Publicerad den 9 aug 2013
It's been two years since an earthquake and tsunami took down a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, but have any new regulations been installed to prevent future disasters? Paul Gunter, the director of the Reactor Oversight Project at Reactor.org, weighs in on all things nuclear with RT's Erin Ade.***
Disturbing thyroid cancer rise in Fukushima minors
RT 2013-08-21Six minors in Fukushima Prefecture who were 18 or younger at the time of the March 2011 nuclear disaster have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer since June. Ten other children are believed to have developed the same form of cancer in that time period.
The latest figures released by regional authorities brings the total number of children who have been diagnosed with or suspected of having cancer to 44, up from 28 as of June, The Asahi Shimbun national daily reports. Of the 44, 18 have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and 25 others are showing symptoms. Another child suspected of having cancer was later diagnosed with a benign tumor.
The prefectural government is giving medical checkups to all 360,000 children aged 18 or younger at the time of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011, with the thyroid test results of approximately 193,000 children having been released so far. The check-ups will continue throughout the duration of their lives.[...] ***
Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on the Fukushima leak emergency
Publicerad den 7 aug 2013
The Japanese Prime Minister has ordered the government to step in and help contain ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima power plant. Tepco - the company that runs the facility that was crippled in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake - has been unable to prevent contaminated groundwater from breaching a barrier and pouring into the ocean. Nuclear energy expert Malcolm Grimston joins RT to discuss this.Publicerad den 7 aug 2013
Fukushima leaking radioactive water for ‘2 years, 300 tons flowing into Pacific daily’

The rate at which contaminated water has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant is worse than thought before, an Industry Ministry official said as PM Shinzo Abe pledged to step up efforts to halt the crisis.
"We think that the volume of water is about 300 tons a day," said Yushi Yoneyama, an official with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, which regulates Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO).
Abe put the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in charge of the situation, while demanding that the plant's operator, TEPCO take the necessary steps to deal with the cleanup, which is anticipated to take more than 40 years at a cost of US$11 billion.
On Wednesday TEPCO confirmed the leak but refused to confirm the quantity being emitted from the plant.
"We are not currently able to say clearly how much groundwater is actually flowing into the ocean," Tokyo Electric Power spokesman Noriyuki Imaizumi told Reuters when asked for an estimate.
- Japanese authorities are working in crisis mode, attempting to assure the public both at home and abroad that the situation will not further deteriorate into a widespread environmental catastrophe.
Yoneyama said the government plans to reduce the leakage amount to 60 tons per day by as early as December, but given the Japanese government’s progress in the cleanup to date that goal may be difficult to achieve. Removing 300 tonnes of groundwater, however, would not necessarily halt leakage into the sea, he said.
The nuclear plant was severely damaged in an earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March 2011. About 90,000 people within a 20km radius of the plant were forced to evacuate their homes due to the possibility of a full-scale nuclear meltdown. [...]
Publicerad den 8 feb 2013
Scientists at GEOMAR have put
together this time lapse showing just how we are being affected by the
radiation levels in the pacific. More info can be found here: http://thegic.org/video/10-fukushima-..Publicerad den 8 feb 2013


Fukushima läcker ut 300 ton radioaktivt vatten om dagen - läckor under de senaste två åren
IP: August 08, 2013 07:00:43 AM
SvaraRaderaISP: TeliaSonera AB
Organization: Riksdagen
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Sjukligt intresse för döden 2 - Helenas JO-anmälan undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/01/sjukligt-intresse-for-doden-2-jo-anma..
