VARFÖR utmålas egentligen fredsaktivister, sanningssägare och oliktänkande alltmer som extrema och som hot av makten i vår västliga media? Konstigt nog är ju samma människotyp oftast stora hjältar så länge de befinner sig utanför västliga länder, fast då gäller givetvis att de inte avslöjat elitens korruption och kriminalitet här i väst...
- Hade t.ex. "PUSSY RIOT" varit samma mediehjältinnor för yttrandefrihet, om de utfört sina aktiviteter i färgglada blottar-masker under bön i kyrkorna, här i väst? ...Och hade de fortfarande varit vid liv om de utfört de aktiviteterna i USA.??***
Människor som kämpar för fred och frihet i väst misstänkliggörs idag i västmedia som någon lättare form av terrorister. Alternativ förlöjligas deras insatser synkroniserat i västmedia på samma sätt som extrema näthatare arbetar mot sina offer.
Sanningen är också att utan mainstreammedias "hjälpsamma publiceringar" så hade Sveriges Fascist- Sionist och Nazistpartier varit ungefär maximalt hälften så stora. (och inte haft mellan 10-15%.)
Detta är samma korrupta media som ständigt utger sig för att "rädda barnen" någonstans, fast den i verkligheten under senare år, mestadels bidragit till att mörda miljoner (bruna) barn i exotiska länder över hela planeten...
Frihetsaktivister och whistleblowers i väst utmålas som samhällshot och fängslas för aktiviteter som varje anständig medborgare utan syltrygg egentligen borde uträtta, samtidigt som fascister, rasister och psykopater i verkligheten noggrant premieras av systemet och nyttjas sedan frekvent av makten, för att bevara den s.k. "demokratin".
Snowden: Äkta whistleblower eller docka på CIA-teatern?
- Tragiken i de hela är, att i verkligheten tas de viktigaste besluten i den demokratiska agendan numera av ett litet fåtal extremt rika människor, bakom stängda dörrar utan insyn, under sekretessbelagda möten...
Sverige inför numera regelmässigt antidemokratiska sekretesslagar i en aldrig tidigare skådad omfattning för att kunna fortsätta den "demokratiska teatern" som sker utan verklig insyn för medborgarna.
- Valmöjligheterna i dagens samhälle har begränsats på ett sätt som egentligen är en förolämpning för varje kritiskt tänkande människa. Som tur är för makten så finns det inte många sådana kvar...
För att kunna upprätthålla fortsatt trovärdighet i en sekretessbelagd världsordning krävs naturligtvis ett ständigt flöde av nya människofientliga lagar för att begränsa människors handlingsfrihet, yttrandefrihet och mötesfrihet. Även Sverige har numera hemliga domstolar.
Kina tycks i verkligheten inte vara en fiende, utan mer en förebild för männen bakom kulisserna, när det gäller kontrollen över undersåtarna och deras olönsamma farliga tankar om fred och frihet.
- För att upprätthålla elitens globala korruption så skräms undersåtarna regelbundet med terrorspöket i dagens noggrant arrangerade och designat segregerade samhälle, där trygghetsövervakning och trygghetsregistrering av ALLA blivit en obligatorisk självklarhet.
...Speciellt självklart för den ignorante sovande, trygghetsmedicinerade, självupptagne och uttråkade medborgaren.
- Till slut har man skapat en värld så full av lögner, där sanningen blivit kriminell och lögnen är lagen. /.
"- Never in human history have we been as well-informed as today and yet the vast majority haven’t got a clue of what’s really going on in this bleak world."
- That’s because whilst the super high-tech Western global media supplies tons of data, they seldom if ever supply us with a “manual” to join the dots correctly.
/citat - Adrian Salbuchi - political analyst
--Manufacturing Consent--
So runs the title of Noam Chomsky’s 1988 classic derived from a concept coined by Walter Lippmann, Council on Foreign Relations co-founder and long-time editor of their journal “Foreign Affairs”.
- The job of the Western mainstream media - TV, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, infotainment - is not to enlighten public opinion but rather to dump raw data upon us all and then force it together as best suits the Global Power Masters.
The media are the instrument that scripts that data in very specific ways to generate a specific worldview that will support specific interpretations that then lead straight to specific conclusions that result in popular support (or complacency) towards their goals and objectives.
- In other words, the mainstream media are the vehicle for manufacturing consent: indeed, the media is the message...
This’s what Psychological Operations – PsyOps – are all about, which thanks to today’s huge technological advances has escalated into full-fledged Psychological Warfare – PsyWar – that does not distinguish between foreign and domestic “enemies”.
From the Global Power Elites viewpoint, “We the People” everywhere are the enemy, especially independent-thinking people increasingly challenging them. [...]
Uppladdad den 6 apr 2011
En diskussion om verkligheten i en värld av lögner från filmen; - "My Dinner with Andre".
The Real "PUSSY RIOT" Faces Jail in "the land of the free" :)
RT 2013-12-24
I walk thru the streets of my old town
Trying to remember all the feelings
But the only feeling was that something
Sweet had come and gone for everyone
There's factories in the fields where
we used to run
There's a hard day coming for us
Daughters and sons
Wake up, some things had better change
[Chorus 1:]
Tear it all down and starting here and now
Let it all burn, so many souls in pain
Tear it all down, too many hearts in doubt
We're never gonna learn
All of the treasures we own
God bless the house, the car and the T.V.
