2014-01-24. Det avslöjas att vakter i ett flertal amerikanska fängelser använder fångar som sexslavar. Enligt en ny videorapport med ett offer så är detta en del av kulturen i fängelsesystemet i vissa amerikanska fängelser. Detta har också pågått i stor skala under många år i USA...(Bild: cellar-fcp.deviantart.com)
CENSURERAD av STOREBROR, - för din egen trygghet, så klart...
"Daily Mail: - En Tredjedel av fängelsets personal hade sex med fångarna"
Female Prisoners Routinely RAPED In U.S. Justice System
Publicerades den 29 jan. 2014 David Pakman Show
--Female inmates at Julia Tutwiler prison in Alabama were raped by guards and forced to take part in strip shows***
Daily Mail - 23 jan 2014
January 24, 2014
Justice Dept. Accuses Alabama Women’s Prison of Rampant Sexual Abuse
All Gov 2014-01-27
Female prisoners at an Alabama prison have been subjected to a “toxic, sexualized environment” as a result of abuses and misconduct by staff that have gone on since the 1990s, according to federal investigators.
Female prisoners at an Alabama prison have been subjected to a “toxic, sexualized environment” as a result of abuses and misconduct by staff that have gone on since the 1990s, according to federal investigators.

The investigation (pdf), conducted last April, found violations that included verbal abuse, voyeurism, and forced sexual contact between prisoners and staff.
Also, the Justice Department learned that the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) knew problems at Tutwiler had existed since 1995, but failed to address the situation.
“Eighteen years since notifying ADOC and Tutwiler officials of inappropriate sexual activity between staff and prisoners, problems in the area of sexual abuse and harassment have only worsened,” the report states.
- Incidents of sexual abuse and harassment were committed by more than half of the prison’s staff, and more than one-third of them were found to have had sex with prisoners. There are 900 female inmates at the prison.
The prison lacked any kind of system to track complaints lodged against staff, resulting in dozens of violations by individual guards, some of whom were labeled sexual predators, according to the report.
One guard had nearly 40 reported incidents of misconduct, while another had 27 and two others had 19.
Female inmates often traded sex for necessities, including uniforms and hygiene products, as well as for drugs and alcohol. Those who reported the misconduct received threats and punishment.
“Staff and prisoners continue to engage in overt and inappropriate sexual behavior at Tutwiler, most recently within days of our arrival. This behavior is indicative of the need for critical institutional reforms that will not only address the underlining causes of the harm but also identify and implement sustainable reforms.
To this end, ADOC must take on an active role in monitoring the changes made at Tutwiler. It is no longer enough to delegate the changes to the Tutwiler officials without expansive oversight,” the report stated.
Tutwiler was ranked, by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2007, as the first among women's prisons and the11th among 146 prisons across the country for frequency of sexual assaults on inmates.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
Over Two Decades, 'Sexual Abuse and Harassment Have Only Worsened' at Julia Tutwiler Prison (by Kelsey Stein, AL.com)
Alabama Prison Was House of Horrors for Female Inmates, Feds Say (by Jack Cloherty, Mike Levine and Pierre Thomas, ABC News)
DOJ to Expand Tutwiler Investigation (by Matt Okarmus, Montgomery Advertiser)
Investigation Into Sexual Violence at Tutwiler Prison for Women (Equal Justice Initiative) (pdf)
Letter to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley re Tutwiler Federal Investigation (U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division) (pdf)
Alabama First State to Require Fingerprints of Prison Visitors (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
Alabama Judge Shuts Down Private Debtors Prison (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)

Daily Mali 2014-01-23
Inmates at an Alabama women's prison have been raped, sodomized and sexually abused by guards and in some instances allegedly forced to perform sex acts to obtain basic sanitary supplies, a U.S. Department of Justice report released on Wednesday revealed.
The report was the result of a year-long investigation into conditions at the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women, which is located in central Alabama and holds more than 900 inmates. It is also home to the only death row for women in the state.
'The women at Tutwiler universally fear for their safety,' federal officials wrote in a 36-page letter to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.
'They live in a sexualized environment with repeated and open sexual behavior including: abusive sexual contact between staff and prisoners, sexualized activity, including a strip show condoned by staff,' the report said.
The report found that allegations of sexual abuse are 'grossly under-reported' because of inmates' fear of retaliation.
Dozens of inmates were interviewed as part of the investigation and 233 letters were received from women currently serving time at the prison.
Roughly a quarter of the prison population reported abuse including sexual harassment, dehumanizing behavior, excessive use of force and inadequate medical care.
Multiple women over several years made similar abuse allegations - which were backed up by some current and former staff.
The Alabama Department of Corrections is failing to protect the prison's inmates in violation of their constitutional rights, the Justice Department said.
'We conclude that the State of Alabama violates the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution by failing to protect women prisoners at Tutwiler from harm due to sexual abuse and harassment from correctional staff,' the letter said.
The DOJ added: 'The Alabama Department of Corrections and Tutwiler have demonstrated a clear and deliberate indifference to the harm and substantial risk of harm to women prisoners.
In 2007, a federal study found that Tutwiler was the women's prison with the highest rate of sexual assaults in the nation.[...]
Läs mer:

