En artikel på engelska från InsiderMonkey om världens 9 största privatarméer vilka kan hyras av både regeringar och privatpersoner till den globala krigföringen...
***USA anlitade 100-tusentals legoknektar under Irakkriget, bl.a. för att man då inte behövde visa upp så många döda amerikaner. Döda amerikaner är lite känsligt för hemmaopinionen som finansierar krigen. Många desperata fattiga invandrare som tagit sig till USA och riskerar att avvisas, lovas också amerikanskt medborgarskap om de bara krigar i armén under USA:s globala invasionskrig, under en bestämd tid...
The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?
Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?
Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?
Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?Read more at http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/the-9-largest-private-armies-in-the-world-what-are-they-fighting-for-179460/?singlepage=1#XMQb1eZT8JpS2moo.99
Insidermonkey 2013-06-24
Mercenaries are soldiers who are fighting in exchange for a gain or material compensation. If we look back in the history, such military force was used for thousands of years in Ancient Greece, Egypt, and the Roman Empire.
Ever wonder what the largest private armies in the world are? Even though nowadays many countries are struggling to protect peace, there are several official "war" conflict zones on Earth. In many cases, major countries can interfere with their own troops.
Photo Credit: isafmedia
If we fast-forward to present times, we can observe that mercenaries have became a type of business. Companies engaged in recruitment and training of mercenaries, provide security services for private clients, as well as participate in war conflicts being hired by governments.
Even though an army can benefit a lot from the use of mercenaries, there are several risks involved with hiring soldiers, including training inefficiencies and above-average wage expenditures. Desertion is also a possibility.
With defense budget cuts being made around the globe, mercenary services are organizations that are worth investors' attention, but only a few have managed what we'd truly consider to be "leaders" in this space.
Let's take a look at the companies that control the 9 largest private armies in the world:
Academi (aka Blackwater)
Academi is operating the largest private training facility in the U.S. which is located on a 7,000 acre territory. The company has trained over 50,000 foreign military personnel, law enforcement agents, counter-terrorism experts. At the same time, Academi employees participated in many missions, including operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Defion Internacional
Defion is headquarted in Peru, but also has offices in several countries among which is Dubai, and Iraq. The company has been in strong contact with another mercenary firm, Triple Canopy, and was involved in training and recruiting personnel for it for the Iraq War. Overall, the company delivered about 3,000 people, which served in the Green Zone in Baghdad.
Aegis Defense Services
Aegis has participated in missions held in about 40 countries, for almost 20 governments, and the UN. With offices in the UK, US, Afghanistan and Bahrain, the company also provides security services for protection of interest of companies in emerging markets.Triple Canopy
Triple Canopy has signed a contract with the U.S government for sending its forces in Iraq. The company provides services of mission support, security solutions, and training programs.DynCorp
Photo Credit: isafmedia
DynCorp was founded in 1946 as Land-Air, Inc. and was a company engaged in aviation. The company's mercenaries participated in combating rebels in Columbia and anti-drug operations in Peru, as well as some other conflict regions. Currently it is one of the companies who has its forces in Iraq.
Asia Security Group
Photo Credit: isafmedia
Asia Security Group is an important local military force in Afghanistan, which has signed contracts with the U.S military for the security services and protection of supply convoys in the conflict war zone. Asia Security Group also provided mercenaries for DynCorp, which also conducts operations in the country.
Erinys is anothe company who has its troops in Iraq. Aside from that, it is engaged in security services, training and consulting for big oil companies with operations in Asia, and Africa. The company also provides services for companies engaged in mineral extraction in Africa.Unity Resources Group
With a staff of more than 1,200 people, Unity Resources Group is engaged in providing land, sea, air security services in Africa, Americas, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe.G4S
Photo Credit: Elliott Brown
The company has over 620,000 employes dislocated worldwide and participates in operations in 125 countries, with a focus on developing markets. G4S plc (LON:GFS), traded on the London Stock Exchange, has been named the second-largest private employer in the world, being outrun only by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT). The operations in which G4S is engaged involve: (a) the providing of security forces for private clients and government agencies, (b) intelligence, (c) land-mine clearance and (d) training.

Världens 9 största privatarméer - enormt viktiga resurser i elitens globala krigföring
--CIA Paid $15 Million Cash to Create a Torture Prison in Poland--
SvaraRaderaAllGov - January 26, 2014
Torture didn’t come without a price tag, literally, for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the post-9/11 years and the hunt for al-Qaeda suspects.
Once the agency began rounding up key terrorism suspects, it needed a place to stash them and conduct brutal interrogations. The government of Poland proved a willing ally, by providing a location far outside Warsaw for the CIA to use.
But it had to cough up $15 million for the “black site” villa-turned-prison, according to The Washington Post.
The money was flown via diplomatic pouch from Germany to Warsaw, where two CIA operatives personally delivered it to Agencja Wywiadu, the Polish intelligence service.
For $15 million, the CIA got a former training base located in Stare Kiejkuty, about three hours north of Warsaw. The prison (codenamed “Quartz”) consisted of a two-story villa that could only hold a handful of detainees. The “spartan” accommodations included a large shed, which the CIA converted into a cell to hold more prisoners.
The first detainees arrived in December 2002. They were two Saudis, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Hussein (aka Abu Zubaydah), a “high value” detainee, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who was suspected of being involved with the al-Qaeda attack on a U.S. warship, the USS Cole, in Yemen on October 12, 2000.
Both men were previously held at a CIA black site in Thailand, which proved too small to maintain for the agency’s interrogation program. “A chicken coop we remodeled,” was how one former senior CIA official described the Thai prison to the Post. They were transferred to Poland on December 5, 2002, and spent six months there before being shipped to Guantánamo. In Poland Nashiri was subjected to mock executions and painful stress positions and threatened with a power drill. Both he and Zubaydah were told that members of their families would be arrested and sexually abused.
In time, other detainees were incarcerated in Quartz, which “was arguably the most important of all the black sites created by the agency after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks,” the Post’s Adam Goldman wrote.
Among them was Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who orchestrated the attacks. He was reportedly waterboarded 183 times by the CIA. Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times.
Quartz was finally shut down in September 2003.[...]