IP: August 08, 2013 01:04:17 PM
ISP: TeliaSonera AB
Organization: Bonnier Digital Services AB
Landed: UNDER MATTAN undermattans.blogspot.se
IP: August 08, 2013 12:59:45 PM
ISP: TeliaSonera AB
Organization: Bonnier Digital Services AB
IP: August 08, 2013 10:52:32 AM
Organization: Forsakringskassan
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Kapten Klännings Perversa Liv
IP: August 08, 2013 08:05:07 AM
ISP: Boston University Boston Massachusetts
Host: cs-tor.bu.edu
Landed: undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/08/1984-dagen-deklarerad-4e-augusti-2013..------------------------------
IP: August 08, 2013 07:06:12 AM
ISP: Lockheed Information Technology Company
Host: proxy3f.external.lmco.com
Landed: undermattans.blogspot.com/2012/06/krig-och-flyktingar-2012.html
Detroit; USAs Fukushima. Snart är det hela USA som lär gå samma öde till mötes som Detroit. http://www.globalresearch.ca/tar-sands-hell-in-detroit/5345378
SvaraRaderaUtöver stora högar med "demokratiska kemiutsläpp" så finns det även fler länkar mellan Fukushima och USA, T.ex:
Radera--Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout--
Impact Seen As Roughly Comparable to Radiation-Related Deaths After Chernobyl; Infants Are Hardest Hit, With Continuing Research Showing Even Higher Possible Death Count.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, according to a major new article in the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services. This is the first peer-reviewed study published in a medical journal documenting the health hazards of Fukushima.
Authors Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman note that their estimate of 14,000 excess U.S. deaths in the 14 weeks after the Fukushima meltdowns is comparable to the 16,500 excess deaths in the 17 weeks after the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. The rise in reported deaths after Fukushima was largest among U.S. infants under age one.
The 2010-2011 increase for infant deaths in the spring was 1.8 percent, compared to a decrease of 8.37 percent in the preceding 14 weeks.
Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano, MPH MBA, said: "This study of Fukushima health hazards is the first to be published in a scientific journal. It raises concerns, and strongly suggests that health studies continue, to understand the true impact of Fukushima in Japan and around the world.[...]
[...]Unusual levels of radiation have been discovered in British Columbia, along the West Coast and East Coast of the United States and in Europe, and heavy contamination has been found in oceanic waters.
-Water leaks at Fukushima could contaminate entire Pacific Ocean-
SvaraRaderaRT August 08, 2013
Two and a half years after the Fukashima tragedy Japan does not want to admit how serious it is, but it is obvious the drastic environmental implications are to follow, Harvey Wasserman, journalist and advocate for renewable energy, told RT.
RT: Japanese officials have admitted a leak at Fukushima has been happening for two years and is worse than earlier thought. Why did it take so long to evaluate the actual repercussions of the tragedy and take decisive measures to tackle them?
HW: The Japanese authorities have been covering up the true depth of the disaster because they don’t want to embarrass themselves and the global nuclear industry and they are trying to open up another nuclear plant in Japan.
When the Japanese people now find out that the accident is worse than we thought and they have been leaking many tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean for almost two and a half years, this is a catastrophe. Tokyo Electric has no idea how to control this accident.
This is absolutely terrifying after two and a half years. To find out that these reactors have been out of control, now that they can’t control this they don’t know what’s going on. This is not a primitive backward country; this is Japan with advanced technology. It has very serious implications for nuclear power all over the world.[...]
-Pump and pray: Tepco might have to pour water on Fukushima wreckage forever-
SvaraRaderaRT August 07, 2013
Fukushima is a nightmare disaster area, and no one has the slightest idea what to do. The game is to prevent the crippled nuclear plant from turning into an “open-air super reactor spectacular” which would result in a hazardous, melted catastrophe.
On April 25, 2011 – one month after the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear plant and the anniversary of Chernobyl - I was interviewed by RT and asked to compare Chernobyl and Fukushima. The clip, which you can find on YouTube, was entitled, “Can’t seal Fukushima like Chernobyl - it all goes into the sea.”
Since then, huge amounts of radioactivity have flowed from the wrecked reactors directly into the Pacific Ocean. Attempts to stop the flow of contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea were always unlikely to succeed. It is like trying to push water uphill. Now they all seem to have woken up to the issue and have begun to panic.
[...]And what about the future? The future is bleak. I see no way of resolving the catastrophe. They will either have to pour water on the wreckage forever, and thus continue to contaminate the local sea, or find some more drastic immediate solution. I was told that US experts had the idea at the beginning of bombing the reactors into the harbour.[...]
--Desperat jakt på läckor i Fukushima--
SvaraRaderaNy teknik 9 augusti
– Läget är synnerligen allvarligt eftersom man inte har några säkra svar på vilka åtgärder som fungerar.
