Publicerad den 31 dec 2013
This year's top stories get to the heart of critical issues like privacy, government transparency and government overreach. From the death of internet icon Aaron Swartz to the historic military trial of Chelsea Manning to unprecedented scrutiny of the drone campaign, RT correspondent Liz Wahl takes a look at the seven top stories we covered that the mainstream media underreported or overlooked 2013.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Avslöjat: - Viktiga världshändelser som media inte ville prata om under 2013


7 Historier Media & Journalister hade bevakat - om de brytt sig om mänskliga rättigheter
-Pennsylvania cop reportedly pepper-sprayed girlfriend’s son for missing school-
SvaraRaderaJanuary 02, 2014
A Pennsylvania state trooper is finding himself on the other side of the law after allegedly pepper-spraying his girlfriend’s son because the teenager overslept and missed school.
According to a local ABC affiliate, 48-year-old state trooper Ernest Boatright has been charged with child endangerment and harassment over the alleged altercation.
The incident occurred earlier this year in April, the Associated Press now reports, but only on Tuesday this week did the network, WTAE, report that charges had being brought against Boatright. The Pennsylvania State Police suspended the officer over the incident in November, and now the AP reports that he is on unpaid leave.
Legal documents obtained by the media claim Boatright used the spray in the room of his girlfriend’s 13-year-old son, who remains unidentified. As WTAE reported, court papers claim the boy immediately woke up and began to suffer from coughing, sneezing as well as a runny nose and eyes.
The boy reportedly added that he knew he'd been struck with pepper-spray because this wasn’t the first time Boatright had used the substance on him.
Until being placed on leave, Boatright worked as a state trooper on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The alleged incident reportedly occurred at the home of Boatright’s girlfriend in Menallen Township outside of Pittsburgh.
-Graphic court video shows prison guards deploying pepper spray on mentally ill inmate-
-Texas boy tasered by officer after breaking up school fight, remains in a coma-