- 10-tals människor har dött av polarkylan och upp mot 10 000 flygningar har redan fått ställas in i USA och Kanada medan meteorologer frenetiskt varnar allmänheten för den "livsfarliga kylan" som redan beräknas påverka 190 miljoner amerikaner...
RT 2014-01-05.
The American Midwest and Northeast have braced for a "polar vortex," a megastorm that is expected to bring record low temperatures on Monday. So far extreme weather conditions have claimed at least 16 lives, paralyzed travel and caused power shortage.

The freezing air began to spread Sunday reaching areas as far south as the Gulf Coast.
“It may feel as cold as negative 50 to negative 60 on Sunday night over sections of the north-central states,” the Tom Moore, from the National Weather Service said to NBC News.
“In those conditions, frost bite sets in on exposed skin within five minutes…a person not properly dressed could die easily in those conditions," Moore added.
- Such harsh and freezing temperatures have not been witnesses in the region for 20 years.
Meteorologists blame the weather conditions on a "polar vortex," a dense pool of counterclockwise-rotating air.

As freezing temperatures hit the US, authorities are moving to protect some of the more vulnerable members of society.
“Anybody living out on the streets needs to be rounded up and put into a shelter,” said Moore to MSNBC News. “The repercussions for not could be deadly, and I'm afraid we're going to see cases like that,” the official added.
A total of 1,266 flights were canceled across the United States and 6,036 flights delayed on Saturday, with Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey among the most affected, according to tracking firm FlightAware.com.

RT 2014-01-06.
Cities across the US Midwest on Monday are grinding to a halt as a deadly “polar vortex” descends, promising to deliver heavy snowfall and potentially record-breaking cold temperatures.

The weather forecast for Midwestern states, many of which got buried under snow Sunday, is severe: minus 15 Fahrenheit (-26 Celsius) in Chicago, minus 25 F (-31C) in Fargo, N.D., minus 31 F (-35 C) in International Falls, Minnesota, while northeastern Montana may experience wind chills equivalent to 59 F (-50 C) below zero.

"It's just a dangerous cold," National Weather Service meteorologist Butch Dye in Missouri, as quoted by AP. [...]

Thousands of Americans who have been left without electricity since a heavy ice storm hit last Saturday will continue to be powerless until Friday evening.

"We've had two beautiful, sunny days in Maine and the ice isn't going anyplace," Lynette Miller, spokeswoman for the Maine Emergency Management Agency, said to the Associated Press. "They're very concerned about more weight coming down on trees that are already compromised by ice."
In Maine, roughly 33,000 customers were still without power heading into Thursday. Some customers continued to lose power even as others regained it, with falling tree branches causing outages in parts of the state. Complicating matters is the expectation that another two to six inches of snow could fall during Thursday.

"It got kind of drastic - you hated to get up even to go to the bathroom because the seat was too cold," local resident Bonita Thomas, 51, told CNN from one of the Michigan shelters. "It was just getting too hard to bear."
- The ice storm has done more than inconvenience people during the holidays, though. Officials believe the storm has caused 27 deaths so far; 17 in the United States and another 10 in Canada, which was also blanketed with ice. As of Wednesday, around 160,000 customers in Canada were still without power[...]***
RT 2014-01-06
As temperatures around Toronto and across Ontario drop to -20 Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit), residents are reporting frost quakes that are powerful enough to shake houses and rattle nerves.
As temperatures around Toronto and across Ontario drop to -20 Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit), residents are reporting frost quakes that are powerful enough to shake houses and rattle nerves.
Usually found in extreme polar regions, the recent outbreak of frost quakes, known to meteorologists as cryoseisms, are now affecting many residents of Toronto, Canada’s most populous city.
The weather-related phenomenon, which can feel like an earthquake, happens when water and moisture deep underground freeze as the temperature drops.
Frost quakes typically occur between midnight and dawn, the coldest part of the night, thus many residents are being jolted awake by the booming sounds.
The weather-related phenomenon, which can feel like an earthquake, happens when water and moisture deep underground freeze as the temperature drops.
Frost quakes typically occur between midnight and dawn, the coldest part of the night, thus many residents are being jolted awake by the booming sounds.
The effects of a cryoseism, as opposed to an earthquake, “are very localized,” according to the Maine Geological Survey. Thus, residents just a few hundred yards away from the impact zone may not experience anything out of the ordinary. [...]

