lördag 8 mars 2014

OOOPS... Råkade vi cowboys döda fel person..?? - Nya bevis kan fria avrättad f.d. Texasbo

Nya bevis och omständigheter som avslöjats i ett gammalt mordfall, indikerar att rättssystemet i Texas avrättat en oskyldig man. Cameron Todd Willingham anklagades för att ha dödat sina 3 unga döttrar vid en mordbrand. Han fälldes 1991 för dådet,  men nu reses tvivel om han verkligen startade den branden...

Did Texas execute a wrongly convicted man? 

Publicerad den 4 mar 2014
Cameron Todd Willingham was convicted of setting his house on fire in 1991 and murdering his three young daughters in Texas, and subsequently executed ten years ago. The execution came despite pleas from family members and death penalty opponents that Willingham was innocent. But now newly discovered evidence shows that Willingham may not, in fact, have started the fire. RT's Ameera David talks to Bryce Benjet, staff attorney for the Innocence Project, about what went wrong in the case that Texas may have executed an innocent man.
OOOPS... Råkade vi cowboys döda fel person?? - Nya bevis kan fria avrättad f.d. Texasbo

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