- och sköt sedan kallblodigt ihjäl den mentalt instabile tonårspojken...
RT 2014-01-08
A Boiling Springs Lakes, North Carolina family is looking for answers after local police shot and killed their mentally ill teenage son while responding to a call for help.

Now, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation has decided to look into the matter, as Brunswick County District Attorney Jon David vowed to meet with the family and “go wherever the truth leads in this case."
"The public deserves to have a process put in place that will lead to the most just resolution," he said, according to NBC News.
The incident occurred on Sunday, January 5, when Vidal suffered from a mental breakdown in which he threatened to fight his mother. He was holding a small screwdriver in his hand when the first of three police units arrived at the scene. A confrontation was noted in the county event report obtained by local WECT, but the responding unit radioed in multiple times that the situation was under control.
Little more than a minute after a third police unit arrived, it reported that a gun was fired in self-defense.
According to the teenager's father Mark Wilsey, however, Vidal posed no danger to anyone. He said the screwdriver in his son’s hand was small and not a threat, while the family noted that the young man had just turned 18 and weighed 90 pounds. Wilsey said that Vidal had been subdued until the third officer walked in and the boy became agitated.
"- Then all of a sudden, this Southport cop came, walked in the house [and said]: 'I don't have time for this.
Tase him. Let's get him out of here,'" Wilsey told NBC. After the stun gun was used on Vidal, Wilsey said the third officer shot him, saying he was protecting his officers.
"- He reached right up, shot this kid point-blank, with all intent to kill," Wilsey added. "He just murdered him flat out."

As WECT noted, Vidal’s mother, Mary Wilsey, said she tried to get her son help on multiple occasions. The family added that their daughter was just recently killed in a car accident, making Vidal the second child they’ll have to bury.
Neighbors, meanwhile, said that while Vidal suffered from depression, he played with their children and never hurt anyone.
Publicerad den 8 jan 2014
Several instances of police officers
using excessive force have gripped national headlines in the new year.
In one notable instance, the family of an 18-year-old schizophrenic teen
is demanding answers after officers shot and killed their son.
Meanwhile, a new report suggests 99 percent of police brutality cases go
uninvestigated in New Jersey. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez takes a
closer look as a few of these cases. ***Publicerad den 8 jan 2014
USA: Polisen mördade mentalsjuk tonåring - när pojkens föräldrar ringt polisen om vårdhjälp
Police tase, shoot and kill 90-pound schizophrenic teen
--For Police, Murder is a Time-Saving Device--
SvaraRaderaWilliam Norman Grigg
"We don't have time for this!" exclaimed a police officer as he shot and killed a psychologically troubled, 90-pound teenage boy who had already been tasered and was pinned down beneath two other officers. The victim, 18-year-old Keith Vidal, was "armed" with a screwdriver at the time of his death.
Vidal's father, Mark Wilsey, had called the police for help when the boy suffered what was described as a psychotic episode on the afternoon of January 5.
When the police arrived at the family's home in Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina, they rendered the kind of "help" for which they have become so notorious -- repeatedly tasering the troubled young man until one of them simply shot him as a time-saving measure.
"There was no reason to shoot this kid," Wilsey told the local NBC affiliate.
"We called for help and they killed my son." During a press conference today (January 6), Wilsey recalled that he was helping the police try to calm down his son when one of the officers fired the fatal gunshot. In addition to killing Vidal, the officer imperiled the lives of several other people -- including two of his comrades at risk.
He later pointed his gun at Wilsey when the father reacted with predictable pain and outrage over the murder of his son.
There was "no reason" for deadly force, Wilsey points out. "They had Tasers on them, and they didn't have to even tase him, they could have just talked to him, talked to him another ten minutes."
Speaking during the press conference, Vidal's mother urged parents of emotionally troubled children not to place the lives of their loved ones at risk by inviting the intervention of armed strangers clothed in the supposed authority to kill: "Do not call the police department for help -- because your son will probably be killed, like mine was."[...]