2014-02-17. - Det är inte längre bara döda fåglar som faller ner från skyn. Den senaste tiden har även ett antal bankirer gjort samma bedrift...
Alternativ media har under den senaste veckan rapporterat att 5 högprofilerade bankirer plötsligt dött, flertalet genom ytterst märkliga "självmord." Maxkeiser.com lade den 16:s februari ut en artikel om att siffran i verkligheten kanske är mycket högre.
- Enligt Max och andra källor så har ett 20-tal bankirer dött under de senaste veckorna...
Text från maxkeiser.com 2014-02-16
Alternativ media har under den senaste veckan rapporterat att 5 högprofilerade bankirer plötsligt dött, flertalet genom ytterst märkliga "självmord." Maxkeiser.com lade den 16:s februari ut en artikel om att siffran i verkligheten kanske är mycket högre.
- Enligt Max och andra källor så har ett 20-tal bankirer dött under de senaste veckorna...
Text från maxkeiser.com 2014-02-16
The sudden rash of bankers expiring in mysterious ways has been well documented. Jim Willie revealed last week that we are seeing bankers removed who are on the verge of revealing big data details on FOREX bank fraud.
News of the latest JPM banker to be found dead (Ryan Crane, the Executive Director of JPM’s Global Equities Group) went viral after European banking source V claimed that Crane & the JPM London banker who fell from the top of JPM’s London HQ last week “knew each other & had uncovered something“.
If the bombshell news the investigative journalists at Infowars have just released is accurate, it appears that the number of bankers found dead in the past several weeks has now swelled to over 20, and includes a slew of mid-level bankers as well as the top level execs that have been chronicalized on SD.
Gerald Celente & Alex Jones discuss the news that the number of dead bankers has now reached 20:
News of the latest JPM banker to be found dead (Ryan Crane, the Executive Director of JPM’s Global Equities Group) went viral after European banking source V claimed that Crane & the JPM London banker who fell from the top of JPM’s London HQ last week “knew each other & had uncovered something“.
If the bombshell news the investigative journalists at Infowars have just released is accurate, it appears that the number of bankers found dead in the past several weeks has now swelled to over 20, and includes a slew of mid-level bankers as well as the top level execs that have been chronicalized on SD.
Gerald Celente & Alex Jones discuss the news that the number of dead bankers has now reached 20:
The sudden rash of bankers expiring in mysterious ways has been well documented. Jim Willie revealed last week that we are seeing bankers removed who are on the verge of revealing big data details on FOREX bank fraud.
News of the latest JPM banker to be found dead (Ryan Crane, the Executive Director of JPM’s Global Equities Group) went viral after European banking source V claimed that Crane & the JPM London banker who fell from the top of JPM’s London HQ last week “knew each other & had uncovered something“.
If the bombshell news the investigative journalists at Infowars have just released is accurate, it appears that the number of bankers found dead in the past several weeks has now swelled to over 20, and includes a slew of mid-level bankers as well as the top level execs that have been chronicalized on SD.
Gerald Celente & Alex Jones discuss the news that the number of dead bankers has now reached 20:
Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/02/alert-at-least-20-bankers-now-dead/#WytS7voFm69dJWzf.99
News of the latest JPM banker to be found dead (Ryan Crane, the Executive Director of JPM’s Global Equities Group) went viral after European banking source V claimed that Crane & the JPM London banker who fell from the top of JPM’s London HQ last week “knew each other & had uncovered something“.
If the bombshell news the investigative journalists at Infowars have just released is accurate, it appears that the number of bankers found dead in the past several weeks has now swelled to over 20, and includes a slew of mid-level bankers as well as the top level execs that have been chronicalized on SD.
Gerald Celente & Alex Jones discuss the news that the number of dead bankers has now reached 20:
Read more at http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/02/alert-at-least-20-bankers-now-dead/#WytS7voFm69dJWzf.99
Publicerad den 12 feb 2014
Trends Forecaster: Proof the Markets are Rigged. At least five top level bankers have "fallen" to their deaths from high-rises in just the last two weeks. Are the worlds Stock Markets, Currency Exchanges and Interest Rates all rigged? Gerald Celente brings the facts from the news to the table.www.TrendsJournal.com - Official Gerald Celente channels: "Gcelente" & "TrendsJournal".

