MISSA INTE DEN HÄR! - Och du lär dig kanske samtidigt hur man får in 150 poliser i ett litet hus? - Att "parkera fel" i en USA-förort är kanske delvis svaret på den frågan i nådens år, 2014...
POLISSTAT är bara förnamnet, och den som tror att detta inte är ett enormt globalt problem, har inte följt med alls under de senaste åren...
På en hel del webbforum ställs just nu frågan om Gestapo var värre eller bättre på sin tid. Svaret verkar inte alls så självklart längre.
År 2014 har vi kommit till en tid då skillnaden är marginell om du tillhör de mest utsatta grupperna för "Gestapos" verksamhet, som även tydligt spiller över till medelklassen.
Snutarna i videon trodde de hade förstört alla videofilmer av händelsen, men en avslöjande video dök ändå plötsligt upp på Youtube...
Video recorded by Michael S Lynch II.
The two males were seeing why the vehicles were being towed. The male in the blue truck pulled up late after getting out he asked officers why the cars were being towed, cops asked him things which i wasnt able to hear he moved towards the front left fender then towards the front bumper when he started walking back towards his drivers door it seemed to appear thats what he was either directed to do or was doing out of free will. Instantly the officer from behind him pursued a takedown forcing extreme force just to cuff him. The office put his knee in his back and neck taking multiple punches also the brother was recording and the officer seen him as to close to the other officers while doing so they proceeded with all that he moved to the side walk the rest of what he did was on the video but when the man filming took off towards the house to give the camera to his aunt, who is handicapped and wheel chair bound sitting in the hallway the whole time when he got into the house she was knocked down. Later admitted by the officer arresting him outside. I was not able to hear much more then the camera itself so everything they said was not heard.
POLISSTAT är bara förnamnet, och den som tror att detta inte är ett enormt globalt problem, har inte följt med alls under de senaste åren...
På en hel del webbforum ställs just nu frågan om Gestapo var värre eller bättre på sin tid. Svaret verkar inte alls så självklart längre.
År 2014 har vi kommit till en tid då skillnaden är marginell om du tillhör de mest utsatta grupperna för "Gestapos" verksamhet, som även tydligt spiller över till medelklassen.
Snutarna i videon trodde de hade förstört alla videofilmer av händelsen, men en avslöjande video dök ändå plötsligt upp på Youtube...
Publicerad den 21 mar 2013
Tactix94@yahoo.com for any questions about the videoVideo recorded by Michael S Lynch II.
The two males were seeing why the vehicles were being towed. The male in the blue truck pulled up late after getting out he asked officers why the cars were being towed, cops asked him things which i wasnt able to hear he moved towards the front left fender then towards the front bumper when he started walking back towards his drivers door it seemed to appear thats what he was either directed to do or was doing out of free will. Instantly the officer from behind him pursued a takedown forcing extreme force just to cuff him. The office put his knee in his back and neck taking multiple punches also the brother was recording and the officer seen him as to close to the other officers while doing so they proceeded with all that he moved to the side walk the rest of what he did was on the video but when the man filming took off towards the house to give the camera to his aunt, who is handicapped and wheel chair bound sitting in the hallway the whole time when he got into the house she was knocked down. Later admitted by the officer arresting him outside. I was not able to hear much more then the camera itself so everything they said was not heard.

- De Globala Myndigheternas talesman & trygghetsdoktor (bilden) ger kommande NWO-medborgare goda råd:
- Parkera alltid RÄTT, så slipper du och din familj sådana här små olägenheter..!***

Parking violation turns into police assault caught on video – lawsuit
***RT 2014-01-08
A Nebraska family filed suit Monday against dozens of police officers alleging that they turned a parking violation into a rough arrest and violating the family’s constitutional rights by breaking into a nearby home and confiscating video of the incident.
Four Omaha police officers initially responded to a complaint on March 21, 2013 that Octavius Johnson had parked his truck in the wrong area of the street. A video of the incident recorded from an upstairs window shows police throwing Johnson to the ground and punching him multiple times as a number of other officers rush to the scene. “He went around my neck, threw me to the ground, choked me out to the point where I couldn’t breathe or speak,” Johnson told KPTM-TV in Nebraska. “The officer told me to stop resisting, punched me in the face and said ‘do you want to die today.’”
