När 17-åringen istället själv sprang till polisstationen för att försöka hitta någon vettig människa som kunde hjälpa henne så handbojades och arresterades flickan ...
Uppladdad den 7 maj 2009
http://VoxRoxx.com :: http://VoxNexus.com -Whichever way you look at it, the operator's (cop's) behaviour was completely out of order and a disgrace!
Emergency operators and cops are, after all, supossed to be professional and trained to handle (not to mention, sympathise with) stressed out callers - who in many cases, are calling for HELP due to a life or death situation!!!
Absolutely AMAZING!

Läs också: SOS-Alarms Dåliga Dagar
USA: 17-åring arresterad för svordom till polis - när hon försökte få ambulans till sin döende far
--Bribed with cash, prostitutes: Navy officers arrested in massive contractor fraud scheme--
SvaraRaderaRT: October 21, 2013
Two senior Naval officers have been arrested in what is being billed as the worst scandal to hit the US Navy in years.
The officers – US Navy Commander Michael Vannak Khem Misiewicz and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Supervisory Special Agent John Bertrand Beliveau II – are accused of accepting bribes from the CEO of Singapore-based Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd. in exchange for preferential treatment regarding contracts, as well as for tipping the company off to federal fraud investigations.
The CEO of Glenn Defense Marine, Leonard Glenn Francis, was arrested last month in San Diego, CA along with another company official after federal investigators set up a sham meeting with Navy officials.
According to federal prosecutors, Misiewicz directed Navy ships to certain ports where Glenn Defense Marine could overcharge the Navy for maintenance services. CBS News reported that maintenance for one ship, the aircraft carrier Stennis, cost the Navy $2.7 million, which is about double the average price charged by other ports.
Since 2011, Glenn Defense Marine has been awarded more than $200 million Navy contracts. The company has been working with the Navy for more than two decades.
In exchange for informing Glenn Marine of the Navy’s movements, Misiewicz was reportedly gifted with all-expense paid trips for him and his family, prostitutes, cash, luxury hotel rooms, and tickets to shows such as “The Lion King” and Lady Gaga concerts.[...]