Alla pratar engelska och alla är psykopater. Men de har i alla fall roligt på jobbet, vilket också framgår ganska tydligt. Se en video som nyligen dykt upp på Youtube och berättar om ett (i dag inte så ovanligt) möte med polisstatens noga utvalda kriminella degenererade aktörer (i uniform)...
Video Shows Cops Slam Man's Head Into Wall, Mace Him After He Stumbles To Ground, Laugh About It
Source: Information Liberation Januari 8, 2014
Disturbing video has surfaced of police officers throwing a man into a wall, then macing him after the stumbles to the ground in a disorientated stupor.
The cop who maced the man gets a big smile on his face, then the cops together are seen laughing as the man is lying on the ground maced with his face and head smashed up.
-The victim said he had brain injuries, chipped teeth, and was left with a permanent lump on the back of his head from the assault.
Nothing happened to the police involved as the man says he "couldn't find his lawyer who had the video for two years."
After posting the video to YouTube the officers involved were just put on paid leave. The police chief said they were not aware of the incident until the video was posted to YouTube, but they're conducting an "investigation."
- Here's the victim, Michael Bergeron, Jr.'s account of what happened as posted to YouTube:
"Charged with a dwi and tried explaining that I wasn't drunk and they could be out catching actual criminals. then after being in the cell for a while waiing for a bail bonds man I was taken out and brought in the booking room to call for a ride. after calling a ride I was told I could take my phone that I called from and my wallet. as soon as I greabbed my wallet from the table he officer with the glasses came at me saying he never told me I could take my stuff and choked me against the wall then tried to grab the wallet from my pocket. once he got the wallet and my phone this is what happened. there was no lawsuit made due to the fact I found a lawyer and the lawyer took the tapes and disappeared for 2 years until I finally tracked him down and go it back but now I think its to late to do anything with it even though I have a permanent lump on the back of my head chipped teeth and brain injuries but talking to a lawyer soon well see what happens."
Publicerad den 8 jan 2014
Several instances of police officers
using excessive force have gripped national headlines in the new year.
In one notable instance, the family of an 18-year-old schizophrenic teen
is demanding answers after officers shot and killed their son.
Meanwhile, a new report suggests 99 percent of police brutality cases go
uninvestigated in New Jersey. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez takes a
closer look as a few of these cases. ***
(Backupvideo från RT)
RT America
Publicerad den 8 jan 2014
Three Seabrook, New Hampshire police officers have been placed on administrative leave after a video showing them beating a man was posted online. A Seabrook police station surveillance video shows officers slamming Mike Bergeron face-first into a cinderblock wall and pepper spraying him while he is on the floor of the facility. Bergeron was detained for DWI on Nov. 11, 2009 but video from the incident was posted only on January 6, 2014.

Chockerande Video: Se polisarbete i dagens polisstater - allt för din egen trygghet, såklart
--Record number of Americans now identify as politically independent--
SvaraRaderaRT January 09, 2014
A record number of Americans, 42 percent, now say they identify politically as an independent, more than the number of those who say they are Democrat or Republican, according to a new poll.
The Gallup figures published Wednesday are the latest reason to celebrate for independents, who have seen their numbers steadily on the rise during the partisan bickering that has plagued Washington through the Bush and Obama presidential administrations.
Meanwhile, self-identified Republicans fell to 25 percent, the lowest total for the GOP in 25 years, while democratic identification has remained consistent at 31 percent over the past four years since dropping from 36 percent in 2008.
Pollsters reported that at least 40 percent of US citizens said they’re Independent in each of the last three years, although Wednesday’s figure is the highest total since Gallup began measuring Independent leanings in 1991.
“Americans’ increasing shift to independent status has come more at the expense of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party,” wrote Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones. “Republican identification peaked at 34 percent in 2004, the year George W. Bush won a second term in office. Since then, it has fallen nine percentage points, with most of that decline coming during Bush’s troubled second term. When he left office, Republican identification was down to 28 percent.” [...]