År 2005 hyrde den då 18-åriga Kayla M. Finley, den fantastiska filmen, "Monster In Law", i en videouthyrningsbutik...
- Kayla som idag fyllt 27, skulle nyligen anmäla ett brott hos polisen, men blev då istället själv arresterad och slängd i fängelse, misstänkt för att inte ha lämnat tillbaks VHS-Video-Kassetten till butiken 2005, alltså för 9 år sedan.
...Noterbart är också att videobutiken där VHS-kassetten en gång i tiden hyrdes, lade ner verksamheten för ett antal år sedan...
PICKENS, SC — When a woman went to the police for help, she was unexpectedly arrested and charged with a crime: failure to return a movie she rented back in 2005.
Kayla M. Finley, 27, went to the Pickens County Sheriff's Office to report a crime on February 13th, but when she provided her name to the deputies, she was placed in handcuffs.
Nine years earlier, she had rented "Monster In Law" and apparently had not returned it to the video store. A warrant for her arrest had been issued in September 2005.
PICKENS, SC — When a woman went to the police for help, she was unexpectedly arrested and charged with a crime: failure to return a movie she rented back in 2005.
Kayla M. Finley, 27, went to the Pickens County Sheriff's Office to report a crime on February 13th, but when she provided her name to the deputies, she was placed in handcuffs.
Nine years earlier, she had rented "Monster In Law" and apparently had not returned it to the video store. A warrant for her arrest had been issued in September 2005.
- Even though the rental store is no longer in business, police still intend on collecting that late fee — in the form of wringing her through the court system.
Her actual offense was "Failure to return rented video cassette," which is classified under petty larceny, a misdemeanor.

USA: 27-årig Kvinna slängd i fängelse - glömde att lämna tillbaka en hyrfilm 2005, för 9 år sen
--Canada Welcomes Mossad Assassin, Offers Him New Identity--
SvaraRaderaFebruary 16, 2014
Source: Richard Silverstein
Canada’s government dutifully created false identity for Mossad assassin.
Canadian media offers a shocking new development in the intelligence wars. This involves a honeypot security officer working for Canadian immigration. Her assignment was to romance an alleged Iranian spy. Sometime during their year-long romance, one night after having a few drinks too many, she told him an amazing story: that one of the 27 Mossad agents who assassinated Mahmoud al-Mabouh escaped from Dubai to Canada:
Passport Canada secretly supplied a new identity and passport to a Mossad agent living in Canada after the Israeli spy participated in the 2010 plot to kill a leader of terrorist group Hamas in a Dubai hotel…
I’ve confirmed that the story is accurate through my own Israeli source. When asked, he said it would be fruitless even to try to deny it since the story came straight from the horse’s mouth (Canadian intelligence). There are many astonishing aspects of this story. First, in light of Israel cloning passports of dual citizens of nations like France, Ireland, Australia and the UK, it didn’t even have to take the trouble with Canada. That nation perpetrated the identity fraud on Israel’s behalf. Can you imagine a country creating a fake identity for an intelligence agent of a foreign country? It beggars belief. Second, this means that Canada doesn’t tolerate the presence of Mossad agents on its soil, it welcomes them. A country like the U.S. begrudgingly accepts that Israel is the third most intensive intelligence presence inside the U.S.. But not Canada. It’s motto is the old Monty Hall shout-out to the TV prize winner: “come on down!”[...]