Daily Mali 2014-01-23
Inmates at an Alabama women's prison have been raped, sodomized and sexually abused by guards and in some instances allegedly forced to perform sex acts to obtain basic sanitary supplies, a U.S. Department of Justice report released on Wednesday revealed.
The report was the result of a year-long investigation into conditions at the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women, which is located in central Alabama and holds more than 900 inmates. It is also home to the only death row for women in the state.
'The women at Tutwiler universally fear for their safety,' federal officials wrote in a 36-page letter to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley.
'They live in a sexualized environment with repeated and open sexual behavior including: abusive sexual contact between staff and prisoners, sexualized activity, including a strip show condoned by staff,' the report said.
- Around a third of employees at Tutwiler have had sex with female inmate, it was reported.
The report found that allegations of sexual abuse are 'grossly under-reported' because of inmates' fear of retaliation.
Dozens of inmates were interviewed as part of the investigation and 233 letters were received from women currently serving time at the prison.
Roughly a quarter of the prison population reported abuse including sexual harassment, dehumanizing behavior, excessive use of force and inadequate medical care.
Multiple women over several years made similar abuse allegations - which were backed up by some current and former staff.
The Alabama Department of Corrections is failing to protect the prison's inmates in violation of their constitutional rights, the Justice Department said.
'We conclude that the State of Alabama violates the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution by failing to protect women prisoners at Tutwiler from harm due to sexual abuse and harassment from correctional staff,' the letter said.
The DOJ added: 'The Alabama Department of Corrections and Tutwiler have demonstrated a clear and deliberate indifference to the harm and substantial risk of harm to women prisoners.
'- Officials have been on notice for over eighteen years of the risks... and, for over eighteen years have chosen to ignore them.'
In 2007, a federal study found that Tutwiler was the women's prison with the highest rate of sexual assaults in the nation.[...]
Läs mer:
Amerikanska fängelsevakter använde fångar som sexslavar - våldtäkter i industriell skala
--Half of Sexual Assaults in Jail and Prison Committed by Guards and most by Female Staff--
SvaraRaderaJanuary 25, 2014
Sexual assaults are on the rise in America’s prisons and jails, largely because of prison guards, particularly female ones.
The federal Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced (pdf) 8,763 allegations of sexual attacks were reported in 2011, “a statistically significant increase over the number of allegations reported in 2009 (7,855) and 2010 (8,404).”
Nearly half (49%) of the 2011 allegations involved prison guards or staff.
Furthermore, more than half (54%) of all reports involving guards or staff that were substantiated were committed by women. Female guards/staff were also responsible for a quarter (26%) of all incidents of staff sexual harassment.
BJS analysts found that 84% of all substantiated incidents between 2009 and 2011 perpetrated by female guards/staff involved a sexual relationship that “appeared to be willing,” compared to 37% of those perpetrated by male guards/staff.
“Any sexual contact between inmates and staff is illegal, regardless of whether it ‘appeared to be willing,’” the BJS noted.
The vast majority of guards/staff caught committing sexual misconduct (78%) were terminated or resigned. Nearly half (45%) were arrested, referred for prosecution or convicted.[...]
--Justice Dept. Accuses Alabama Women’s Prison of Rampant Sexual Abuse--
SvaraRaderaAll Gov - January 27, 2014
Female prisoners at an Alabama prison have been subjected to a “toxic, sexualized environment” as a result of abuses and misconduct by staff that have gone on since the 1990s, according to federal investigators.
The U.S. Department of Justice says conditions at Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women are unconstitutional, due to harassment and sexual assaults of inmates by guards. The investigation (pdf), conducted last April, found violations that included verbal abuse, voyeurism, and forced sexual contact between prisoners and staff.
Also, the Justice Department learned that the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) knew problems at Tutwiler had existed since 1995, but failed to address the situation.
“Eighteen years since notifying ADOC and Tutwiler officials of inappropriate sexual activity between staff and prisoners, problems in the area of sexual abuse and harassment have only worsened,” the report states.
Incidents of sexual abuse and harassment were committed by more than half of the prison’s staff, and more than one-third of them were found to have had sex with prisoners. There are 900 female inmates at the prison.
The prison lacked any kind of system to track complaints lodged against staff, resulting in dozens of violations by individual guards, some of whom were labeled sexual predators, according to the report.
One guard had nearly 40 reported incidents of misconduct, while another had 27 and two others had 19.
Female inmates often traded sex for necessities, including uniforms and hygiene products, as well as for drugs and alcohol. Those who reported the misconduct received threats and punishment.
“Staff and prisoners continue to engage in overt and inappropriate sexual behavior at Tutwiler, most recently within days of our arrival. This behavior is indicative of the need for critical institutional reforms that will not only address the underlining causes of the harm but also identify and implement sustainable reforms.
To this end, ADOC must take on an active role in monitoring the changes made at Tutwiler. It is no longer enough to delegate the changes to the Tutwiler officials without expansive oversight,” the report stated.
Tutwiler was ranked, by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2007, as the first among women's prisons and the11th among 146 prisons across the country for frequency of sexual assaults on inmates.[...]