- Frågan blir då naturligtvis om de spanska wannabe-fascisterna vid makten kommer att ta emot checkar..?:)
- The new law, drafted by Spain's ruling People's Party, would introduce fines for activists taking part in unauthorized protests, publishing images of police, or interrupting public events.
- Demonstrating near parliament without permission could result in a fine as high as 600,000 euro (US$824,040), while insulting a police officer could cost a demonstrator up to 30,000 euro ($41,202).
Unauthorized demonstrations near the Spanish Parliament could see participants being fined 600,000 euro ($810,000) under a new Citizen Security bill being introduced by Spain’s ruling rightist Popular Party, local media reported.
Under the legislation, which will likely soon be approved in parliament, “social uproar” leading to harassment or insults of officials is to be made a criminal offense. Masked disorderly conduct could also incur charges. The legislation will likely be drafted by the Cabinet next Friday.
Unsanctioned protests outside political offices will be outlawed, alongside disorderly conduct by people hindering any means of identification, while people offering sexual services in the vicinity of children’s play areas will also be made illegal, according to Spanish newspaper 20minutos.es.
Other offenses deemed serious are to include publishing images or personal data of policemen, interrupting public events, possession of illegal drugs, vandalism of public property and drinking alcohol in the street.
The fines will vary between 1,000 euro and 30,000 euro ($1,350-$40,000) for more minor offenses. However, just insulting a policeman could see a citizen landed with a 30,000-euro fine.***
Bilden överst: A semi-naked protester kneels near the Parliament building during a protest against a new security law in Madrid December 14, 2013. (Reuters / Sergio Perez)
- Spanjorer demonstrerar mot kommande förbud att demonstrera...
Publicerad den 15 dec 2013
Clashes in Madrid as demonstrators rally against anti-protest bill
RT 2013-12-14.
At least 23 people have been hurt in clashes outside the Spanish Parliament in Madrid, as hundreds of protesters gathered on Saturday to demonstrate against newly proposed anti-protest legislation.
The demonstrators held signs that said 'Freedom to protest’ and 'People's Party, shame of Spain!' while police and barricades prevented them from getting any closer to the parliament building.
The rally in the heart of the Spanish capital finished by 10 p.m. local time, with at least seven protesters detained and 23 people injured - 14 of them police - EFE news agency reports.[...]

Spanjorer demonstrerar mot kommande förbud att demonstrera...
Att demonstrera är ändå bara slöseri med tid. Ska man ändra i ett land trycker man upp undermattan och corruptio-blogg i 100 000 exemplar och delar ut som dagstidning till Fårsson när de åker T-bana.
SvaraRaderaOK...då fattas det bara tre små detaljer..:
Radera1. Finansiärer som betalar kalaset.
2. Folk som utför arbetet.
3. En befolkning som bryr sig...
Hur i helvete ska de bevisa att någon har förolämpat en polis? När ord står mot ord lär - som vi alla vet - polisen vinna. Det gäller alltid att ha filmkameran på (snarare två, en riktad mot polisen och en riktad mot privatpersonen) så att de inte kan komma med falska anklagelser. Finns youtube-klipp där poliser falskeligen anklagar folk för att spotta på dem.
SvaraRaderaDet är sannolikt meningen att det ska så småningom ska bli förbjudet att fotografera poliser.
RaderaFlera länder, och t.ex. vissa USA-stater har redan den lagen på gång. Sveriges nya fina fotoförbud kan säkert så småningom också glida ditåt.
Sen finns det flera fall där domstolar helt enkelt inte bryr sig om vad som är på film, för att skydda sina kompisar inom polisen.
Här är ett exempel på en förolämpad en svensk polis. Studera:
Kolla även:
Kolla även artikeln här:
--Police protection or citizen censorship? Spain to ban photos and videos of cops--
October 19, 2012
Spain’s government is drafting a law that bans the photographing and filming of members of the police. The Interior Ministry assures they are not cracking down on freedom of expression, but protecting the lives of law enforcement officers.
The draft legislation follows waves of protests throughout the country against uncompromising austerity cuts to public healthcare and education.
The new Citizen Safety Law will prohibit “the capture, reproduction and editing of images, sounds or information of members of the security or armed forces in the line of duty,” said the director general of the police, Ignacio Cosido. He added that this new bill seeks to “find a balance between the protection of citizens’ rights and those of security forces.”
The dissemination of images and videos over social networks like Facebook will also be punishable under the legislation.
Despite the fact that the new law will cover all images that could pose a risk to the physical safety officers or impede them from executing their duty, the Interior Ministry maintains it will not encroach on freedom of expression.
“We are trying to avoid images of police being uploaded onto social networks with threats to them and their families,” underlined Cosido.[...]
--It is a crime to take pictures--
RaderaKälla: BBC news 16 February 2009
From today, anyone taking a photograph of a police officer could be deemed to have committed a criminal offence.
That is because of a new law - Section 76 of the Counter Terrorism Act - which has come into force.
It permits the arrest of anyone found "eliciting, publishing or communicating information" relating to members of the armed forces, intelligence services and police officers, which is "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".
That means anyone taking a picture of one of those people could face a fine or a prison sentence of up to 10 years, if a link to terrorism is proved.
The law has angered photographers, both professional and amateur, who fear it could exacerbate the harassment they already sometimes face.
SvaraRadera" Böteslista för att bryta mot de nya lagarna i Spanien:
SvaraRaderaArrangera demonstration utan tillstånd som bedöms påverka den demokratiska processen eller som blockerar exempelvis en flygplats: 600000 euro
Skända fanan 30 000 euro
Skriva något kritiskt om Spanien på plakat 30 000 euro
Samlas som grupp på internet runt en Spanienkritisk åsikt 30 000 euro
Samlas kring symboler eller flaggor på sociala medier eller annat offentligt ställe med Spanienkritiska åsikter 30 000 euro
Måla en satirisk bild av en Spansk politiker 30 000 euro
Vägra legitimera sig på gatan för polis 30 000 euro
Fientligt beteende mot en polis i en demonstration: 1 000 euro
I dag, fredag, klubbas ett lagförslag i Spaniens parlament som kraftigt inskränker demokratiska fri- och rättigheter i landet. Det styrande högerpartiet Partido Popular vill bland annat kriminalisera karikatyrteckningar av politiker.
Det spanska högerpartiet Partido Popular, med rötter i Francoregimen, har majoritet i båda kamrarna i parlamentet, och kan därför driva igenom lagförslaget enkelt trots skarp kritik från oppositionen och människorättsjurister."