Två amerikanska 11-åringar arresterades och kommer enligt uppgifter sannolikt att åtalas via USA:s domstolar, på ungefär samma sätt som vuxna. De blir sedan inskrivna i diverse brottsregister. Barnen hade en orange leksakspistol i plast med sig skolan, troligtvis för att för att leka cowboys & indianer med...
Two 11-Year Old Boys Juvenile Criminal Charges For Bringing A Toy Gun To School
2014-02-21 informationliberationZero tolerance weapons policies at schools continue to be ridiculous. Between Pop Tarts bitten into gun-like shapes and drawings of guns being treated as severely as the real thing, schools enforcing these policies (forced on them by the government's decision to tie funding to weapons policies) have slid into cartoonish parody of discipline.
In news that should come as a surprise to almost no one, two eleven-year old boys at a Flint, MI school were arrested and charged after bringing a toy gun to school. (via The Blaze)
Two Doyle-Ryder Elementary School students were arrested Wednesday after a “toy gun” was found at the school.
The two male students were arrested on disorderly conduct charges about 8:45 a.m., Feb. 5, at the school at 1040 N. Saginaw St., according to a Flint police report. The boys were released to their parents. The boys are now facing charges of disturbing the peace being brought by the county prosecutor. His statement seems to indicate he's filing charges as part of his ad hoc "scared straight" program rather than as a result of any danger they posed to their school.
Leyton says whether it's a real gun or a toy gun - this is still a serious matter.
"It's always your concern that a young person can get his hands on a real gun and bring it to school. There is no reason to bring a gun to school.
Bringing a gun, even if it's a toy gun, to school causes all sorts of chaos and I think these youngsters need to be brought into the courthouse and we need to get their attention so that's what we're going to do," he said. Because fake guns are real guns in the eyes of the school and the county prosecutor.
And any child that can't see the difference needs to have it "brought to their attention" via criminal charges.
No one involved in this incident seems to know exactly what sort of gun was being wielded by the students. Police called it a "toy gun." Superintendent Larry Watkins "believed" it was a BB gun.
- Prosecutor David Leyton simply described the gun as "orange and plastic." He also noted it was "inoperable."
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