----We are the 146%----
- Russians Refuse to be Rooked
as 120,000 March in Moscow
- Russians Refuse to be Rooked
as 120,000 March in Moscow
24 December 2011. (Engelsk text by OWS)
Kort sammanfattning: Ryska aktivister anser att valet 4:e december var riggat. Aktivisterna förbereder nu nya landsomfattande protestaktioner...(Övrig text på engelska)
Earlier this month, tens of thousands of Russians marched in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and several other cities decrying the recent parliamentary election results.
In the largest series of protests since the fall of the Soviet Union 20 years ago people have united across political affiliations shouting, “We exist! We exist!”
The protests began December 4th - shortly after election results were released showing in some instances returns that totaled as high as 146% of the popular vote. Russians took to the streets, chanting, “Putin is a thief” and “Russia without Putin.” By the following Saturday, people turned out en masse (estimates range from 25,000-100,000) for a protest in Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square. It was accompanied by dozens of smaller rallies across Russia’s nine time zones.
During the election, ballot boxes were stuffed; monitors shooed away; voter registrations bought, sold, and forged; and teams of United Russia activists bussed from precinct to precinct to vote early and often, in a process called "The Carousel."
The elections were not a surprise. Last September the current President Dmitry Medvedev announced Vladimir Putin would run again for the presidency, a post that he held from 2000 to 2008 and an impossibility until a recent amendment to the Russian Constitution.
This revealed a level of cronyism, long suspected - Medvedev has been cast as “Robin to Putin’s Batman”. Some Russians now snidely refer to this political maneuvering as “rokirovka” - the Russian word for castling in chess, the move in which a rook and the king are moved at the same time, to shelter the king. This “castling move” will allow Mr. Medvedev to assume Mr. Putin’s job as prime minister after the elections March 4th - an agreement according to Putin that was reached “a long time ago, several years back.”
This announcement was understandably met with public outrage and frustration. Putin’s approval ratings went down. Vladimir Aristarkhov, a local publishing house employee, explained, “Our local version of Dr. Evil and his Mini-Me will stay in power as long as they can.” At the time there were a few small protests but nothing compared with the magnitude of crowds post-election, inspired by people-powered movements across the globe.
The demonstrations are a welcoming sign of a popular social movement organizing in opposition to the self-described "Putin regime". They also countered a long-standing belief that the only groups capable of mass mobilization in Russia are extreme nationalists.
"I guess I just got tired of whining about Putin on my blog," says Sergei, 31, an IT engineer. "I felt like I had to actually do something, something real."
As of November 2011, Russia has more Internet users than any other country in Europe, and the country's blogosphere, with about 5 million blogs and 30 million monthly readers, has become the last truly free space for political discourse in Russia's tightly controlled media.
In a departure from “business as usual” Russian national television actually covered the uprisings. Newspaper reports claimed a veteran news anchor, Alexei Pivovarov, refused broadcast if he could not cover the protests, thereby, forcing media outlets to cover the December 24th protests as well.
During a recent four and half hour radio interview Putin suggested that the protesters were being paid and ridiculed them. But Putin’s hubris and glib mockery seem to have gone a step too far. "They let the genie out of the bottle on Sept. 24,” said Ilya Ponomaryov, one of the protest organizers. A Muscovite tweeter, Aafinogen, stated that during Mr. Putin's speech the number of people signed up on Facebook for the protest December 24th rose by 3,500 people, totaling 21,500.
The December 24th demonstration in Moscow, Ралли За честные выборы (Rally For Fair Elections) or #D24, took place at Sakharov Avenue around 2pm (MSD, UTC+4) with an estimated 120,000 protesters present.
Rysk partikongress
“We have enough people here to take the Kremlin … but we are peaceful people and we won't do that – yet. But if these crooks and thieves keep cheating us, we will take what is ours." said activist, anti-corruption lawyer and blogger Alexei Navalny who spent 15 days in jail for his participation in demonstrations on Dec. 5th.
Blatant fraud during the Dec. 4th parliamentary elections was critical in mobilizing the middle class, who for years has remained otherwise apathetic or silent about the political climate. The rally today was larger than previous demonstrations, and along with several protests held in other cities and towns throughout Russia, indicates that this is indeed a growing protest movement.