Another officer pushes Octavius’ brother Juaquez, who is filming the arrest on a camera phone, away from the scene. Juaqeuz then escapes the officer’s grasp and sprints into a neighbor’s home and is chased by a handful of police, who eventually confiscated his phone.
That video – which is thought to have been destroyed – has never been made public. Yet the video captured from upstairs quickly went viral after the incident, inspiring community demonstrations and eventually the dismissal of the four officers caught on film. Criminal charges were brought against two of those patrolmen for either tampering with evidence or being an accessory.
Octavius, 28, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, while Juaquez, 23, was charged with obstructing officers and disorderly conduct.
“Many of the police actions that took place that day are in violation of our policies and do not represent how I want our officers to conduct themselves,” Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer told reporters at a press conference days later. “The final resolution will be fair to the citizens of Omaha, the Omaha Police Department and the specific employees involved so that we can move forward and restore any public trust that may have eroded with this incident.”
If the Omaha police have rectified the situation, it has not been enough of an effort to satisfy the Johnson family. With help from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) they filed suit seeking damages for the anxiety and depression that have surfaced in the months since. Eight officers were named in the suit and another 24 were unnamed.
“This incident will live with our family for the rest of our lives,” said Sharee Johnson, mother of the two young men. “None of us can call 911 when we need help and believe that police would be there to help us. We live in a city where we feel we have no protection.”
Octavius Johnson, the man tackled from behind, told Omaha’s KMTV that he’s grateful a childhood friend was able to capture the incident on video.
“I think we all know what would have happened if he wasn’t there,” he said. “It would have been swept under the rug.”
"American Gestapo" lär felparkerare uppföra sig - se videon som avslöjar dagens USA-snutar
--US govt attempts to block lawsuit against NSA--
SvaraRaderaRT January 09, 2014
Lawyers from the Justice Department have urged a judge to halt a lawsuit against the NSA’s spy programs. This comes after the judge’s previous ruling that the NSA’s collection of metadata was likely unconstitutional and "almost Orwellian" in nature.
On Wednesday, government lawyers appealed to US District Court Judge Richard Leon to put court proceedings on hold for two lawsuits against the NSA filed by conservative legal activist, Larry Klayman.
Klayman has challenged the legality of the NSA’s programs that collect and store the metadata of American citizens on a massive scale.
The lawyers argued that if the lawsuits were allowed to go further, they would lead to the disclosure of classified information which would represent a “significant risk” to national security.
“Plaintiffs have made clear their intentions to seek discovery of this kind of still-classified information, concerning targets and subjects, participating providers, and other operational details of the challenged NSA intelligence programs,” said the motion.
In this way, the lawyers want the lawsuits suspended until the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit hears an appeal of Judge Leon’s December-16 ruling that the NSA’s gathering of massive amounts of metadata probably went against the constitution. The US Department of Defense appealed the ruling on January 3. [...]
--Make the money, make the laws: Congress has more millionaires than ever - report--
SvaraRaderaRT January 09, 2014
The most unproductive and least popular US Congress in history can count on another distinction: For the first time ever, most members of the Legislative Branch are millionaires.
At least 268 of the 534 current members of the 113th US Congress have an average net worth of US$1 million or more, according to personal financial disclosure data members registered last year on 2012 net worth, the Center for Responsive Politics reported Thursday.
In 2011, only 48 percent of members had a median net worth of at least $1 million. That number is just over 50 percent for 2012.
The median net worth in 2012 for the 530 current congressional members who were in Congress as of the May 2013 filing deadline was $1,008,767, up from $966,000 in 2011. The totals represent a 5.8 percent net-worth increase for all members.
Net worth for Republicans and Democrats went up 10.3 percent and 11.6 percent, respectively.
For all members of the House of Representatives, net worth increased 4.6 percent, from $896,000 to $856,000. House Democrats and Republicans both saw increases, at $929,000 and $884,000, respectively.
In the Senate, there was a 10.8 percent increase in net worth overall. Median net worth for all senators went up to $2.794 million from $2.5 million. For Senate Republicans, the median net worth went up to $2.9 million from $2.5 million. Senate Democrats, on the other hand, saw a decline, at $1.7 million from $2.4 million.
That decrease can be explained in part by wealthy senators no longer in the upper chamber. John Kerry, now Secretary of State, was the wealthiest member of the Senate in 2011, with a net worth of $248 million. Sen. Frank Lautenberg was worth $87.5 million before his death last year.
Republican Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is the richest member of Congress, with a net worth of $464 million in 2012. [...]