2014-01-10. För att stärka de mänskliga rättigheterna och demokratin så måste vi avskaffa dem! - Självklart är detta logiken i psykopaternas lala-värld som vanligtvis rättfärdigas av ett stim ignoranta "presstitutes" i korrupta mainstreammedia...
- Man ser tillståndet och kvaliteten i ett samhälle...
...På hur det behandlar sina fångar.
Publicerad den 10 jan 2014
Human rights activists, lawyers and journalists are standing shoulder to shoulder and preparing to march on the White House with one demand - shut down Guantanamo bay. Saturday is now the annual day of action, used to protest 12 years of indefinite detention at the War on Terror prison. And, as RT's Anastasia Churkina reports, age hasn't mellowed Guantanamo one bit.
Publicerad den 8 jul 2013
More than 40 prisoners are being force-fed. A leaked document sets out the military instructions, or standard operating procedure, for force-feeding detainees. In this four-minute film made by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey
--The real Mission:--
Guantanamofångar används som agenter & terrorister:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vidareläsning:
US 'tried to oust Hamid Karzai by manipulating Afghan elections'
SvaraRaderaPosted: 10 Jan 2014 10:00 PM PST
In a memoir to be published next week, less than three months before Afghanistan's next critical presidential poll, Gates says the 2009 election was "ugly" and that, though the president was "tainted", "our hands were dirty as well". [...]
--Man gets ARRESTED after Google+ 'sent an automatic invitation' to his ex who had a restraining order against him--
SvaraRaderaPosted: 10 Jan 2014 10:00 PM PST
A man has been arrested after his Google+ account sent an automated invitation to his ex-fiancée. [...]
‘Systematic torture’: Dossier accusing UK politicians of Iraq war crimes goes to ICC
SvaraRaderaJanuary 12, 2014
Source: RT
The ICC has been urged to investigate the alleged war crimes of UK politicians during the Iraq conflict. A dossier detailing reports of sexual assault, torture and mock executions carried out by British soldiers in Iraq has been submitted to the Court.
The 250-page document entitled “The Responsibility of UK Officials for War Crimes Involving Systematic Detainee Abuse in Iraq from 2003-2008”, published by the German-based European Centre for Constitutional Human Rights, calls for "opening of an investigation” into the actions of senior British officials during the conflict.
The document compiles testimonies from over 400 Iraqis, constituting “thousands of allegations of mistreatment amounting to war crimes of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.” Among the documented crimes are brutal acts of physical abuse, including “hooding prisoners, electric shocks, burning, sexual assault, cultural and religious humiliation, rape and simulated executions.”
Given the scope and systematic nature of the crimes between 2003 and 2008, the Centre for Constitutional Human Rights lays the blame at the feet of “individuals at the highest levels” of the UK army and political system. The report alleges that members of the UK government were aware, or should have been aware, of the abuses being committed by their soldiers, but even so, failed to act.
“Civilian superiors knew or consciously disregarded information at their disposal, which clearly indicated that UK services personnel were committing war crimes in Iraq,” writes the report. It highlights a number of British politicians alleging their guilt of war crimes. Ex-defense secretary, Geoff Hoon, and army chief, General Sir Peter Wall, are just two of the high-ranking politicians implicated in the systematic abuse of Iraqi prisoners.[...]
--Ohio Man Arrested With Bombs and AR-15 Was Intel Analyst With Top Secret Clearance--
SvaraRaderaJanuary 12, 2014
Source: Disinfo
In an odd twist of events an Ohio man was arrested after a traffic stop on New Year’s Day which lead an officer to uncover a slew of bombs, IED’s, a remote detonator, and an AR-15 rifle.
Andrew Scott Boguslawski, 43, of Moores Hill, Indiana was stopped by Trooper W. Scott Davis on westbound I-70 on January 1st, 2014 for speeding, Trooper Davis asked Boguslawksi if he had any weapons in the car to which Boguslawski replied “No.
”At that time Trooper Davis noticed a small caliber pistol tucked between Boguslawski’s legs. Further investigation uncovered 58 small improvised initiators, 25 IED’s, a medicine bottle weighing 1.5 lb’s containing explosive materials, four incomplete improvised bombs, a remote detonator, and several loaded guns including an AR-15 rifle.
Also in his possession were schematics for Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in which he was employed as a groundskeeper.
Boguslawski was trained as an Intelligence Analyst Specialist in the Army National Guard and held a Top Secret Clearance. Bogulawski has been in the Guard’s medical discharge unit since November.
Boguslawski is currently residing at the Tri-County Regional Jail on a $1 million bond.
More about this story: (ed.)
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