderaFör amerikanarna gillar flum.
Och det är mycket flum i den amerikanska polisen med.
Amerikanska lagen borde byggas om med lagliga prepparat som brännvin och tobak sedan ska allt annat förbjudas.
Sälj svenskt snus mera i europa och usa så blir det mindre lungkancer.
Så att använda generalen då blir allt rätt.
Lyssna på Acroth då blir du klok.
Nu blev killarna på den här länken glada åtminstone...:)
...Sen är det ju även så att USA:s myndigheter medvetet skapar de flesta brottslingarna (i minoritetsgrupperna), - allt för att gynna det privatiserade fängelsesystemet...