onsdag 26 februari 2014

Barägare i USA: "Rasistpoliser misshandlade mina kunder" - inget problem före polisen kom

Poliserna fick ett larm om ett slagsmål på en bar. Men de verkliga problemen började först när polisen kom. Och poliserna var problemet. Det lokala grannskapet är rasande efter att ett gäng kriminella rasistpoliser brutalt misshandlat kunder på en bar i New York...

DOJ investigates police response to a NY bar fight

Publicerad den 25 feb 2014
Residents of Troy, NY and the Department of Justice are looking for answers about the violent police response to a bar fight. Police say they were responding to a 911 call alerting them to a fight at the bar, but the bar owner and patrons say there weren't any problems until the police came in, batons swinging. 

The Troy community is outraged over what they say is race discrimination and police brutality. The US Department of Justice is now investigating reports of excessive force. RT's Liz Wahl takes a look at footage of the event and the the community's response.
Barägare i USA: Rasistpoliser misshandlade mina kunder - inget problem före polisen kom

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