Uppladdad den 30 okt 2011

The TV interview is from Channel 10's "The Bolt Report" episode 26 on the 30th of October 2011. See episode in full here http://bit.ly/vr3s6E
Donna Laframboise exposes that:
• The IPCC reports are not written by 4000 climate scientists.
• The IPCC does not use the 'top climate scientists', some are a decade away from getting a PHD.
• The IPCC Reports are not always peer reviewed.
Climate Change and the Magnificent Achievements of Eco-Propaganda
Global Research, January 31, 2014

Also termed the “Climate Bible,” journalists and policymakers alike regard it as “authoritative” and “the gold standard” of climate science. The public is told that the official body’s findings are now clearer than ever: “human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.”[1]
Among the most vociferous agitators for the IPCC’s climate change orthodoxy are the foundation-funded, tax-exempt, progressive-left media that sit alongside the bevy of similarly tax-exempt, foundation-funded environmental organizations that together uphold and publicize the theory of CO2-based anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change (ACC).[2]
Self-professed as “independent,” “investigative,” even “educational,” the so-called “alternative media” turn a blind eye to seriously scrutinizing the highly questionable IPCC’s “scientific” review of the climatological literature and its implications for the array of ambitious programs and policies stealthily introduced throughout the industrialized world, many of which are seldom subject to popular plebiscite. Think “smart grid” and “smart growth.”[...]

- Allt du behöver veta om den politiska elitens klimatbluff på 60 sekunder
Historien om IPCC och klimatexperterna som marknadsför elitens Globala Uppvärmning
-Co2 scammen-