"There are so many of us here, and they [the government] are few … They are huddled up in fear behind police cordons," said former world chess champion Garry Kasparov, one of many speakers at today’s rally.
In the Pacific port of Vladivostok, demonstrators carried posters calling for Mr. Putin to be put on trial and regional MP Artyom Samsonov said the election results should be cancelled. Novosibirsk, Siberia held a rally of 800-1,500 peaceful demonstrators. About 100 marched bravely in Orenburg, on the Kazakhstan border, despite a heavy frost and temperatures of -15C. Chelyabinsk, a city in the southern Urals, held protests of about 500 under the slogan
“These elections were a farce! We want honest elections!”
President Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally and long-standing member of Putin’s regime, promised those and other changes, including the restoration of direct elections for half of parliamentary seats and easing impartial rules for presidential elections, during a national address given Thursday. However, many have expressed discontent with what they perceive as false promises.
"These measures are insufficient. They are intended to calm people down and prevent them from showing up at rallies.”, says Arina Zhukova, 45, who attended today’s demonstration in Moscow. Protest organizers have also made it clear that they will keep fighting for a re-election and the punishment of government officials who played a part in the recent election fraud.
A resolution to create the Moscow Voters’ Association to monitor elections for fraud was passed at today’s rally based on concerns expressed during the demonstrations December 10th, when fifty thousand people assembled in Moscow.
At today’s rally, 22 speakers were expected to attend, where the opposition addressed a politically diverse crowd. Yury Shevchuk, a Russian rock musician, told protesters to keep their dignity and avoid “competing in hatred for the authorities” by video message. Grigory Yavlinsky, presidential candidate and veteran liberal, spoke in person, calling for a free electoral system.
Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet leader, was unable to attend, but sent a message of support for the protesters instead.
Russia has long been known as a hot bed of oligarchic cronyism and corruption
– Putin was a member of the KGB – but until now opposition and dissent has been limited to predominantly Internet activity.
However, with new insight into how national politics are cavalierly decided in secrecy, Russians are incensed. Finding inspiration in people-powered movements across the globe, they are using the virtual space they have created to capture the physical.
The truth, is that as citizens we've been dumb'd down so much that we do not know that we have the right to contract with who we choose. If we educate ourselves we can educate authority. Congress shall make no law prohibiting the right to contract.
Learn that, learn that you are not your straw man (your fictitious entity - aka what's on your drivers license) and learn to provide honor and remedy in all commerce situations, which is in fact, EVERY situation with authority... criminal or civil offenses. All about commerce.
...I agree. Cops in America will do everything they can to try to bust people. Even if that means deceiving citizens and then stabbing them in the back once said citizen exposes too much information.
Cops ARE TRAINED and encouraged to take information out of context and piece it back together in a way that can be used to incriminate citizens, even if the citizens have committed no illegal act. I see it all the time in every city or town I have ever lived in.
The entire law enforcement and justice system in America is just another huge corrupt money making scheme. It's yet another way the 1% use authority and power to drain rights, liberties and money from the 99%. (Especially the lower steps of the class pyramid)
The entire law enforcement and justice system in America is just another huge corrupt money making scheme. It's yet another way the 1% use authority and power to drain rights, liberties and money from the 99%. (Especially the lower steps of the class pyramid)
It's fairly clear that there is MORE freedom to protest in the streets of Russia than in the streets of the USA. But anybody that travels already knows that the only FREEDOM in the USA is the freedom to shop at walmart, if you have money.
That's a great observation about Americans and Walmart. Russians are showing Americans how free and powerful they are becoming without resorting to similar strategies US uses, things like the Zionist Media Mafia in US or flaunting Tear Gasing Pepper Spraying US Riot Police for the whole world to see.
American government is now viewed as Stalinist whereas the Russian government futurist. When Americans celebrate Christmas uncertain of the future of their political system Russians are moving ahead with certainty in a different direction.
I am an American, and unfortunately I agree with you. We have been programed by television and an education system that teaches us nothing of value. We were told from the beginning of our public educations, that America is the greatest and the freest country on Earth, by teachers who had never left the country even on a vacation. That is the definition of brainwashing. How can you claim to have more freedom than a country you have never even been to?
