Än så länge är det dock ganska ovanligt att kriminella poliser är såpass korkade att de gör det samtidigt som de vet om att blir videofilmade. ...Men nån ska givetvis vara den förste... (video)
Publicerad den 4 feb 2014 av ThinkOutsideTheTV
The Nazi regime is alive and well in the UK
Video: Engelska kriminella poliser ljuger, fabricerar brott och gör Gestapoliknande arrestering
För den som har svårt att greppa vad bloggen skriver i inledningen av artikeln om poliser, så föreslås en läsning av artikeln om den svenske polisen Michael Lundhs äventyr i Basebolligan:

Michael Lundh, född 1958 i Linköping, är en svensk före detta polis samt numera författare, föreläsare, debattör och krönikör. Michael Lundh är en känd debattör i frågor som rör integration, polismakt, diskriminering med mera.
För den som har svårt att greppa vad bloggen skriver i inledningen av artikeln om poliser, så föreslås en läsning av artikeln om den svenske polisen Michael Lundhs äventyr i Basebolligan:
Michael Lundh, Polisen från Basebolligan

Michael Lundh, född 1958 i Linköping, är en svensk före detta polis samt numera författare, föreläsare, debattör och krönikör. Michael Lundh är en känd debattör i frågor som rör integration, polismakt, diskriminering med mera.
--Cop Responding To Jewelry Store Heist Steals A Watch For Himself--
SvaraRaderaChris | InformationLiberation
From CBS Miami:
PEMBROKE PINES (CBSMiami) – Security cameras at a Pembroke Pines jewelry store captured not one but two burglaries this week, the second one caught a police officer stealing a expensive watch during the investigation of the first burglary, according to police.
During the investigation of a burglary at Jared the Galleria of Jewelry at 11077 Pines Boulevard, the Pembroke Pines Police Department learned that Officer Kevin Burgs, 36, took a movado watch valued at $795.00 from the store, according to new arrest affidavit from the department.
The reported theft was captured by two of the store’s surveillance video cameras. The report says a store employe who was reviewing footage from the burglary spotted the officer stealing the watch.
Burg’s arrest report states that detectives discovered the stolen watch inside the officer’s police vehicle. The report said the store wants to prosecute the officer.
Pembroke Pines Police Captain Carlos Bermudez told CBS4′s Peter D’Oench that he did not know if that suirveillance tape would be released.
UK ‘borrowed’ US drones to carry out unreported strikes in Afghanistan
SvaraRaderaPublished time: February 10, 2014
The UK has used American drones over 250 times to carry out previously unreported attacks in Afghanistan, the MoD has admitted. The reports prompted a sharp reaction from British rights groups who slammed the lack of transparency in the UK military.
In response to a freedom of information request by British rights group Drone Wars UK, the Ministry of Defense said it had launched 39 missile strikes from unmanned US craft in Afghanistan. This the first time the Ministry of Defense has admitted to the use of American craft in conflict zones to carry out strikes.
“Of the 2,150 missions flown by UK personnel, there were 271 missions in Afghanistan when UK personnel utilized a US Reaper, as a UK Reaper was unavailable. During these missions, UK personnel released 39 weapons. I am withholding information about weapons released by UK personnel embedded with the United States Air Force on operations in Afghanistan and Libya under Section 27 [of the Freedom of Information Act],” said a statement from the MoD. [...]