(Bilder från USA:s krig-för-freds-äventyr i Irak)
Grov organiserad tortyr, våldtäkter, brännmärkningar, elektrifiering, simulerade avrättningar, diverse grova sexuella och kränkande övergrepp etc, etc, etc...
400 Irakier vittnar om de organiserade övergreppen som utfördes av soldater från Storbritannien och pågick mellan 2003-2008 i Irak, under både ledande engelska politikers och arméns befälhavares vetskap.
Den Tysklandsbaserade gruppen; "European Centre for Constitutional Human Rights", ligger bakom publiceringen och kräver en öppen utredning av övergreppen...
Publicerad den 14 jan 2014
The ICC has been urged to investigate the alleged war crimes of UK politicians during the Iraq conflict. A dossier detailing reports of sexual assault, torture and mock executions carried out by British soldiers in Iraq has been submitted to the Court.Publicerad den 14 jan 2014
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/4x04nl

‘Systematic torture’: Dossier accusing UK politicians of Iraq war crimes goes to ICC
RT January 12, 2014
The ICC has been urged to investigate the alleged war crimes of UK politicians during the Iraq conflict. A dossier detailing reports of sexual assault, torture and mock executions carried out by British soldiers in Iraq has been submitted to the Court.
The 250-page document entitled “The Responsibility of UK Officials for War Crimes Involving Systematic Detainee Abuse in Iraq from 2003-2008”, published by the German-based European Centre for Constitutional Human Rights, calls for "opening of an investigation” into the actions of senior British officials during the conflict.

Given the scope and systematic nature of the crimes between 2003 and 2008, the Centre for Constitutional Human Rights lays the blame at the feet of “individuals at the highest levels” of the UK army and political system. The report alleges that members of the UK government were aware, or should have been aware, of the abuses being committed by their soldiers, but even so, failed to act.
“Civilian superiors knew or consciously disregarded information at their disposal, which clearly indicated that UK services personnel were committing war crimes in Iraq,” writes the report.
- It highlights a number of British politicians alleging their guilt of war crimes.
- Ex-defense secretary, Geoff Hoon, and army chief, General Sir Peter Wall, are just two of the high-ranking politicians implicated in the systematic abuse of Iraqi prisoners.
The complaint argues that "the pattern of abusive treatment by UK services personnel in Iraq continued over almost six years of military operations", as quoted by the Independent on Sunday, and calls for an investigation into the alleged war crimes, under Article 15 of the Rome Statute.
The UK government responded, saying it rejected claims of “systematic torture,” but regretted a “small number” of cases had taken place. In these cases, the UK claims the necessary legal steps were taken and the families of those affected were duly compensated.
“These matters are either under thorough investigation, or have been dealt with through various means including through the Iraq historic allegations team, independent public inquiries, the UK and European courts and in parliament,” a government spokesman said.
The ICC has previously stated “there was a reasonable basis to believe that crimes within the jurisdiction of the court had been committed, namely willful killing and inhuman treatment" by British soldiers. However, prosecutors said the number of cases – around 20 – was too little to warrant an investigation into possible war crimes.

‘Baseless rumors’
A number of accusations have been leveled at the UK military regarding acts of abuse during the Iraq occupation. British military officials rejected allegations that soldiers had mutilated the bodies of insurgents and abused detainees in the 2004 ‘Battle of Danny Boy’ in southern Iraq.
Colonel Adam Griffith told a London hearing in September that there was “no evidence to support this proposition”. He attributed the claims of Iraqi witnesses to their “ignorance as to the traumatic injuries that can be suffered in combat” and a smear campaign against the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Publicerad den 16 jan 2014 corbettreport
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com
— the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers
some of the most important developments in open source intelligence
news. This week:
Story #1: Devastating Dossier on 'Abuse' by UK Forces in Iraq Goes to International Criminal Court
ICC Urged to Investigate War Crimes of UK Politicians During Iraq Conflict
Ariel Sharon: Serial War Criminal, Mass Murderer
Story #2: New CFR "Dream Team" to Sweep the Fed
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Labor Participation Rate Lowest Since 1978
Story #3: As Spill Fallout Continues, Freedom Industries Cited at Second West Virginia Site
Influx of ER Visits Reported Following Lifted 'Do Not Use' Advisories
Wikipedia: 2014 Elk River Chemical Spill
Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy. Thank you.
Previous Episode: GMO-free Cheerios, NSA Catalog, Celeb Shilling
Story #1: Devastating Dossier on 'Abuse' by UK Forces in Iraq Goes to International Criminal Court
ICC Urged to Investigate War Crimes of UK Politicians During Iraq Conflict
Ariel Sharon: Serial War Criminal, Mass Murderer
Story #2: New CFR "Dream Team" to Sweep the Fed
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Labor Participation Rate Lowest Since 1978
Story #3: As Spill Fallout Continues, Freedom Industries Cited at Second West Virginia Site
Influx of ER Visits Reported Following Lifted 'Do Not Use' Advisories
Wikipedia: 2014 Elk River Chemical Spill
Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy. Thank you.
Previous Episode: GMO-free Cheerios, NSA Catalog, Celeb Shilling

Storbritannien anklagas för 1000-tals krigsbrott och grov organiserad tortyr i Irak 2003-2008
--Ukraine passes sweeping legislation against protests and online freedom--
SvaraRaderaJanuary 17, 2014
Source: France 24
Pro-government lawmakers on Thursday pushed legislation through Ukraine's parliament on Thursday that criminalised acts of protest, an apparent bid to undermine months of demonstrations against President Viktor Yanukovych.
Backed by 235 of Ukraine's 450 lawmakers, blockading public buildings will now be punishable by up to five years in prison.
Protesters who wear masks or helmets will face a fine or an administrative arrest while the dissemination of slander online was also banned, punishable by a fine or up to one year of corrective labour.
The opposition has been leading nearly two months of rallies against Yanukovych over his decision to ditch a key trade agreement with the EU after coming under pressure from Russia.
Soon after scuttling the EU deal, Yanukovich secured a $15 billion loan from Russia and huge discounts on natural gas purchases, prompting fears that Ukraine was falling further under the Kremlin's spell.
SvaraRaderaThe pseudo-legal arguments for a police state
"Thailand: US-backed Regime Using Terrorism Against Occupy Bangkok Protesters US-backed dictator Thaksin Shinawatra and his proxy regime in Thailand http://www.activistpost.com/2014/01/thailand-us-backed-regime-using.html
SvaraRaderaTurkish police fire water cannon at protesters http://www.blacklistednews.com/Turkish_police_fire_water_cannon_at_protesters_rallying_against_%E2%80%98Internet_censorship%E2%80%99_law_%28PHOTOS%29/32130/0/38/38/Y/M.html
http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/news/president-turkey-signs-controversial-medical-aid-bill-law -
här är förklaring om terrordåd i Volgograd Ryssland: (på ryska)
Hämtat från ryska siter (det är värd att översätta, samma kan hända i Sverige, då beställare är den samma sionist NWO) :
"Приветствую, Док!
Вот хороший разбор того, что никакого террориста-смертника во время взрыва на ж/д вокзале в Волгограде не было: http://truba.com/video/395341/
Бомба была заложена в люстре. Я сделал скрин с комментариями с этого видео: http://shot.qip.ru/00b7Lu-6PoBBouOR/
На нем видно, что самая яркая часть вспышки от взрыва была гораздо выше человеческого роста. В общем, суду тут все ясно. "
Israeli nukes aimed at terrorizing world: Ralph Schoenman