Det Orwellska psyko-samhället i USA släpar en 16-årig flicka och s.k. "barn" inför rätta för en rad barnporr-brott. Brotten består i att "barnet" postat några bilder av sig själv, utan tillräckligt med kläder, på webben..:)
Det framgår inte av informationen hittills om bilderna varit från en familjebadstrand eller om de haft medveten sexuell karaktär, men logiken i åtalets beskrivning bevisar tesen att det finns väldigt många psykopater inom rättsväsendet i USA (också).
Tjejen som var 16 år begick enligt rättsväsendet i USA barnporr-brott mestadels mot sig själv och åtalas för detta.
Eftersom flickan bara är 16 år när hon begår brottet, så blir straffet sannolikt något mildare än för vuxna, vilket betyder att det blir antagligen något statligt tvångsprogram för omprogrammering av tidigare beteende.
...Men om tjejen varit 18 år och postat bilder på sig själv utan kläder, som hon själv tagit när hon var17 år, så kunde hon tydligtvis ha dömts till ett väldigt långt fängelsestraff i USA?
Enligt nuvarande åtal så borde det ju faktiskt vara så..?

Teen girl on child porn charge over nude selfies
***RT 2014-02-09
A 16-year-old Virginia girl was charged with a child porn felony for tweeting her own naked pictures.
The girl, whose name has not been revealed, was charged as a juvenile with "possession, reproduction, distribution, solicitation and facilitation of child pornography," Stephanie Williams-Ortery of James City County Police told the Huffington Post.
"The young lady acknowledged that she had posted the pictures of herself [and] the mother acknowledged that the photos were of her daughter," the officer said.
It’s not clear how many lewd pictures are involved in the case, but they were posted sometime around January 30. The police were warned by an anonymous tip.
Being a juvenile, the girl is not required to register as a sex offender under Virginia law. But she would have to comply with a court order, which is likely to tell her and her parents to take a sexting education program.
Some people in the community don’t agree with the harsh charge brought against the teen, according to local broadcaster WAVY.
“- I don’t think she should be charged with child pornography, because she is a child herself, but if she was 18 or older of course,” said one local parent, Emily Altman.
“That is distributing,child pornography?”
...said another parent, Dometre Mobley. “She is a child, I don’t know what to think of that really.”

-Man Who Lobbied For Law To Make Carrying Firearms To Schools A Felony Arrested For Bringing Gun To School-
SvaraRaderaFerguson, 52, told WGRZ-TV that he frequently carries the gun, for which he has a permit, and did not realize he had it on him when he went to the school as part of the mentoring program.[...]
--Two-thirds of US military sex-abuse perpetrators in Japan 'not incarcerated'--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: February 09, 2014
Most perpetrators of sex crimes at US military bases in Japan have not been going to prison for their offenses. Instead, they've received punishments including demotions, fines, or even just a letter of reprimand, Freedom of Information documents reveal.
Over 1,000 records acquired by AP paint a “disturbing” picture of how allegations have been handled. The news agency said the process “verged on the chaotic.” Reports of sex crimes filed between 2005 and 2013 showed that only one-third of 244 service members who warranted some form of punishment were incarcerated.
In 30 cases, a letter of reprimand was the only consequence of the allegation.
However, there were discrepancies between the different military branches, with inconsistencies apparent between how sex crime accusations were treated in the Marines and the Air Force.
The Marines sent 53 out of 270 sex offenders to prison, marking a sharp contrast with the number of jail sentences in the Navy - where only 15 out of 203 offenders were given jail time. Some 70 other Navy personnel received a court-martial or another form of punishment.
The Air Force only sent 21 out of 124 sex offenders to prison, making the military branch the most lax when it comes to issuing appropriate punishments.
Two specific cases were cited in the documents. Two service members overseen by the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing alleged they had been sexually abused after a night out. They had evidence to back their claims. One suspect was given six years behind bars, while the other was merely incarcerated at his base for 30 days.
--‘Systematic torture’: Dossier accusing UK politicians of Iraq war crimes goes to ICC--