"We were told from the beginning of our public educations, that America is the greatest and the freest country on Earth, by teachers who had never left the country even on a vacation."You are so right. I went to four public schools growing up, and I was told the same thing. Luckily, I got a little wiser as I got older and figure out what a bunch of B.S. it is.
I was just talking with a lady from Austria yesterday, and she was commenting on how citizens are treated so much better in Europe than they are here. The USA is only concerned about money. And I've been to several countries and know a lot of people in other countries.
US Rigged Elections are not as obvious as 146%, but they are rigged!!! And unless we solve it, the way things are looking, we should expect 2012 to be rigged throughout the federal level... DC is voting like they think they'll win regardless of our opinion of them... which is worsening daily.
The corps they work for OWN the system. Getting money out of elections and paper ballots are not enough.

- Kommentarerna kommer visserligen från aktivister som är kritiska till USA:s nuvarande tillstånd men det är ändå väldigt tydligt att USA inte är "the land of the free".
Om USA lyckas med sin censur av internet kommer all kritik mot det politiska systemet att försvåras betydligt. OWS jämför sin kamp med den som sker i Arabländerna. Faktum är att för varje dag blir skillnaden mindre mellan arabernas frihet och friheten i väst.
- Den som orkar stänga av sin TV och se sig om i verkligheten kommer att förvånas... :)
Ryssar misstror valresultatet
från 4:e december
24 December 2011, Video + Text: AL Jazeera (Engelsk text)
Kort sammanfattning: Ryska aktivister anser att valet 4:e december var riggat. Aktivisterna förbereder nu en ny landsomfattande protestaktion... (övrig text på engelska)
A human rights group set up by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for snap elections, as thousands of demonstrators gathered across the country to protest against the results of the country's disputed December 4 polls.
The Kremlin's rights panel also called for the resignation of the election chief on Saturday in statement on what it called "discredited" polls that have sparked the mass demonstrations. The recommendations by the panel - which advises Medvedev on rights and social issues - are not binding but will add to pressure on the authorities for radical changes in the wake of the polls.
It said that there was "mass distrust of the poll results" which showed fallen support for Vladimir Putin's United Russia party but still gave it a majority in parliament. The Kremlin panel added that new election laws should be put in place "with the aim of then calling snap elections" to replace the current parliament that met for its first session on Wednesday.
"Numerous reports of ballot stuffing, re-writing of protocols of ballot results, an unjustified removal of observers and journalists [from polling stations], a ban on photography and video recording and other violations of electoral rights as well as inexplicable paradoxes of electoral statistics lead to mass distrust of the poll results," the rights panel statement said.
The panel's announcement came as Russian opposition activists prepared to stage a second nationwide rally to protest against what they say were rigged parliamentary elections on December 4.
Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän
Efter att jag har läst eran version av det som händer, så vill jag ställa en fråga: Vem sponsrar er? För att ni också vinklar mycket, ni väljer VAD och HUR information presenteras, den är icke opartisk.
SvaraRaderaTack på förhand.
P.S. Ryssland förbereder sig att försvara sitt land, icke anfalla andra länder. Bara en kort parentes
Det är en blogg så skribenter här kritiserar vem som helst efter behag.
RaderaJämfört med hur gammelmedia vinklar sitt material, så kan säkert mycket i bloggen betraktas som rätt opartiskt ur en "vaken" världsmedborgares perspektiv.
*Artikeln ovanför är från händelser 2011 och texten mestadels kopierad från (OWS) Occypy Wall Streets aktivister.
(Många hänvisningslänkar till gammalt bloggmaterial (typ 2011) försvann i samband med att bloggen censurerades från webben av Sverige 2012-13.)
Huvudpoängen med artikeln är att val i både Ryssland & USA är ganska riggade och begränsat demokratiska.
Det framgår nog av senare artiklar att bloggkritiken mot ex. Ryssland inte är av samma hatfulla karaktär som den i mainstreammedia.
(P.S. Vill du bli den förste sponsorn så hör av dig:)