torsdag 6 februari 2014

Obamas Orwellska regim fortsatte där Bush slutade - Tortyr & Folkmord OK för PK-Media

2014-02-04. Corbett Report avslöjar hur Obamas regim inte bara fortsatte där Bush slutade utan t o m utökade omfattningen av de blodiga människofientliga projekt som Bush startade efter 9/11. Tortyr, drönaravrättningar av kvinnor & barn och folkmord genom fredskrig har blivit ett politiskt korrekt beteende för en Orwellsk fredsprisvinnare backad av media...
Många inom den numera splittrade fredsrörelsen som högljutt kritiserade G.W. Bush, har under senare år varit pinsamt tysta. Detta fast Obamas politik inte medfört någon verklig  förändring utan bara ett ännu större lidande för mänskligheten överlag.

De framgångsrika protesterna mot att "fredsbomba" Syrien var ändå ett intressant undantag som visar att den kriminella eliten inte längre klarar att manipulera opinionen efter behag. De mestadels patetiska livegna Presstituten (journalister) i mainstream tappar sakta men säkert kontrollen över flockens "opinionsbildning... :)"

Anti-War Goes AWOL:
- Divide and Conquer in Action

Publicerad den 4 feb 2014
After the election of Obama in 2008, the driving impetus of the anti-war movement evaporated. No longer did it matter that the wars, covert operations, military tribunals and prison torture camps were continuing. 

 In fact, it did not even matter that American military involvement escalated with the Obama handover, expanding into Pakistan and Yemen, involving more drone strikes and extrajudicial assassinations. 

This was, after all, a Democrat, and so many on the anti-war left were appeased. Groups like Veterans For Peace, which had so loudly and so admirably called for the impeachment of Bush for his participation in war crimes and atrocities have been happy to look the other way while "their guy" in the White House forwards the very same agenda.

Obamas Orwellska regim fortsatte där Bush slutade - Tortyr & Folkmord OK för PK-Media

2 kommentarer:

  1. --Cops who shot innocent women during Dorner manhunt to go back on the job--

    RT February 06, 2014

    The eight Southern California police officers who mistakenly fired more than 100 shots at a car being driven by two women during a manhunt for suspected cop-killer Christopher Dorner last year will return to the field, officials now say.

    Although both the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department and a civilian oversight board agree that eight LAPD officers violated official policy during the one-sided shootout in Torrance, CA last February 7, an internal memorandum obtained by members of the media on Wednesday reveal that those cops will continue to work the streets of Southern California.

    "I have confidence in their abilities as LAPD officers to continue to do their jobs in the same capacity they had been assigned," Police Chief Charlie Beck said in a department message to officers on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press. "In the end, we as an organization can learn from this incident and from the individuals involved." [...]

  2. --DEA manuals show how they train police to construct false chains of evidence--

    February 6, 2014

    New disclosures now allow us to see online the DEA training manuals with which Drug Enforcement Administration agents are taught to coach local police departments across the country how to lie about their chains of evidence and sources, how to willfully violate the law and cover their tracks in thousands or tens of thousands of cases every year in order to fill the cells of the US prison state with drug defendants.
    These materials depict an amoral, out of control police regime respecting no Constitution and no laws. DEA agents are told the evidence is unconstitutionally obtained, and that this has to be concealed from prosecutors, judges and above all from the public, some of which is still under the quaint notion that there are laws even cops and prosecutors must obey. The manuals cynically spell out how DEA agents should coach local police departments to use what they know is illegally obtained information in order to construct false chains of evidence.
    One module puts the issue of using sensitive intelligence in law enforcement a bit more delicately. Per the 2012 lesson plan, the main problem with combining intelligence collection with law enforcement investigations “is the high potential for disclosure of these sensitive sources of information in our open, public trial system.”
    In addition to potential national security risks of exposing classified information and constitutional quandaries, an earlier version of the module highlights another issue with introducing sensitive or clandestine evidence into domestic trials: “Americans don’t like it.”[...]



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