onsdag 26 februari 2014

USA: "Poliserna fortsatte misshandeln långt efter den oskyldige obeväpnade mannen dött"

Uppföljning till artikeln från 18:e februari, om familjefadern som blev ihjälslagen av ett gäng poliser.
Familjen till mannen på bilden (under poliserna), Luis Rodriguez, som misshandlades till döds, har släppt videoinspelningen av händelsen. (Videon konfiskerades först av polisen.) Enligt familjens advokat så fortsatte misshandeln långt efter att Luis Rodriguez  var död...(video)

The footage shows five exhausted officers pinning a handcuffed man face down to the ground in the parking lot of the Moore Warren Movie Theater in Moore, Okla., while his wife is heard begging police to stop.

Report: Cops Continued Beating Dead, Unarmed Suspect

Family releases raw cellphone footage of man dying in police custody
Adan Salazar Infowars.com February 25, 2014  
The lawyer for a family whose patriarch died after a one-sided confrontation with police says officers may have continued beating the man even after he was already dead. The attorney’s remarks come as outrageous new raw footage documenting the last moments of the man’s life is released.  

The footage shows five exhausted officers pinning a handcuffed man face down to the ground in the parking lot of the Moore Warren Movie Theater in Moore, Okla., while his wife is heard begging police to stop.

Police say the man who died, 44-year-old Luis Rodriguez, was confrontational when they approached to question him concerning a call for a domestic disturbance, however, the family’s attorney, Michael Brooks-Jimenez, says Rodriguez was not involved in the initial dispute.

Officers next pepper sprayed, beat, then proceeded to handcuff Rodriguez, possibly after he had already died, Brooks-Jimenez asserts. “He was not involved in the disturbance. However, when police came, they focused their attention on Luis.

Taking him face down onto the pavement, pepper-spraying his mouth, nose and eyes and putting the weight of five grown men on top of him, and then handcuffing him as he was unconscious or already dead,” the Rodriguez family lawyer said. “Luis committed no crime.

He wasn’t armed. No gun. No knife. No weapon of any kind. But Luis was the one who lost his life that night,” Brooks-Jimenez adds.

In the video, fatigued officers cease a five-person dog pile to reveal a limp Rodriguez, whose lifeless body police attempt to prop up to save face.

“Papa! Is he OK?,” 

Rodriguez’s wife cries out as he’s loaded on to a stretcher.
“- He doesn’t move. He doesn’t move!
- You kill him!
- You kill him!
- You killed my husband!
- Please somebody tell me that he’s alive!”
Meanwhile, a few of the participating officers can be overheard lobbing threats, saying she could “get herself in trouble” if she didn’t comply with their orders.

Three of the five officers have reportedly been placed on administrative leave while the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigations look into the matter. As of yet, there is no lawsuit pending and the theater’s surveillance footage has yet to be released.

Autopsy results are also pending. Though the footage is powerful, video evidence showing officers committing essentially murder is no longer necessarily enough for a conviction, as seen recently in the aquittal of two officers involved in the death of homeless man Kelly Thomas.
***  ***  

USA: - 5 Poliser slog ihjäl familjefar vid biograf - "misshandlades till ett blodigt köttstycke"

RT 2014-02-17. Efter en mindre familjedispyt på en biograf mellan en mor och hennes 17-åriga dotter, under familjens firande av alla hjärtans dag, så lämnade mamman biografen. Fadern i familjen skyndade då efter sin hustru för att hon inte skulle köra iväg i ilska från platsen...
...Här kommer USA:s poliskår in i bilden och "hjälper till" att lösa problemet. Lite enare är familjefadern död, brutalt misshandlad till döds av 5 poliser...

USA: "Poliserna fortsatte misshandeln långt efter den oskyldige obeväpnade mannen dött"

1 kommentar:

  1. --Video Released Of Unarmed Man Killed By Police In Front Of His Family--

    2014-02-26. Chris | InformationLiberation

    Newly released video shows police pull a "Weekend at Bernie's" with the lifeless body of a father beat to death in front of his family by police angry he didn't immediately show them his ID. Luis Rodriguez was in an argument with his wife outside a movie theater over her hitting his daughter, police were called as a result.

    After Luis allegedly failed to ID himself, police claim he showed some level of resistance, to which they responded by beating him to death.

    The police confiscated his wife's cell phone with video as "evidence" but her attorney got a hold of it and just released it to the public.

    The video does not show the police's beating, only them pinning down his lifeless body, then toying with it like it's the movie "Weekend at Bernie's," assuring his panicked wife and daughter he's not dead.




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