I RT:s video undertill från 17:e februari, så talas det om att 5 stycken högprofilerade bankarbetare på den globala finansscenen har begått "självmord" bara under den senaste veckan. Tillfälligheter, kosmisk rättvisa eller är det personalstädning på gång i bankirernas korrupta värld..?
Publicerad den 17 feb 2014
There's been a string of bizarre deaths in the globe's financial circles. In the past few weeks five high-profile bankers have died - all from apparent suicides. RT's Tesa Arcilla investigates.***
- Läs vidare om döda bankirer i:
15 February 2014: I feel that this is one of the most important investigations I’ve ever done. If my findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes, and the end of the financial world as we once knew it. The evidence to support my findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance.
If the bodies were dots on a piece of paper, connecting them results in a sinister picture being drawn that involves global criminal activity in the financial world the likes of which is almost without precedent. It should serve as a warning that we are at the precipice of something so big, it will shake the financial world as we know it to its core. It seems to illustrate the complicity of big banks and governments, the intelligence community, and the media.
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/exposing-what-lies-beneath-the-bodies-of-dead-bankers-and-what-lies-ahead-for-us_022014#sthash.hx9CLZw2.dpuf
15 February 2014: - I feel that this is one of the most important investigations I’ve ever done.If the bodies were dots on a piece of paper, connecting them results in a sinister picture being drawn that involves global criminal activity in the financial world the likes of which is almost without precedent. It should serve as a warning that we are at the precipice of something so big, it will shake the financial world as we know it to its core. It seems to illustrate the complicity of big banks and governments, the intelligence community, and the media.
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/exposing-what-lies-beneath-the-bodies-of-dead-bankers-and-what-lies-ahead-for-us_022014#sthash.hx9CLZw2.dpuf
If my findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes, and the end of the financial world as we once knew it.
The evidence to support my findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance.
If the bodies were dots on a piece of paper, connecting them results in a sinister picture being drawn that involves global criminal activity in the financial world the likes of which is almost without precedent. It should serve as a warning that we are at the precipice of something so big, it will shake the financial world as we know it to its core.
- It seems to illustrate the complicity of big banks and governments, the intelligence community, and the media.[...]
LÄS VIDARE: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/exposing-what-lies-beneath-the-bodies-of-dead-bankers-and-what-lies-ahead-for-us_022014

JP Morgan Executive Becomes 5th Banker to Die in Last 2 Weeks
Infowars.com February 12, 2014
Some fear spate of deaths linked to imminent financial crisis.
Two weeks after the suicide of a JP Morgan banker who jumped to his death from the top of a building, another of the firm’s employees has died, with 37-year-old Ryan Henry Crane becoming the 5th banker fatality in just the last few weeks alone.
Crane was an Executive Director in JPM’s Global Program Trading desk based in New York and had been with the firm for 14 years.
Few details have been released concerning the nature of his death, with reports merely stating that Crane is survived by his wife and son.
“We can only hope this disturbing chain of deaths within the financial industry – one of which involved a nail-gun induced suicide – is purely accidental,” writes Zero Hedge. [...]
Publicerad den 19 feb 2014
Publicerad den 20 feb 2014 av: DudeLoveAndLight
This is a clip edited from the Keiser Report, where Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the recent rash of Banker deaths.
5 högprofilerade medarbetare till elitbankirerna döda på 1 vecka - 20 döda på kort tid...
Vidareläsning: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/BANKER
--Iranian bank sues UK govt $4 billion for sanctions--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: February 17, 2014
The biggest private bank in Iran is suing the UK government for $4 billion, according to a claim filed in London’s high court. The Brits imposed sanctions on the bank over alleged links to Iran’s controversial nuclear program.
Bank Mellat has asked for compensation over the impact of the sanctions, which it has deemed a “significant pecuniary loss” and has caused substantial reputational damage, reads the document seen by Reuters on Monday.
The bank alleges that the UK government has also been successful in encouraging other authorities to place their own sanctions on the bank, prompting a decline in banking relationships and the loss of both profitable business and customers. The bank lost international business, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“[Bank Mellat] doesn't want to be in any way vindictive, it just wants justice,” said Bank Mellat's lawyer, Sarosh Zaiwalla.
A UK Treasury spokesperson declined to comment, as the case remains ongoing.
