
Det är absolut inte lätt att va fredsduva nuförtiden. Barnens flygande välsignade fredsbudskap hann knappt lämna det heliga Påve-rummet förrän de anfölls av ett par demoniskt arga och hungriga rovfåglar...

FRED?? Vem i helvete vill ha fred när det finns permanent KRIG, verkar budskapet vara från rovfågel nummer ett...

FRED?? - Ska du komma här flygande och förstöra världselitens lönsamma demoniska krigsindustri, duv-jävel? Borde hacka dej i småbitar för att du ens tänkte fredstanken, tok-duva.
- Hur som helst, Gudarna måste va lika naivt tokiga som vanligt. Alla vet ju numera att demonerna sedan länge regerar på jorden och att de som synes, blir både kaxigare och fler för varje dag...
- Det fanns åtminstone väldigt många på sociala forum på nätet, som la in just den bibliska aspekten i händelsen...

Pope Francis (C) watches as children release doves during the Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican January 26, 2014 (Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi)
Ill omen? Pope’s doves of peace for Ukraine attacked by angry birds
***RT 2014-01-26
Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace. However, the doves were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.

“I am close to Ukraine in prayer, in particular to those who have lost their lives in recent days and to their families,” Pope Francis said.
He then raised hopes for a “constructive dialogue between the institutions and civil society,” urging both sides to avoid violence and reminding that “the spirit of peace and a search for the common good” should be “in the hearts of all.”
- In a symbolic peace gesture, two white doves were then released by children standing alongside Pope Francis.
But as soon as the birds took off, they were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.
The crowd gasped as one dove broke free from its seagull attacker, losing some feathers in the process. The other was less fortunate and was repeatedly pecked at by the crow before flying away.
Social networks immediately exploded with comments and interpretations of the incident; some perceived it as an “ill omen” while others simply described the situation as ironic.
Hundreds of protesters and police officers have been injured in violent riots in Ukraine. Investigators have been searching for shooters who, in separate incidents this week, killed several rioters and one policeman with rounds suitable for a sporting gun.

Mer Otroligt: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Otroligt
Uppladdad den 4 juni 2011 av TheProphecyChannel
...Och för att muntra upp stämningen ytterligare så fyller bloggen på med den här upplyftande konspirationsvideon som är publicerad 2011 på YouTube...
Detta är absolut markering från den okulta - absolut tecken som måste tolkas....
SvaraRadera--Blood of Pope John Paul II stolen in possible 'satanic' theft--
SvaraRaderaThe Telegraph 2014-01-27
Italian police search for a stolen religious reliquary that contains the blood of dead Pope
A religious reliquary containing blood from the late Pope John Paul II has been stolen from a remote mountain church in Italy, with speculation that a Satanic group could be behind the theft.
A team of around 50 Carabinieri police officers with sniffer dogs were on Monday searching for any trace of the reliquary, which was stolen from the Church of St Peter of Ienca in the Abruzzo mountains at the weekend.
The ornate gold object contains a fragment of material, stained with blood, which was purportedly taken from the clothing worn by John Paul II after he was shot during the failed attempt on his life in St Peter’s Square in 1981.
It was donated to the church in May 2011 by Stanislaw Dzuwisz, a Polish cardinal and the Pope’s former personal secretary.
The reliquary is one of just a handful in the world that contains the blood of the Polish pope, who died in 2005 and was succeeded by Benedict XVI. [...]
Till och med fåglarna känner av påvens hyckleri. Det är ju Vatikanen som ytterst ligger bakom "protesterna" i Ukraina. Precis på samma sätt som Vatikanen låg/ligger bakom "upproret" i Syrien. Men även då hycklade påven när han "bad för fred i Syrien".
SvaraRadera"The New World Order" är helt enkelt "The Old Catholic Church Order" i en ny tappning.
det som är absolut unik i fåglarnas anfall att 2 olika fågel typer kom samman i gemensamt aktion mot påvens duvor..... enligt gamla skrifter duva är inte freds symbol utan ockult märke för separation och undertryck .... och vänd upp och ner duva är märke får den onda - satanistiskt täcken! Och helt plötslig 2 absolut olika fåglar som 2 olika stora nationer eller kontinenter helt plötslig attackerar påvens/illuminati sataniska planering - i gods namn det är synligt täcken från högre makter....
SvaraRaderaDet här "tecknet" är säkert inte sämre än några tidigare "tecken" i historien, som till slut blivit religiösa myter.
SvaraRadera--‘Biblical flooding’ spreads across UK in worst rainfall in over 200 years--
SvaraRaderaRT February 11, 2014
Britain’s largest river, the Thames, has burst its banks, devastating homes in the southeast in the worst floods in 50 years. PM David Cameron has called the flooding “biblical,” as economists predict the crisis will cost close on $1 billion.
Strong gales and huge waves battered the UK this weekend, causing rivers to swell and floodwaters to rise across the country. Fourteen “severe” flood warnings were issued in the counties of Berkshire and Surrey, while two remain in the worst hit county of Somerset. The severe classification means there is potential danger to human life.
The latest bout of rainfall caused the Thames River to swell and burst its banks, forcing people in Berkshire and Surrey from their homes. On Monday evening Surrey Police issued a statement saying that over 150 people had been rescued from their flooded homes. So far about 5,000 homes across the country have been flooded and some have remained under water for over a month as the government struggles to bring the situation under control.
The UK Met Office has described the period of rainfall the country has experienced as “the most exceptional in 248 years.”
"We have records going back to 1766 and we have nothing like this. We have seen some exceptional weather. We can't say it is unprecedented, but it is exceptional,” said the Met Office’s chief scientist, Julia Slingo, speaking ahead of the publication of its report. [...]