(Bilden ovanför är från en liknande händelse)

Bloggens tidigare artikel om den54-åringa kvinnan:
USA: Ny anal-visitering i timmar med vaginabonus av 54-åring - inför öppna dörrar
Police State: - Feds detain and strip search woman, take her to hospital for ‘body cavity probes’, now she has $5,000 in hospital bills
Source: Poor Richard's Blog 2014-01-03
“After enduring approximately six hours of demeaning and highly invasive searches, (the woman) was released without any charge,” the lawsuit said.
- However, her attorney said she was charged $5,000 by the hospital.
“What is truly frightening about this incident is that it could have happened to anyone,” said ACLU-NM Legal Director Laura Schauer Ives. “The failed drug war and militarized border region have created an environment in which law enforcement officials increasingly inflict extreme and illegal searches on innocent Americans.”[...]
Några artiklar om liknande händelser:
Lawsuit: Woman Faced Illegal Body Cavity Search, Observed Bowel Movement
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Federal agents wrongfully strip-searched a New Mexico woman at the El Paso border crossing, then took her to a hospital where she was forced to undergo illegal body cavity probes in an attempt to find drugs, according to a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday.
The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in El Paso said the unnamed 54-year-old U.S. citizen was “brutally” searched by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in December 2012 after being selected for additional random screening at the Cordova Bridge in El Paso when a drug sniffing dog jumped on her. The woman was returning from a visit to a recently deported family friend in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, the lawsuit said.
Agents quickly stripped searched her and did cavity searches but found no evidence of drugs, court documents said. But the woman was transported in handcuffs to the University Medical Center of El Paso, the lawsuit said, where doctors subjected her to an observed bowel movement, a CT scan and other exams without a warrant.[...]
Bilder från en tidigare händelse:
"Texaspolis med plasthandskar kontrollerade vagina och anus vid vägkanten"
- Här undersöker "lagens långa arm" vaginorna på två kvinnor i Texas utmed vägkanten. Damernas brott? De misstänktes ha kastat ut en cigarettfimp genom sitt bilfönster.
...Blev lagens långa arm just längre..?
Läs mer: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/01/texaspolis-med-plasthandskar.html
Oskyldig 54-åring tvingades betala 30.000 för sitt möte med "Lagens långa arm"
SvaraRaderaJanuary 9, 2014
Source: Breitbart
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents and U.S Attorneys held secret meetings with drug trafficking organizations, especially the Sinaloa cartel, on Mexican soil, revealed Mexico-based newspaper El Universal.
The DEA and the U.S. Attorney's office are both components of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
Official and court documents from the U.S and Mexican governments were cited as the source in the Jan. 6 news report.
Court documents show that the U.S. government knew and authorized those meetings, which resulted in drug seizures, arrests, and an increase in drug cartel violence in Mexico.
The paper published excerpts from U.S. court documents to support their claims. Breitbart News confirmed the validity of the court papers.
El Universal alleges that the DEA operations were carried out without the knowledge of the Mexican government.
The paper reported that it obtained the court and official documents in the course of a year. During that time, it also conducted interviews with “more than a hundred” active and retired officials from both countries. The paper also interviewed inmates, their family, and experts.