Närmare 30 000 djurvänner från hela världen hade i förväg skrivit under en petition där de bad om att Danmark skulle skona den unga friska giraffens liv, men ledningen för Zoo hade andra planer...
Enligt en talesman för Zoo i Köpenhamn så arrangerades den offentliga dissekeringen av giraff-liket inför barnfamiljerna i utbildningssyfte.
- Bra jobbat danska pojkar & flickor! Nästa vecka ses vi på på bårhuset för vidareutbildning!
...OBS, glöm inte att ta med barnen och en motorsåg..:)??
Publicerad den 10 feb 2014
Marius the giraffe is dissected at Copenhagen zoo. Publicerad den 10 feb 2014
WARNING: - Some viewers may find these images disturbing.
-Vad tyckte djurvännerna efteråt??
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Outrage as giraffe killed, dissected, fed to lions in front of kids at Copenhagen Zoo
***RT 2014-02-10
A Danish zoo has publicly killed and dissected a young giraffe “to avoid inbreeding” and “educate” children on its anatomy. The move, which came despite a massive petition and several offers to save the animal, has sparked public anger and death threats.
The 18-month-old giraffe named Marius was shot in the head on Sunday at Copenhagen Zoo, ending the hopes of more than 27,000 animal lovers who had signed a petition urging the zoo’s staff to spare his life.
The reason for killing the perfectly healthy young animal? His genes were too common to be “included in the genetic chain without causing inbreeding problems” within the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), according to Bengt Holst, the zoo’s scientific director.
EAZA supported the zoo’s decision in a statement, saying that it is sometimes necessary for some of the animals to be “humanely euthanized” in order to ensure a healthy, genetically diverse future population.
However, many questioned if the killing of the giraffe and what followed afterwards could be considered “humane.” Following the fatal shot, visitors – including children – were invited to watch the animal be dissected and skinned. His internal organs were exhibited for about three hours.
Fed to the lions
The giraffe’s remains were then fed to carnivorous animals at the zoo, including lions.
The zoo apparently wanted to kill two birds with one stone, as its staff “would never throw away 200 kilograms of meat,” Holst was quoted as saying. A lethal injection – which critics say would have been a more humane form of death – would have spoiled the meat of the animal, he explained.
Moreover, Holst rejected the notion that any of the children were unsettled by the carnage, saying that they instead were “very enthusiastic” and “fascinated” by the process. Some photos from the scene indeed showed several children filming the dissected animal on their smartphones. [...]


RT 2014-02-13
A second Danish zoo has said it may have to kill one of its healthy male giraffes just four days after a Copenhagen zoo publically slaughtered and skinned its 18-months-old Marius despite international outrage and offers to rehome the animal.
A second Danish zoo has said it may have to kill one of its healthy male giraffes just four days after a Copenhagen zoo publically slaughtered and skinned its 18-months-old Marius despite international outrage and offers to rehome the animal.
Jyllands Park Zoo in western Denmark said that it might have to
put down its seven-year-old giraffe – whose name, by coincidence,
is also Marius – since his genes make him unsuitable for
breeding. The zoo also has a younger male called Elmer, and plans
to acquire a female to eventually mate them.
“We can't keep [Marius] if we get a female, because then we
would have two males that would fight with each other,” zoo
keeper Janni Loejtved Poulsen told AFP on Thursday.
Unluckily for Marius, he is a hybrid and is less of a priority
for breeders because his genes are already represented in the
European Endangered Species Program (EEP), which the Jyllands
Park joined about a year ago. Elmer, a purebred male that arrived
at the zoo last April, is considered a higher priority by the
“We have received one male giraffe that is highly ranked
genetically, and it's up to the breeding coordinator when they
have another purebred giraffe for us,” Poulsen said.
Marius’s fate will depend on whether the European organization
manages to find him a new home, but chances are not very high.[...]
Läs också: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Tasteless%3F
-Det har verkligen inte varit något bra år för världens djur på Zoo...
Syrienrebeller blev hungriga - åt upp lejon på Damaskus Zoo
2013-12-01. - Vad är det egentligen med rebellerna och deras matvanor? För ett tag sedan så käkade en rebell upp hjärtat på en stupad fiende.
Nu har bilder börjat cirkulera på webben där hungriga Syrienrebeller
slaktar ett lejon, på Al-Qarya al-Shama Zoo, i Damaskus. Är det kanske
dags för USA & väst att börja skicka mat istället för vapen till
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