En video med en 4-årig jihadist som sprejar skott med en AK-47 har chockat många västliga TV-soffexperter och säkert gjort att både att öl och chips fastnat i halsen. Men vad är det tänkt att videon skall förmedla till dagens lättmanipulerade Orwellska kultur? Hur ovanligt är egentligen detta skandalösa beteende inom andra kulturer? ...Tror att vi måste kolla vidare på det där...
OOOPS! - AVPIXELERAT! - När man kollar på hur det ser ut i verkligheten på bilderna undertill, så lär väl 4-åringen snart behöva sin AK-47 för att överleva ett möte med de andra barnen..?
Child soldier: Shocking video surfaces of purported 4-year-old Jihadist in Syria
Publicerad den 31 jan 2014
Junior jihad: Spraying bullets from an AK-47, the four-year-old Al Qaeda fighter in Syria who should be in infants' school Video shows youngster opening fire twice to shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' He is so small the gun barrel was supported by a section of road block. ***

Exempel på några andra välutrustade vapenintresserade barn i en familj i USA...
Publicerad den 27 jul 2012
Shot in London during the 2000 world
tour, Brutally Live showcases Alice Cooper doing what he's been doing
better than anyone else over the past 25 years: turning a rock concert
into a campy theatrical extravaganza.RT 2014-0-18
Two teenagers from Toulouse in France have travelled to Syria to become al Qaeda fighters, they’ll be the youngest ever Westerners to engage in the conflict, local media reported.
The French boys who cannot be named for legal reasons did not turn up for school on January 6, and instead used a credit card to travel to Syria, according to La Depeche daily.
One of the boy’s fathers has launched an appeal for the boys to return to France and told the daily newspaper that his son had been brainwashed by Islamic extremism on the internet.
“From the start of December my son was brainwashed online. There were exchanges on Facebook, and he watched videos about the war in Syria. With his computer and on his phone, he was on social media with his friend,” he said.
The father said he had spoken to his son on Tuesday who said he wouldn’t hear from him for a month, unless he was killed.
“He was with al Qaeda fighters. During his last phone call to us, he was talking to his fighters as his brothers,” he added.
In his new year’s address French President Francoise Hollande said some 700 French citizens had left France for Syria. They join thousands of foreigners who have travelled to Syria to join the fight against President Bashar Assad.
French authorities have said they are facing a wave of recruitment not previously seen.
“We are seeing today a mass recruitment that has nothing to do with the recruitment for the wars in Bosnia and Afghanistan. It was a couple dozen of people per year. This is like a factory,” an unnamed French source told the daily Le Figaro.
French intelligence believe that many of the young men were initially drawn to the effort to topple Assad, but the fighting is now attracting those who want to join in jihad.
- Most young French nationals that end up in the Middle East fighting holy war have come from poor housing estates in cities such as Paris and Marseille, where conditions are bad and chances are few.
The case of the two teenagers bears hallmarks of two other young men from Toulouse, Nicolas Bons, 30 and his 22 year old half-brother Jean-Daniel both of whom converted to Islam three years prior to being killed in the Syrian civil war in 2013. Before they died, both young men made a YouTube recording encouraging their “brothers” to join the fight.
Mohammed Merah, also from Toulouse, trained with Al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan before returning to France to shoot dead seven people in 2012; he was then shot by police.
According to the French Daily Le Monde young men who fight in Syria often can only be put under police surveillance when they return home, as charging them with a crime or for taking part in terrorism is difficult for prosecutors.
In order to bring a terrorism change prosecutors would have to prove that the individual was involved in a terrorist attack on civilians or were part of a confirmed terror group, but the nature of the rebel groups in Syria makes it difficult to clearly define links to terror.
Soldiers in South Sudan photographed wearing UNICEF backpacks donated for children
Avslutningsvis en idolbild från UNICEF, där en hel del av killarna nog borde gå i skolan istället för att springa omkring i UNICEF:s utrustning med gevär...
Mer otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
"Kindergarten & School´s out" för Jihad och krig! - 4-åring med AK-47 tränas för al-CIA-da
-Kentucky Police Set Up ‘Eating While Driving’ Checkpoints-
SvaraRaderaOperation RAID to target “distracted drivers”
Paul Joseph Watson
February 7, 2014
Instead of searching for actual criminals, Kentucky State Police will be on the lookout for people who eat while they drive as part of Operation RAID, which will include checkpoints targeting “distracted drivers,” despite the fact that eating while driving is not banned in Kentucky.
Operation R.A.I.D. (Remove Aggressive, Impaired and Distracted drivers from Kentucky Roadways), which starts this month, will remain active for one year.
“Law enforcement will be more visible and the number of check points will increase,” reports WBKO.
“Not only just texting, but any distracting drivers. This includes eating and drinking. We are going to be out looking for those people. You’re going to see a major force when it comes time for St. Patrick’s Day weekend and holiday weekends,” said Trooper Biven of the Kentucky State Police.
Although Kentucky has banned text messaging while driving, there is no state law that bans eating while driving, according to Distraction.gov. Police will be pulling people over and subjecting them to checkpoints over a supposed violation (eating while driving) that doesn’t exist.[...]
Fred fred och lite lite fredskrig
Al CIAda går lös och enligt Problem Reaction Solution så skall vi skapa FRED där nere nu.
"Sverige kan skicka trupp EU planerar att ingripa i landet – och på måndag fattar man beslut om en eventuell militär insats
Ja man ser hur svårt sjukt allt är och i vilken total diktatur vi är under, den folk inte ens ser för de är inbillade de är fria :)