Det säger professorn i strålningsbiologi Mats Harms-Ringdahl om de japanska försöken att stoppa höggradigt radioaktivt grundvatten från Fukushima att rinna ut i Stilla havet.
Japanska regeringstjänstemän uppgav i veckan att 300 ton höggradigt radioaktivt grundvatten varje dag nu beräknas läcka ut i Stilla havet från den havererade kärnkraftsanläggningen Daichi i prefekturen Fukushima på Japans ostkust.
Läget betecknas som så allvarligt att regeringen nu är villig att skjuta till statliga medel för att hjälpa kärnkraftsoperatören Tepco hantera läckaget.
Att frysa jordmassor för att åstadkomma en vattentät vägg runt om reaktorerna 1-4 nämns återigen upp som en lösning som centralregeringen kan tänka sig att finansiera.
Första gången den togs upp var i slutet av maj i år, då det japanska ingenjörsföretaget Kajima presenterade en färdig plan för Tepco och regeringen. Kajima uppgav då att metoden skulle kunna minska läckaget till 100 ton vatten per dag.[...]
I en del borrhål som Tepco gjort för att analysera grundvattnet i närhet av reaktor 1 och 2 har man uppmätt så höga halter som 400 000- 500 000 becquerel av tritium per liter vatten.[...]
--Radioactive water overruns Fukushima barrier - TEPCO--
SvaraRaderaRT August 10
Contaminated groundwater accumulating under the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has risen 60cm above the protective barrier, and is now freely leaking into the Pacific Ocean, the plant’s operator TEPCO has admitted.
[...]The contaminated groundwater, which mixes with radioactive leaks seeping out of the plant, has already risen to 60cm above the barriers – the fact which TEPCO calls a major cause of the massive daily leak of toxic substances.
[...]Japan’s Ministry of Industry has recently estimated that some 300 tons of contaminated groundwater have been flowing into the ocean daily ever since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that triggered the disaster.
[...]TEPCO has had to resort to pumping water into hastily-built tanks of questionable reliability, as more than 20,000 tons of water with high levels of radioactive substances has accumulated in the plant’s drainage system.
Water samples recently taken at an underground passage below the Fukushima nuclear plant showed extreme levels of radiation comparable to those taken immediately after the March 2011 catastrophe.
The tested water, which had been mixing with ground water and flowing into the ocean, contained 2.35 billion Becquerels of cesium per liter – some 16 million times above the limit.
Det förekommer diskussioner gällande vad som är en smart och effektiv energikälla. Om vi bortser från ev nermörkade metoder för kall fussion osv och fokuserar på det som finns så hittar vi:
I varmare länder får vi inte glömma solen. Vindkraft är en droppe i havet.
Problemet med energi är att det inte är speciellt lätt att lagra. Många tycker vi ska bygga mer kärnkraft eftersom de påstår att det är billigt och rent. Kolkraft är ju politiskt tabu. Faktum är att kolkraft, efter vattenkraft, är överlägset mkt bättre än kärnkraft därför att:
Det åtgår 16 ton kol per kg anrikat uran för att få samma energimängd. 1 kg anrikat uran i kostnad för brytning, anrikning samt slutförvaring kostar betydligt mer än de ca 16000 SEK som 16 ton kol kostar. Om vi sen tänker in säkerheten så är ju kärnkraft totalt livsfarligt om ngt går snett plus att anläggningarna är extremt dyra. Ett kolkraftverk kostar ingenting i jämförelse och med rökgas-scrubbers finns inte ett utsläpp. Man får ren CO2 vilket växterna andas , dvs mindre öknar mm. Politiker som hänvisar IPCC och deras klimatförändringar bör notera att först (70 talet) hette det global cooling, sen warming och nu climate change. Vi har haft klimatförändringar hela tiden , för 10 000 år sen var det 2 km is över Sverige.
Dvs kol-religionen är bankernas metod för att via lokal agenda 21 och överordnad kolvaluta ersätta fiatsystemen när de går under ( vilket de redan gör och man har redan börjat fasa in kolvaluta i bakgrunden). Tanken är att återgå till bondesamhället under extrem grön kommunism med fascism på toppen under demokratur i nationer som följer FN policy. Med eller utan olika typer av befolknings-kontroll.
