Publicerad den 5 feb 2014
It's emerged that the Afghan government has been holding secret talks with Taliban officials - to try and tackle the country's volatility. Publicerad den 5 feb 2014
Discussions took place three weeks ago in Dubai, but reportedly achieved little - although Afghan officials remain confident they will eventually bear fruit. The US has voiced its support - despite Washington having spent billions of dollars and ten years fighting Taliban militants there. And, there's the ongoing wrangling over America's role in Afghanistan beyond 2014. Marina Portnaya looks at what's been achieved after a decade of war.
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/olj5fe
Afghanistans opiumskördar slog alla rekord 2013!
Avslöjat: - Talibanerna var över 40 gånger bättre på narkotikabekämpning än NATO och USA...

Opium farmers in Afghanistan are expecting a record harvest this year - bringing huge profits for warlords and heroin traffickers.
Poppy production continues to spread at a staggering pace, with some growers claiming government officials are taking a cut from the lucrative business.
Facit av 10 års krig i Afghanistan: Opiumet flödar och Talibanerna starkare än någonsin
-Pentagon Leads PR Campaign to Counter Critical Inspector General Reports on Afghanistan-
SvaraRaderaAll Gov February 06, 2014
Frustrated by numerous reports criticizing U.S. spending in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense has launched a public relations campaign aimed at countering the work of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). That watchdog agency is charged with overseeing the military’s $96.5 billion reconstruction program in Afghanistan.
John Sopko, the head of SIGAR, has upset military commanders by frequently reporting on million-dollar programs that haven’t panned out or failed to account for missing American tax dollars.
One recent example involved a hospital in northeastern Afghanistan costing $600,000 that lacked adequate water, sewer, electrical, and heating systems—and was vulnerable to collapsing in an earthquake, according to SIGAR.
The U.S. military countered SIGAR’s report by issuing a news release that praised the hospital and even rejected some of the critical findings.
Somehow, the military came to these conclusions even though the Army hadn’t inspected the hospital in months because the insurgency made the area too dangerous to visit.
In addition to putting out press releases, the military has crafted an in-house strategy for dealing with SIGAR’s negative reports. This plan was revealed in a slide presentation, a copy of which was obtained by USA Today, that stated the goal was to “[build] the right combination of ammunition to achieve desired effects on a specified target.”[...]