De många nya s.k. demokratierna som hjältarna från ankdammsmedia, NATO, USA och ett antal västländer hjälpt till att "befria", blomstrar för fullt. T ex. i Libyen så infördes nyligen "demokratiska" Sharialagar. Det kaotiska totaldestabiliserade "Mad Max-liknande" landet njuter idag också sin demokratiska frihet i totalt västligt mediemörker...
I Irak, där idag ungefär 1000 människor dör varje månad av explosioner och bombattentat, så frodas också demokratin. I Irak så överväger man att införa en ny demokratisk lag som ska göra våldtäkter lagliga.
En annan intressant planerad populär Irakisk lag som är på gång kommer att förbjuda kvinnor att lämna hemmet - utan tillstånd från en man.
9-åriga flickor blir också lagliga budar, för den befriade demokratiske Irakiske mannen, som gillar sånt...
Sveriges och USA:s oftast hyperaktiva ankdamms-feminister är antagligen som vanligt upptagna med viktiga egotrippade ankdammsprotester och andra viktigare saker, än att uppmärksamma sådana här små "bagateller" utanför den statsfeministiska PR-byrå-subventionerade agendan.
Men UM-bloggen känner i alla fall för att "PRATA OM" det här - precis som Lee Ann på InfoWars...
Libya’s national assembly has voted in favor of making sharia law the basis of all legislative decisions in the county, meaning the Islamic legal framework will inform all future banking, criminal and financial cases.
“Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,” stated the General National Congress in a statement released shortly after the vote was held. “All state institutions need to comply with this,” it said.
The process by which the new sharia law system would be implemented was not immediately clear, but a special committee will review all existing laws to ensure their compliance with Islamic law, according to Reuters. The move came shortly before a separate vote to establish a 60-person committee which will be responsible for drafting the country’s new constitution.
Sharia law – the moral code and religious law of Islam – is dissimilar to Western ‘codified’ law in that its moral and legal guidelines are looser. Its rulings are based on the Koran, the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad and Muslim traditions. In its strictest form, it is perceived to be the divine will of God.[...]
A bill that would allow the practice was approved by Iraq's Council of Ministers and sent to parliament for consideration, but is now on hold until the newly elected parliament takes office. The stigma of marrying young girls is not as strong in the country as it is in the West. Six percent of women in the country were married before the age of 15, according to a 2011 report by the Population Reference Bureau. RT's Lindsay France has more details on the pending bill.
- En av Femens feminister beskriver ordet våldtäkt...
Libyen har idag också blivit många terroristers och vapenhandlares Mekka på jorden. (Fast givetvis på ett demokratiskt sätt...)I Irak, där idag ungefär 1000 människor dör varje månad av explosioner och bombattentat, så frodas också demokratin. I Irak så överväger man att införa en ny demokratisk lag som ska göra våldtäkter lagliga.
En annan intressant planerad populär Irakisk lag som är på gång kommer att förbjuda kvinnor att lämna hemmet - utan tillstånd från en man.
9-åriga flickor blir också lagliga budar, för den befriade demokratiske Irakiske mannen, som gillar sånt...
Sveriges och USA:s oftast hyperaktiva ankdamms-feminister är antagligen som vanligt upptagna med viktiga egotrippade ankdammsprotester och andra viktigare saker, än att uppmärksamma sådana här små "bagateller" utanför den statsfeministiska PR-byrå-subventionerade agendan.
Men UM-bloggen känner i alla fall för att "PRATA OM" det här - precis som Lee Ann på InfoWars...
Publicerad den 15 mar 2014
The Iraqi parliament is considering a new law that would legalize rape and forbid women to leave the house without their husbands permission.

Libya’s national assembly has voted in favor of making sharia law the basis of all legislative decisions in the county, meaning the Islamic legal framework will inform all future banking, criminal and financial cases.
“Islamic law is the source of legislation in Libya,” stated the General National Congress in a statement released shortly after the vote was held. “All state institutions need to comply with this,” it said.
The process by which the new sharia law system would be implemented was not immediately clear, but a special committee will review all existing laws to ensure their compliance with Islamic law, according to Reuters. The move came shortly before a separate vote to establish a 60-person committee which will be responsible for drafting the country’s new constitution.
Sharia law – the moral code and religious law of Islam – is dissimilar to Western ‘codified’ law in that its moral and legal guidelines are looser. Its rulings are based on the Koran, the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad and Muslim traditions. In its strictest form, it is perceived to be the divine will of God.[...]
Publicerad den 7 maj 2014
Iraq may legalize marriage for girls
as young as nine years old. A bill that would allow the practice was approved by Iraq's Council of Ministers and sent to parliament for consideration, but is now on hold until the newly elected parliament takes office. The stigma of marrying young girls is not as strong in the country as it is in the West. Six percent of women in the country were married before the age of 15, according to a 2011 report by the Population Reference Bureau. RT's Lindsay France has more details on the pending bill.
Våldtäkter och giftermål med 9-åringa flickor blir lagligt i Irak - "Mission accomplished?"
--Court approves committing woman to psych ward for praying, refusing drugs--
SvaraRaderaMarch 17, 2014
Source: Police State USA
A court approved the involuntary detainment of a woman in a psychiatric ward when hospital staff interpreted her prayers as signs of psychosis, a lawsuit alleges.
The woman, 56, is a Pentecostal Christian and a self-published spiritual author. The violation of her rights occurred last year during an act of spiritual devotion.
As part of her faith, she periodically abstains from food and consumes only water. This process, known as fasting, has been observed for thousands of years for a wide variety of spiritual and health reasons.
A fast typically ranges from one full day up to a period of weeks. The Bible states that Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days in the desert.
On July 10th, 2013, Jane Doe was in the 15th day of a fasting period. As her lawsuit states, “while at a BP gas station in the city of Cleveland, Doe became confused and disoriented, and she contacted her mother for assistance.”
Doe went to the emergency room at St. Vincent Charity Medical Center in Cleveland. “Blood tests taken at the time of Doe’s admission revealed low sodium, potassium and electrolyte levels, indicative of water intoxication and hyponatremia,” Courthouse News reported.
“Notwithstanding the results of Doe’s blood tests, Dr. Brar diagnosed Doe on admission as suffering from bipolar disorder with psychotic features.”
According to the complaint, Dr. Brar and other hospital staff refused to acknowledge the validity of her prolonged fasting and religious devotion.
Her prayers, sometimes spoken aloud, were diagnosed as a signs of psychosis. Attempts to stamp out her “religious preoccupation” were made with the prescription of anti-psychotic drugs.[...]