Dvs vattenkraft, kolkraft ( ingen fissionskraft) är framtiden.
300 ton per dygn ger över 200 liter i sekunden. DVS ett oljefat per sekund läcker ut, påstår man. Är det rimligt att tro att man inte kan täta bättre?
SvaraRaderaOch om man nu skall använda vattenkraft så MÅSTE man se till att det finns trappor för fisk och ål. Dagens hantering omöjliggör föryngring ovanför första kraftverkeet från havet sett. Börja med detta så att fisken kommer tillbaka. Man har snackat i över 50 år om laxtrappor, smolt, återplantering och annat men inget lyckas därför att man saknar vilja eller kompetens. De små kraftverken har krav på detta och lyckas, men de stora företagen lyckas inte alls.
--Fukushima apocalypse: Years of ‘duct tape fixes’ could result in ‘millions of deaths--
SvaraRaderaRT August 17
Even the tiniest mistake during an operation to extract over 1,300 fuel rods at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan could lead to a series of cascading failures with an apocalyptic outcome, fallout researcher Christina Consolo told RT.
Fukushima operator TEPCO wants to extract 400 tons worth of spent fuel rods stored in a pool at the plant’s damaged Reactor No. 4. The removal would have to be done manually from the top store of the damaged building in the radiation-contaminated environment.
In the worst-case scenario, a mishandled rod may go critical, resulting in an above-ground meltdown releasing radioactive fallout with no way to stop it, said Consolo, who is the founder and host of Nuked Radio. But leaving the things as they are is not an option, because statistical risk of a similarly bad outcome increases every day, she said.[...]
'The mainstream media, world governments, nuclear agencies, health organizations, weather reporters, and the health care industry has completely ignored three ongoing triple meltdowns that have never been contained'
An obvious attempt to downplay this disaster and its consequences have been repeated over and over again from 'experts' in the nuclear industry that also have a vested interest in their industry remaining intact. And, there has been a lot of misleading information released by TEPCO, which an hour or two of reading by a diligent reporter would have uncovered, in particular the definition of 'cold shutdown.’
--Over 300 mainstream news outlets worldwide ran the erroneous 'cold shutdown' story repeatedly, which couldn't be further from the truth…[it was] yet another lie that was spun by TEPCO to placate the public, and perpetuated endlessly by the media and nuclear lobby. [...]
--Radiation levels in Fukushima bay highest since measurements began - reports--
SvaraRaderaRT August 19
Readings of tritium in seawater taken from the bay near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has shown 4700 becquerels per liter, a TEPCO report stated, according to Nikkei newspaper. It marks the highest tritium level in the measurement history.
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has detected the highest radiation level in seawater collected in the harbor of the crippled nuclear plant in the past 15 days, Nikkei reports.
TEPCO said the highest radiation level was detected near reactor 1. Previous measurements showed tritium levels at 3800 becquerels per liter near reactor 1, and 2600 becquerels per liter near reactor 2. The concentration of tritium in the harbor’s seawater has been continuously rising since May, according to Nikkei.
Also on Monday, a leak of highly contaminated water was discovered from a drain valve of a tank dike located on the premises of the nuclear plant, according to Fukushima’s operator responsible for the clean-up.
The level of radiation at the site was estimated at 100 millisieverts per hour, while the safe level of radiation is 1-13 millisieverts per year, according to ITAR-TASS news agency. The plant’s operator is currently investigating reasons for the leak, TEPCO said in a statement.
Earlier, Tepco admitted that an estimated 20 to 40 trillion becquerel’s of tritium may have flowed into the Pacific Ocean since the nuclear disaster. [...]
--Fukushima workers contaminated with radioactive dust--
SvaraRaderaRT August 19
Two workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan were found to have been exposed to radioactive particles – just days after 10 workers were sprayed with radioactive water at the beginning of last week.
Two dust monitor alarms rang out in the main operations center in the plant, where radiation levels are normally low enough not to need to wear full face masks, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, said in an e-mailed statement.