RT 2014-01-08
Record freezing temperatures gripped the entire US, including Hawaii, as a major winter storm hit the country. The alarming weather brought ice and heavy snowfall caused by a 'polar vortex', bringing many cities to a standstill and killing at least 21.
Record freezing temperatures gripped the entire US, including Hawaii, as a major winter storm hit the country. The alarming weather brought ice and heavy snowfall caused by a 'polar vortex', bringing many cities to a standstill and killing at least 21.
The 21 fatalities included a 1-year-old Missouri boy, who died
when a car he was riding in was hit by a snow plow, AP reported.
Authorities in many states called on people to stay indoors,
because the cold made usual daily activities risky and sometimes
life-threatening. One of those following the advice was a
Kentucky prisoner, who had escaped from a minimum-security
facility in Lexington, but turned himself in because of cold
The cold, which affected an estimated 190 million in the US, was
too much even for a polar bear at the Lincoln Park Zoo in
Chicago. While normally the species is able to survive Arctic
winters, the zoo's, Anana, lacks the necessary thick layer of
fat, so she was kept inside on Monday.
The cold snap broke numerous temperature records for January 7
across the country, some of which had stood for many decades. New
York City plummeted to -15 degrees Celsius, beating the previous
record of -14 degrees set in 1896. Temperature in Charlotte,
North Carolina, went as low as -14 degrees, breaking the
-12-degree record of 1884.
Even states not usually associated with ice, saw temperatures
going sub-zero on Tuesday. It was -8 degrees Celsius on top of
Hawaii's dormant volcano, Mauna Kea. Florida's coastal city of
Pensacola experienced temperature of -8 degrees.
***- The snow and cold disrupted air traffic, with more than 11,000 flights canceled over four days.

Klimat-alarmisternas forskare hjälplöst fast i Antarktis enorma ismassor - kan de räddas?
Köldrekord och arktiska polarstormar över USA - Förstör verkligheten klimatkyrkans affärer?
--NY declares state of emergency ahead of polar vortex winter storm--
SvaraRaderaRT January 07, 2014
NY governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency ahead of a major winter storm triggered by the “polar vortex,” now sweeping into the eastern US. The state could see as much as 36 inches of snow and wind chills as low as 40 degrees below zero.
Road closures and a health advisory were issued by the state of New York in preparation for what are being described as “life threatening” weather conditions.
“As this new winter storm develops, bringing heavy snow and high winds, I strongly urge all citizens in these regions to exercise caution, avoid travel, and stay indoors,” Governor Cuomo said.
The state was mobilizing 300 members of the NY Army and Air National Guard to assist as the storm moved through the region, along with 3,800 field workers available to respond in the event of power failures caused by the icy conditions.
Having already produced frigid conditions in the Midwest, temperatures down the east coast were set to plunge by as much as 40 degrees. States such as Minnesota, though well acquainted with harsh winter seasons, saw wind chill reach 56 degrees below zero in Duluth, while far to the south in Huntsville, Alabama, the temperature dipped to 14 degrees.
The polar vortex effect was so powerful that it was blamed for high winds and huge ocean swells on the southwest coast of Britain, caused by an expansive, deep atmospheric depression over the Atlantic Ocean.
Britain’s high waves were “loosely connected to the weather system that caused the U.S winter storm, which dumped large amounts of snow in the Northeast and delayed thousands of flights,” reported the AP.
Residents of Indiana and Kentucky were warned not to leave their homes as temperatures dropped into the single digits, and wind chill in the minus 20s and below.
Customers were advised to try and conserve power as the power grid serving 61 million Americans in the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and portions of the South prepared to cope with the high demand.
In Indiana 40,000 customers meanwhile waited for utility crews to restore power knocked out by the storm, reported the AP.
The record-breaking freeze is being caused by a wavy and elongated jet stream, which is carrying Arctic air far more to the south than normal. [...]
-Warmist: 'Every Weather Event in the Modern World is Attributable to Climate Change'-
SvaraRadera...If you haven't yet realized it, global warmists are an hysterical doomsday cult.
[...]The planet's entire history of radical climate change through millions of years now takes a back seat to human emissions.
We're told to believe one theoretical change in degree by humankind is bringing the planet to the brink of disaster -- yet somehow the planet survived multiple ice ages, multiple warm periods, and even a mass extinction event which wiped out the dinosaurs.
If you haven't yet realized it, global warmists are an hysterical doomsday cult. When their end-of-the-world global warming predictions failed to materialize, they rebranded their doctrine to "climate change," something which has always been a constant throughout the history of the world, and conveniently something which they hoped could not be "disproved" because it can mean whatever one wants it to mean. To quote Mr. Naureckas, "every weather event" is proof.
fräckhet utan gränser- sionist NWO måste tro att omkring bara undermännskor=idioter ( de värkliga psykopater ta önsketänkande för verklighet- då lever i sagovärld med bärjärn av stulna pengar - kriminal sällskap skapade NWO som skapar global koncentrations läger)
A White House blog and video Wednesday characterized the polar vortex that spread bone-chilling weather over much of the country as likely having been caused by global warming.
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-HARP .... aktiverat globalt 2013
SvaraRaderaVideos om HAARP: