Video från upproret i Ukraina där demonstranter tänder eld på ett antal kravallpoliser.
Publicerad den 22 jan 2014
RT's correspondent Peter Oliver got caught in the middle of Kiev's violent meltdown. Our crew films dramatic footage of police smashing people while running, beating protesters on ground.***
Direktinspelat 22 jan 2014
Riot police brutally dispersed protesters from central Kiev in the largest operation since the latest outbreak of violence this week. The crackdown led to open street battles in Kiev. Thick black smoke broods over Kiev's skies. FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES: http://on.rt.com/nzmznd

Ukrainas demonstranter tände eld på kravallpolisen som hämnd - video

Publicerad den 23 jan 2014
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com
— the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers
some of the most important developments in open source intelligence
news. This week:
Story #1: Ukraine Opposition Sets 24-hour Deadline As Protests Rage
Putin Scores a New Victory: What Really Happened In Ukraine
Ukraine Texts Citizens: Hey, We See You're In a Mass Disturbance
Reddit: Ukraine Revolt Livestream
State Of Emergency Begins As Thailand Copes With Protests
Geneva II: Day 1 of Syria Peace Talks Ends on Fragile Ground
Story #2: US Judge Rules IP Address Does Not Prove Online Piracy
NSA Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers
Story #3: Homeland Security Special Agents Hold Up Google Glass Moviegoer
Google Unveils 'Smart Contact Lens' to Measure Glucose Levels
Bonus: Interview w/ Cale Sampson on 'The Big Picture'
Interview w/ Howard Sounes on '27'
Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report http://ur1.ca/39obd and Media Monarchy http://ur1.ca/kuec Thank you.
Previous Episode: ICC to Prosecute UK Officials for Iraq War Crimes?
Story #1: Ukraine Opposition Sets 24-hour Deadline As Protests Rage
Putin Scores a New Victory: What Really Happened In Ukraine
Ukraine Texts Citizens: Hey, We See You're In a Mass Disturbance
Reddit: Ukraine Revolt Livestream
State Of Emergency Begins As Thailand Copes With Protests
Geneva II: Day 1 of Syria Peace Talks Ends on Fragile Ground
Story #2: US Judge Rules IP Address Does Not Prove Online Piracy
NSA Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers
Story #3: Homeland Security Special Agents Hold Up Google Glass Moviegoer
Google Unveils 'Smart Contact Lens' to Measure Glucose Levels
Bonus: Interview w/ Cale Sampson on 'The Big Picture'
Interview w/ Howard Sounes on '27'
Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report http://ur1.ca/39obd and Media Monarchy http://ur1.ca/kuec Thank you.
Previous Episode: ICC to Prosecute UK Officials for Iraq War Crimes?
Ukrainas demonstranter tände eld på kravallpolisen som hämnd - video
--Fem demonstranter uppges ha dödats av polisen i Kiev--
SvaraRaderaDe dödade demonstranterna har antingen skjutits i huvudet eller i hjärtat
"Fem demonstranter dödades i Kiev på onsdagen i samband med sammandrabbningar med kravallpolisen, uppger en sjukvårdssamordnare för demonstranterna för nyhetsbyrån AFP."
January 23, 2014
RaderaThe riots have reportedly left two people dead and at least 300 injured, according to local media.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs said on Wednesday that more than 70 people have been detained during the unrest.
(Enligt uppgifter till RT var polisen inte heller utrustad med skjutvapen - se kommentar nr 1 med uppgifter från Sveriges radio)
--Protesters surround American embassy in Kiev, rally against US meddling--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: January 23, 2014
A huge crowd of demonstrators has surrounded the US embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, protesting against Washington’s meddling in the country’s internal affairs.
Follow RT's live updates.
The event was organized by Kievans for Clean City, a new pro-government activist group which has spoken out against the rioters and violence in downtown Kiev.
Several thousand demonstrators are taking part, urging the US to “stop sponsoring” mass unrests, local media reported.
“The US is behind everything that is happening in Kiev’s downtown right now. The financing is coming from over there. This has to be stopped. That is what we came out here to say to the whole world: ‘US - stop! US - there needs to be peace in Ukraine,’” said Ivan Protsenko, one of the movement’s leaders.
Rioters on Grushevskogo Street continue to burn tires, with building No. 4 catching fire from the high flames, Unian news agency quoted the Ministry of Internal Affairs as saying.
Police have been holding their line throughout the evening, attempting to extinguish fires with water cannons. After four days of protests, the center of the Ukrainian capital continues to resemble a warzone, with smoke, barricades, and debris all around. [...]
And judging by their looks and actions, they are armed, trained and prepared for war. This casts further doubt on the actions of these protestors being a completely "home grown" Ukrainian sponsored movement. Some outside international actor most likely had to provide the training, and better equipment. The protesters are also well-prepared for offensive. They have a wide assortment of melee weapons.
SvaraRaderaDenna naken man som beskrivs av alla medier som aktivist vilken vart torterad av polisen. Enligt info så var den psykopat i färd att utföra självbränningsakt under narkotika påverkan (eller ngn av utländska interventer som slussades till Kiev som "revolutionärer" proppade han med narkotika - då polisen ser innapererad håll i halsen - möjligt individ vart kidnappad drogad och under maind-kontroll totalt från vetet). Polisen drog han från självbränningsaktion - därför han var naken och så neddrogad att han vart inte i sina sinnens bruk. Medier utnytjar han som offer för polisvåld. Troligt de som organiserade det och innopererade hål i hans hals för att ha självbränningsakt kandidat som informerade medier förväntade sig - och som blev hjälpt av polisen från döden då presenterades det pressis tvätrtom som om det polisen som torterade han ( men det att han hade opererad håll i halsen är tyst om).