Last June, Britain’s high court made a ruling that sanctions imposed on the bank in 2009 were illegal, “disproportionate” and “irrational” as the treasury had singled out the specific bank, which itself is not a state-owned institution. Additionally, there was no evidence whatsoever that the bank had contributed financial aid to Iran’s nuclear program. [...]
det sippras info att mord patruller är på gång mot kända pedofilringar, överrepresenterade oligarker och överbliven korruption etc.
SvaraRaderaNya krig som vi ska betala för.
--Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps to His Death--
SvaraRaderaFebruary 19, 2014
Source: SCMP
An investment banker at JP Morgan jumped to his death from the roof of the bank's headquarters in Central yesterday.
Witnesses said the man went to the roof of the 30-storey Chater House in the heart of Hong Kong's central business district and, despite attempts to talk him down, jumped to his death.
Out of respect for those involved, we cannot yet comment further. Our thoughts and sympathy are with the family that's involved at this difficult time
JP Morgan spokesman
Shocked witness said the 33-year-old - believed to be a junior-level employee at the bank - climbed onto the roof shortly after lunchtime.
Police said a man was found in a dangerous position on the roof of Chater House on Connaught Road Central at about 2pm. He threw himself off the building before emergency crews arrived.
Another Sudden Death of JPMorgan Worker: 34-Year Old Jason Alan Salais
SvaraRaderaFebruary 24, 2014
Pam Martens and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade Reports:
On the evening of Sunday, December 15 of last year, six weeks before the onset of the latest rash of tragic deaths of young men in their 30s employed at JPMorgan, the Pearland, Texas police received a call of a person in distress outside a Walgreens pharmacy at 6122 Broadway in Pearland. The individual in distress was Jason Alan Salais, a 34-year old Information Technology specialist who had worked at JPMorgan Chase since May 2008.
A family member confirmed to Wall Street On Parade that Salais died of a heart attack on the same evening the report of distress went in to the police. The incidence of heart attack or myocardial infarction among men aged 20 to 39 is one half of one percent of the population, according to the National Center for Health Statistics and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, based on 2007 to 2010 data, marking this as another unusual death at JPMorgan.
A person identifying himself as Dave Steiner wrote the following about Salais in the online condolence book provided by the funeral home: “My condolences to your entire family at the sudden passing of Jason. When I had the pleasure of interviewing Jason to be a part of the team at J.P. Morgan back in 2008, it was clear to me within just a few short minutes that he was a man of character, intelligence, work ethic, kindness and integrity. In the years that followed, and until the sad news of this week, I was witness to his hard work, the friendships he built, stories of his beloved family and of course baseball…”
According to the LinkedIn profile for Salais, he was engaged in Client Technology Service “L3 Operate Support” and previously “FXO Operate L2 Support” at JPMorgan. Prior to joining JPMorgan in 2008, Salais had worked as a Client Software Technician at SunGard and a UNIX Systems Analyst at Logix Communications.[...]
-Another “Successful Banker” Found Dead-
SvaraRaderaZero Hedge
February 25, 2014
The dismal trail of dead bankers continues. As The Journal Star reports, a successful Lincoln businessman and member of a prominent local family died last week. Former National Bank of Commerce CEO James Stuart Jr. was found dead in Scottsdale, Ariz., the morning of Feb. 19. A family spokesman did not say what caused the death. This brings the total of banker deaths in recent weeks to 9 as Stuart is sadly survived by three sons and four daughters.
Mr Stuart’s background (via The Journal Star),
Stuart was a native of Lincoln and graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in Business Administration.
In 1969, Stuart joined Citibank in New York City and served as a loan officer until 1973, when he joined First Commerce Bancshares (then NBC Co.) as executive vice president.He was named president in 1976, chairman and CEO in 1978, and also became chairman and CEO of National Bank of Commerce in 1985. Stuart spent his life building the organization into an important business voice in Lincoln, friend and colleague Brad Korell said.
“He was a very successful banker,” said Korell, who worked with Stuart for more than 30 years. “I always felt that he was a visionary. He really did build one of the most successful and admired banking organizations in the Midwest.”
Stuart spent much of his career with First Commerce Bancshares, a $3 billion multi-bank holding company headquartered in Lincoln. First Commerce was sold to Wells Fargo in 2000.