Detta är andra gången på en vecka som USA arresterar medborgare för saker som Saudiarabien, Nordkorea och Kina, bara i undantagsfall orkar bry sig om...
Men när man skall upprätthålla titeln "världens i särklass största fängelsepopulation" med OTROLIGA 25% av hela världens fångar inlåsta i amerikanska fängelser - så får man ju anstränga sig lite extra..?
Tennessee man arrested for Facebook 'like'
***RT 2014-01-17
A radio host in Memphis, Tennessee, was placed in handcuffs on Tuesday after he “liked” a Facebook post made by a woman who had previously filed a restraining order against him.
The incident occurred when a woman named Towanna Murphy posted a video on Facebook. Talk radio host Thaddeus Matthews, who used to work with Murphy and reportedly had a sexual relationship with her, “liked” the update, leading her to snap screenshots of the post and head to the police.
According to local Fox affiliate WHBQ in Memphis, 56-year-old Matthews claims he turned himself in to authorities, but either way police agreed with Murphy, arrested him, and charged him with violating a protection order. Matthews is now free after posting a $1,000 bond.
This isn’t the first time Matthews has had a run-in with the law, however, nor is it the first time his social media activity has landed him in hot water.
In November, he was indicted for publishing a pornographic image that depicts a young child performing a sexual act on an adult male on Facebook. He was officially charged with especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor and sexual exploitation of a minor, according to Memphis-based publication The Commercial Appeal.
For his part, Matthews claims he only posted the image in order to help law enforcement discover the identity of the man depicted in the picture. He added that an unnamed woman sent him the photo multiple times.
- If convicted, Matthews faces anywhere between two and 30 years in prison.
This marks the second time in less than a month that a social media-triggered restraining order violation has led to an arrest. Just last week, reports surfaced that a Massachusetts man was arrested and placed behind bars for sending a Google+ invitation to his ex-girlfriend despite the fact that she had a restraining order against him.
That particular case took an interesting twist when the suspected individual, Thomas Gagnon, claimed he never actually sent the invite, and that it was automatically sent by Google.
Of course, Google also recently sparked controversy with its decision to allow any Google+ user to email a Gmail user, regardless of whether or not they know their email address.
Mer otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
--USA: 32-åring arresterad för "Google-invit" från Google+ -robot--
The problem? Thomas Gagnon, 32, says he never actually sent an email of any sort. Instead, he claims it was Google’s fault.
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--USA: 32-åring arresterad för "Google-invit" från Google+ -robot--
RT 2014-01-10
Sending an ex-girlfriend an email invitation to join Google+ despite an active restraining order landed a Beverly, Massachusetts man in handcuffs and behind bars.
Sending an ex-girlfriend an email invitation to join Google+ despite an active restraining order landed a Beverly, Massachusetts man in handcuffs and behind bars.

According to Gagnon, Google automatically sent the invitation without informing him or asking for his consent.
As the Salem News reported, Gagnon was arrested about 90 minutes after his ex-girlfriend notified police. The officers agreed the sent invitation constituted a violation of the restraining order, and while the district court judge acknowledged he wasn’t sure precisely how Google+ processes invitations, he set bail at $500.
While Gagnon argues he did not send the invitation, both he and his attorney, Neil Hourihan, are at a loss when it comes to explaining how the message was transmitted.
When asked about the situation by ABC News, Internet privacy expert and attorney Bradley Shear said it’s possible Gagnon is telling the truth. He cited a Google+ forum topic circa 2011 and 2012 that featured numerous customers complaining about the social network’s automatic invite feature.
"As soon as I add an email to a circle, Google seems to send an email automatically asking that person to join Google Plus,” wrote one user. “Is there any way of turning this off? I don't want Google to send any email on my behalf without my permission. At least I would expect some sort of warning."
"If he didn't send it -- if Google sent it without his permission and he was jailed for it -- Google could be facing major liability," Shear added.[...]
Mer otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
-LAPD Cops Stood Down Minutes Before TSA Shooting-
SvaraRaderaJanuary 22, 2014
Source: Fox
Minutes before a gunman opened fire in a Los Angeles International Airport terminal last fall, killing a security screener and wounding three other people, the two armed officers assigned to the area left for breaks without informing a dispatcher as required.
The Los Angeles Airport Police Department officers were outside Terminal 3 when authorities say Paul Ciancia opened fire with an assault rifle in an attack targeting Transportation Security Administration officers, two law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. The officials requested anonymity, saying they were briefed on the shooting but were not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation.
As terrified travelers dived for cover, TSA officers -- who are unarmed -- fled the screening area without hitting a panic button or using a landline to call for help. It took a call from an airline contractor to a police dispatcher, who then alerted officers over the radio -- a lag of nearly a minute and a half, the officials said.[...]