söndag 23 februari 2014

USA: Uniformerad polis försökte inte rädda döende trafikoffer - tittade på, trots rop på hjälp

En uniformerad poliskvinna i USA försökte inte omgående rädda två allvarligt skadade och döende trafikoffer. Händelsen fångades via polisbilens kamera...
Polisen på bilden  tycker uppenbarligen att det är viktigare att åskådare inte heller hjälper samtidigt som trafikoffer har hjärtstillestånd. En civilpolis, som försökte hjälpa de skadade, ropade upprepade gånger att poliskvinnan kunde göra mer än att bara stå och se extremt dum ut...(video)

Police Officer Failed To Render Aid For Dying Crash Victims

informationliberation Video Publicerad den 8 feb 2014
A Florida police officer is under fire for failing to help dying car crash victims — and it was all caught on tape by a dashboard camera.

Off-duty Miami Police Sergeant Javier Ortiz came upon the car crash scene that ended up killing two University of Miami graduate students, Ying Chen and Hao Liu, according to WFOR-TV.

With medical equipment in his car, Ortiz jumped into action to try and help the victims.

“I immediately started CPR on the female. It was just me. I had no one to work on the male and I was waiting for help to arrive,” Ortiz told WFOR.

Authorities did arrive but it was the help part that was still missing.

Pinecrest Officer Ana Carrasco arrived on the scene shortly afterward. According to WFOR-TV, Ortiz directed her to work on trying to resuscitate the man.

“- I got no response. 
- She just stood there,” told the news station.

Dashcam footage shows Carrasco not moving in to help as well. She does wave some bystanders back but for the most part was not seen within the dashcam’s field of view helping in any way.

Watch WFOR-TV’s report (Content warning: some images might be considered disturbing):

“- I said it again and again and again,” Ortiz said.

“- There were people, civilians, yelling at her to please do something and she did absolutely nothing.”


USA: Uniformerad polis försökte inte rädda döende trafikoffer - tittade på, trots rop på hjälp

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