tisdag 14 januari 2014

USA: Hungrig snut drog pistol på McDonalds - hotade skjuta pojke som stod före i kön

En polisman i USA drog sin pistol och satte den mot huvudet på en 18-årig pojke som köade på McDonalds Drive Thru. Orsak..?  - Den mycket hungrige och irriterade snuten tyckte att hans Big Mac tog för lång tid. Genom att hota att avrätta 18-åringen framför sig i kön med ett skott i huvudet, så trodde snuten att han kunde få sin middag snabbare...


Cop Puts Gun To Boy's Throat In McDonald's Drive Thru (1)

Publicerad den 12 jan 2014
UPDATE: Biumi was arrested last week in Forsyth County and charged with felony aggravated assault. 

Investigators say surveillance video showed Biumi brandishing a pistol at a McDonald's patron parked at a window of a drive-thru. Investigators said Biumi was angry that the patron was taking an excessive amount of time at the window.

Biumi is now suspended with pay from DeKalb PD. The Peace Officers Standards and Training Council has suspended his police certification.

Cop Puts Gun To Boy's Throat In McDonald's Drive Thru (2)

Publicerad den 18 apr 2013
4/18/13 - FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. -- A police officer who was waiting in the drive-thru line at a McDonald's restaurant in Forsyth County is accused of pulling a gun on the customer ahead of him because the officer was angry at having to wait for his food. The off-duty officer is Detective Sgt. Scott Biumi, 48, of the DeKalb County Police Department. Biumi is charged with felony aggravated assault on the customer. 11Alive News was not able to reach him for comment Wednesday night.

Cop Who Pulled Gun On Man For 'Holding Up McDonald's Drive-Thru Line' Gets Probation, Community Service

January 13, 2014 - Source: Chris - Information Liberation
Veteran police officer Detective Sgt. Scott Biumi, 48, of the DeKalb County Police Department was caught on video pulling a gun on Ryan Mash, 18, who was at the front a McDonald's drive-thru line, because he felt the young man was responsible for "holding up" the line. 

He was indited on two counts of aggravated assault back in July of last year. Biumi was finally just sentenced, all he's getting is 10 years probation and 120 hours community service -- no jail time. 

Here's a thought experiment to question if we have a two-tiered justice system: What do you think the punishment would have been if it was a citizen who pulled a gun on a cop because he thought he was holding up a McDonald's drive-thru line?



USA: Hungrig snut drog pistol på McDonalds - hotade skjuta pojke som stod före i kön

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