Enligt rapporten hade 50% av kvinnorna övervägt att begå självmord p.g.a. den kriminellt dåliga behandlingen i Storbritannien. 20% hade vid olika tillfällen aktivt försökt begå självmord och 30% stått under dygnet runt observation för att förhindras att begå självmord.

Female asylum seekers detained in UK 'getting second torture'
RT 2014-01-29.
Over a half of female rape and torture victims detained in Britain after seeking asylum have thought about killing themselves while locked up in the UK. They suffer depression and are bullied by male guards, a new report has revealed.
In 2012, 6,071 women came to the UK seeking asylum; 1,902 of them were detained, according to the new official statistics by the Home Office.
For its report, the charity Women for Refugee Women (WRW) spoke to 43 vulnerable women who agreed to disclose the experiences in their home country which led them to seek asylum in the UK.
Most of them had been detained in Britain's largest Immigration Removal Center, Yarl’s Wood in Bedfordshire, which can hold up to 405 individuals at any one time.
Over 90 percent of asylum seekers said they felt depressed, 85 percent felt scared, and more than half thought about killing themselves during their indefinite detention in the UK. More than one in five had tried to kill themselves, and one third had been on suicide watch in detention.
The bulk of the vulnerable women, over 85 percent, said that they had been either raped, or tortured in their home countries, while some 17 percent confessed they simply failed to tell the Home Office everything that had happened to them in their home country because they felt that in their culture it was hard to speak openly about such things.
"I was tortured in my country of origin and now I am getting a second torture by the UK Border Agency. Being back in detention has brought back all the memories of torture," one woman who had been imprisoned and raped by police in Zimbabwe stated in the report.
Meanwhile, according to the UK Border Agency policy, in cases where there is independent evidence of torture, an individual will only be detained in exceptional circumstances.
"- They are verbally abusive in here...They just see you like animals….The way they treat you. They want to get rid of you. You feel neglected and unwanted," an unnamed woman told the charity.
Nearly 60 percent of the detainees found it hard to find out about their case. More than half said they found it difficult to access a lawyer in detention. [...]
Kvinnor som flydde från våldtäkt och tortyr i sönderbombade länder - torteras på nytt i EU
-Danske Bank locks 10,000 customers out of their accounts (time for a bail-in?)-
SvaraRaderaFebruary 7, 2014
The Independent IE is Reporting:
Thousands of customers of Danske Bank are set to be denied access to their money after the bank said it was closing their current accounts from today. The bank has confirmed that 15,000 current accounts are to be "terminated" and the majority of customers who hold these accounts have yet to shut them down and switch to a new one.
Up to 10,000 people could find their funds frozen as they have failed to set up a new account with another bank. Danske said in October that it was closing its retail operations here. Large numbers of those who have already started the switching process are also set to be locked out of their accounts before the new accounts can be set up.
A spokeswoman for the bank said: "Yes, some will be locked out of their accounts." The bank said it was closing the current accounts today but it later conceded that it would allow these customers to use their debit/ATM cards over the weekend.
But by Monday, the accounts will no longer operate. Customers who contacted the Irish Independent claimed the whole shut-down of Danske's retail operations was being handled in a "chaotic and shambolic" fashion.