måndag 24 mars 2014

Undersökning: 49% i USA tror myndigheterna försöker mörda dem - konspiration eller fakta?

Varför tror egentligen 49% av amerikanerna att myndigheterna och läkemedelsföretagen försöker ta livet av dem..? Här är konspirationsteorierna som även backas upp av en hel del fakta...

Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

Publicerad den 22 mar 2014
LeeAnn McAdoo reports: recent studies show that nearly half of all Americans believe in at least one medical "conspiracy theory". We take a deeper look and separate fact from fiction, answering questions like "Did the CIA inject African American males with the AIDS virus". If you are wearing a tin-foil hat, you're not alone. In fact, doubting the official government narrative could just save your life.

49% of US believes gov't is trying to kill them

Publicerad den 23 mar 2014
A new study from the University of Chicago says that nearly half of all Americans believe medical conspiracy theories. 

Researchers polled a bunch of people about whether or not they believed in six popular theories. 49% agreed with at least one. All the theories involve the US government doing terrible things to essentially kill people. Some in the MSM used the study to say people are nuts; The Resident thinks it says something else.

----Tuskegee syphilis experiment----

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in poor, rural black men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government...[...]

Amerikas Dr. Mengele på globala äventyr

För 60 år sedan smittades 100-tals personer i Guatemala medvetet med Syfilis av den Amerikanska Statens Medicinska Folkhälsoorganisation med hjälp av andra Amerikanska läkemedelsföretag och deras forskare.[...]http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2011/11/amerikas-dr-mengele-pa-globala-aventyr.html
Läs också: http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/06/usa-journalist-som-nyligen-fick-4.html
Undersökning: 49% i USA tror myndigheterna försöker mörda dem - konspiration eller fakta?

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