They built us a prison without any locks
And meanwhile the men
who claim God on their side
Spit out their message and sell me a ride
While we look for idols inside a fashion magazine
Things are gonna change
[Chorus 2:]
Tear it all down and starting here and now
Let it all burn, so many souls in pain
Tear it all down, too many hearts in doubt
We're never gonna learn, there's a
wall to keep us in
Tear it all down, and walls to keep us out
Let it all burn, too many souls in pain
Tear it all down, too many hearts in doubt
We're never gonna learn
Lying naked here in the shrine of your embrace,
your embrace
We touch the burning cauldron to your
Angel face, angel face
I look at my boy as he sleeps
An innocent facing the lions
I wish there was some way I could talk
To my father again
There's a bomb in the schoolhouse
Wired to the face of the clock
In the face of disaster
We stand like a rock
You can't want you're children to pay
For your sins wake up
Some things are gonna change
Tear it all down, some things are gonna fall
Tear it all down, we can't go back again
Tear it all down, with backs against the wall
Tear it all down, There's a wall to keep us in
Tear it all down, There's a wall to keep us out
Let it all burn, too many souls in pain
Tear it all down, too many hearts in doubt
[Chorus 2]
This is a song called, "Subdivision", by the Canadian band, Rush. This song is off their album, "Signals".
Rush – Subdivisions
Sprawling on the fringes of the city
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far unlit unknown
Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opinions all provided
The future pre-decided
Detached and subdivided
In the mass production zone
Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone
Subdivisions --
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions --
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth
Drawn like moths we drift into the city
The timeless old attraction
Cruising for the action
Lit up like a firefly
Just to feel the living night
Some will sell their dreams for small desires
Or lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
To relax their restless flight
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights...
Subdivisions --
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions --
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far unlit unknown
Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opinions all provided
The future pre-decided
Detached and subdivided
In the mass production zone
Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone
Subdivisions --
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions --
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth
Drawn like moths we drift into the city
The timeless old attraction
Cruising for the action
Lit up like a firefly
Just to feel the living night
Some will sell their dreams for small desires
Or lose the race to rats
Get caught in ticking traps
And start to dream of somewhere
To relax their restless flight
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights...
Subdivisions --
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions --
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth
Publicerad den 24 dec 2013
They say you can't go home again, and one budding porn star learned that the hard way. Valerie Dodds, better known as Val Midwest, was found guilty of public nudity and trespassing after posing in the buff for a photo shoot on the grounds of the Catholic high school she attended in Nebraska. She also used school property - including a crucifix - in some not-so-Christian ways. Dodds said the location was revenge for former classmates and teachers disapproval of her career choice. RT's Ameera David takes a look at the not-safe-for-school story.Publicerad den 24 dec 2013
Tyska PUSSY RIOT (kopior) får 3 års "frihetsfängelse" här i väst?
- Finns det saker som media helst inte berättar om Pussy Riot för att passa agendan?

- Finns det saker som media helst inte berättar om Pussy Riot för att passa agendan?
Det frivilliga fängelset för den tillmötesgående och undfallande medborgaren
-Privacy concerns raised as more than one million pupils are fingerprinted in schools-
SvaraRaderaJanuary 3, 2014
Source: London Independent
More than a million pupils have been fingerprinted at their secondary school – thousands without their parents’ consent, according to new research published on Friday.
Figures show that four out of 10 secondary schools now use biometric technology as a means of identifying pupils – with nearly a third failing in their duty to seek parental consent before introducing the system.
The figures are based on Freedom of Information request returns from 1,255 schools to the civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch with the group warning pupils will grow up believing “it is normal to be tracked like this all the time”.
The most common uses of the system are at meal-times where headteachers claim it can be a more “discreet” method of ensuring those pupils entitled to free school meals get them – and in school libraries. Some have used the system for registration of pupils at school.
-70% Of Americans Have "No Faith" In Government-
SvaraRaderaJanuary 3, 2014
Source: AP
Americans enter 2014 with a profoundly negative view of their government, expressing little hope that elected officials can or will solve the nation's biggest problems, a new poll finds.
Half say America's system of democracy needs either "a lot of changes" or a complete overhaul, according to the poll conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Just 1 in 20 says it works well and needs no changes.
Americans, who have a reputation for optimism, have a sharply pessimistic take on their government after years of disappointment in Washington.
The percentage of Americans saying the nation is heading in the right direction hasn't topped 50 in about a decade. In the new poll, 70 percent lack confidence in the government's ability "to make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014."
--U.S. Dumped Tens of Thousands of Steel Drums Containing Atomic Waste Off Coastlines
SvaraRaderaJanuary 3, 2014--
Source: Cryptogon
Via: Wall Street Journal (Mirror):
More than four decades after the U.S. halted a controversial ocean dumping program, the country is facing a mostly forgotten Cold War legacy in its waters: tens of thousands of steel drums of atomic waste.
From 1946 to 1970, federal records show, 55-gallon drums and other containers of nuclear waste were pitched into the Atlantic and Pacific at dozens of sites off California, Massachusetts and a handful of other states. Much of the trash came from government-related work, ranging from mildly contaminated lab coats to waste from the country’s effort to build nuclear weapons.
Federal officials have long maintained that, despite some leakage from containers, there isn’t evidence of damage to the wider ocean environment or threats to public health through contamination of seafood. But a Wall Street Journal review of decades of federal and other records found unanswered questions about a dumping program once labeled “seriously substandard” by a senior Environmental Protection Agency official…[...]