söndag 23 februari 2014

USA: Joggande tjej arresterad för "joggning mot röd gubbe" - handbojad, ofredad av 4 poliser

2014-02-21.USA. - En ung joggande tjej som var ute på sitt dagliga träningspass, arresterades för "joggning mot röd gubbe" och för att inte omgående ha visat ID för polisstatens företrädare. (aka jaywalking & failure to identify’.) Det behövdes 4 stycken "välmatade" s.k. poliser för att handboja, terrorisera och slutligen föra bort den unga späda kvinnan. - Naturligtvis skedde ingripandet som vanligt " för hennes egen trygghet", såklart...

Jogger Arrested for Jaywalking, ‘Failure to identify’

- Four cops needed to subdue female jogger

Adan Salazar Infowars.comFebruary 21, 2014
Footage capturing an aggressive arrest by Austin police of a non-violent jaywalker yesterday near the University of Texas campus is spurring outrage.

Witnesses say a jogger wearing headphones ran past an officer and was quickly subdued for jaywalking. She was later arrested for failing to produce identification.

“I was sitting at the Starbucks at 24th and San Antonio,” one witness told The Daily Texan. “Then I hear a cop shout at an innocent girl jogging through West Campus with her headphones on.”

“She repeatedly pleaded with them, saying that she was just exercising and to let her go,” the witness said.

The woman jogger, who looked to weigh no more than 110 pounds, apparently required four burly APD officers, two on bikes, unashamed about being caught on camera as the scene played out in broad daylight in full public view, to place her in the back of a squad car.

In footage of the incident, the woman can be heard saying, “I did nothing wrong,” and “I was crossing the street,” to which the person filming the event acknowledges, “I saw you.”

“- I didn’t do anything wrong.

- I didn’t do anything wrong,” the woman screams as she’s placed in the back of a squad car.

“- I didn’t fucking do anything wrong.

- I just crossed the street.”

 The photo above depicts the pain being inflicted on the woman during the arrest stemming from the punishing position officers are holding her hands, an awkward extended and high-behind-her-back contortion.

 The torturous pose is reminiscent of a notorious 2012 Austin arrest in which officers manhandled a female passenger of a vehicle after she gave her friend advice about not having to submit to a sobriety test.

Ex-marine and activist Antonio Buehler documented the incident and was also later arrested himself after one cop claimed he spit in his face, an allegation Buehler vehemently denies.
In the jogger’s case, APD spokespersons told the Texan officers “proactively” patrol the area around the UT campus conducting overall pedestrian and bike safety enforcement, but that there was no specific initiative in place to target jaywalkers.

This is just one more example of how the police state apparatus is encroaching on the private lives of citizens and more activities are becoming regarded as thought crimes, with everyone being guilty until proven innocent.

Women Arrested On 24th Street After Crossing Intersection In Austin, Texas 22 Feb 2014

Publicerad den 21 feb 2014
City police officers arrested a woman around 10:45 a.m. Thursday for failing to provide identification after she was stopped near the intersection of 24th an.

Women Arrested On 24th Street After Crossing Intersection In Austin, Texas - 22 Feb 2014 A female jogger out for a run in Austin, Texas, Thursday was arrested.
Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, in response to the deluge of negative press over the incident, issued a statement Friday defending the officers and saying they “had cause to detain & arrest.

“Thank you, lord, that it is a controversy in Austin, Texas — that we actually have the audacity to touch somebody by the arm and tell them, ‘Oh my goodness Austin police we’re trying to get your attention’,”

Acevedo said in a statement published in the Austin American Statesman, ignorant of the fact that if a citizen touched a cop in this manner it would be deemed “assault.”

After reviewing audio and video reports, the police chief said he also thought 24-year-old jogger Amanda Jo Stephen’s “limp routine” was an act.

“She did the limp routine, and in 28 years of law enforcement, I can tell you it happens all the time,” Acevedo said, according to the Statesman. “Quite frankly she wasn’t charged with resisting and she’s lucky I wasn’t the arresting officer because I wouldn’t have been as generous.”

One of the witnesses, Chris Quintero, who also photographed the event and blogged about it, told the Statesman he thought Stephen could have handled it better. “Looking at the video it was not too bad,”

Quintero stated. “Up until that point, I think (officers were) a little excessive. … But (Stephen) started yelling and making commotion. I think she handled it poorly.”

Image credit: Youtube, Chris Quintero, The Daily Texan


USA: Joggande tjej arresterad för "joggning mot röd gubbe" - handbojad, ofredad av 4 poliser

1 kommentar:

  1. -Slave Patrol in Austin, Texas Abducts a Female Jogger-

    2014-02-23. informationliberation

    The first government-licensed police agencies in America were 18th century slave patrols, which were authorized to arrest both fugitive slaves and “disorderly” people of all descriptions.

    Historian Philip L. Reichel recalls that slave patrols “had full power and authority to enter any plantation and break open Negro houses or other places where slaves were suspected of keeping arms … to punish runaways or slaves found outside their masters’ plantations without a pass … [and] to whip any slave who should affront or abuse them in the execution of their duties….”

    Reichel points out that in 1778, the Georgia slave patrol’s duties were expanded to include arresting “all white persons who cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves and carry them before a Justice of the Peace to be dealt with as is directed by the Vagrant Act.”

    From its inception, American “law enforcement” has been in the business of harassing harmless people, demanding that they present their “papers,” and violently abducting them if they cannot give a proper “accounting” of themselves to those who presumed to own them. Victims of 18th century slave patrols might be mystified by the accoutrements of contemporary police, astounded by the technology they can employ in the service of official coercion, and horrified by their capacity for unprovoked violence, often of the lethal variety. But they would recognize their role to be largely indistinguishable from that of the “patter-rollers” used to round up human beings who decided to flee from captivity.

    Once it’s understood that contemporary police are the direct descendants of 18th and 19th century slave patrols, spectacles like the one that unfolded yesterday in Austin, Texas make perfect sense.




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