The latest incident comes two and a half years after three of the plant’s reactors suffered a meltdown in Japan’s worst-ever nuclear power disaster.
Two workers who were at the end of their shift and were waiting for a bus out of the site had their bodies wiped down, and full body checks showed the staff members had received no internal contamination.
Although TEPCO said it could not be sure that the sounding of the alarms was definitely connected with the discovery that the workers were contaminated, the incident is being investigated further.
Last week 10 workers were also found to have been contaminated with particles, which TEPCO suspected came from a mist sprayer used to keep staff cool during the hot summer months.
The cooling devises were switched off and workers were also banned from using tap water, which comes from the same source. [...]
Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on the Fukushima leak emergency
--TEPCO admits leakage of 300 tons of water with monstrous radiation level--
SvaraRaderaRT August 20
Another tank with highly radioactive water at the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant has leaked, reported operator TEPCO. The contaminated water contains an unprecedented 80 million Becquerels of radiation per liter. The norm is a mere 150 Bq.
A spokesman for the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said on Tuesday that 300 tons of highly radioactive water has leaked from a stainless steel tank on the territory of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority has classified the leak as a Level One incident, the second lowest on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) for radiological releases, a spokesman informed Reuters.
The incident is the first Level One since the actual catastrophe at Fukushima in March 2011 when Japanese authorities issued an INES rating.
Level One means that the incident is classified as anomalous situation that exceeds limits of safe functioning of an installation. The most dangerous, Level Seven, has only been applied twice: for the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 and the meltdown of three reactors at Fukushima plant itself.
Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on the Fukushima leak emergency
-‘Serious’: Japan hikes Fukushima radiation danger level-
SvaraRaderaRT August 21
Japan will drastically raise the gravity of the latest Fukushima leak to Level Three, which is considered a “serious radiation incident” on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) for radiological releases.
"Judging from the amount and the density of the radiation in the contaminated water that leaked...a Level Three assessment is appropriate," read the document used during Wednesday’s weekly meeting of Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) commissioners.
Earlier on Tuesday, TEPCO reported that another tank with highly radioactive water had leaked at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. The NRA first classified the leak as a Level One "anomaly.”
The contaminated water contains an unprecedented 80 million Becquerels of radiation per liter – compared to the normal level of around 150 Bq/l.
This is considered to be the most serious setback to date for the clean-up of the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl.
The increase to ‘Level Three’ will be formally adopted later on Wednesday after a meeting that is currently under way, a spokesman for the agency told Reuters by phone.
This is the first time Japan has issued an INES rating for Fukushima since the accident, which was caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami, took place in 2011.
The most dangerous ‘Level Seven’ has only been applied twice - for the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 and for the meltdown of three reactors at the Fukushima plant.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, each increase on the INES scale represents a 10-times increase in radiation severity. [...]
-Fukushima operator pleads for international help as radiation crisis deepens-
SvaraRaderaAugust 22, 2013
TEPCO, operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, admits it needs overseas help to contain the radioactive fallout, after 18 months of trying to control it internally. It comes after the latest leak at the facility was deemed a “serious incident.”
"Many other countries outside of Japan have experienced decommissioning reactors, so we hope we can consult them more and utilize their experience,” TEPCO’s vice president, Zengo Aizawa, said at a news conference on Wednesday night.
"In that sense, we need support, not only from the Japanese government but from the international community to do this job."
The call comes after one of the 1,060 temporary tanks used to store highly contaminated water sprang a leak on Wednesday, discharging as much as 300 tons of radioactive liquid containing large amounts of cesium. Further tests revealed excessive radiation levels elsewhere in the facility.
Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) rated the incident 3 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, which spans from 1 to 7.
"The current situation is at the point where more surveillance won't be enough to keep the accidents from happening," declared Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the NRA.
The UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that it is “taking this matter seriously and remains ready to provide assistance on request."
In the past, Japan has been averse to letting foreign entities help with eradicating the nuclear fallout from the Tohoku Disaster of March 2011. The vast majority of clear-up tenders were won by local companies, and outside experts have observed from afar.
The leak is the latest - and most serious - in a string of accidents that have kept the station in the headlines throughout the summer.