Obama talade nyligen i Bryssel och var då ytterst besviken på de allierade länderna i NATO - för att de inte spenderade tillräckligt med pengar på vapen... - Krig är fred 2014..?
He stressed that freedom isn't free and that everyone must spend more money on defense in the coalition. Big words coming from the President of the country who spends more on defense that most other countries combined. The Resident discusses.
Publicerad den 29 mar 2014
While speaking in Brussels, President Obama admonished NATO allies for not spending enough on defense. He stressed that freedom isn't free and that everyone must spend more money on defense in the coalition. Big words coming from the President of the country who spends more on defense that most other countries combined. The Resident discusses.
FREDSPRISVINNAREN uppmanade världens länder att köpa MER VAPEN! - Krig är Fred 2014
Germany ready to reinforce Nato-Russia borders
"Now while the media screams about Russia sending troops to the border, a friend here in Hawaii says she received a phone call last Thursday from her son in the military that his unit was "shipping out" for the Ukraine.So, looks like the US is the one massing military forces along that border!
Sionister överträffar sig själva... According to Andrej Illarionov .... troligt lätt sätt att tjäna PENGAR!!! :) .... man uppge det som betalas för utan ryggrad bara passa på ... :)
Cirkus fortsätter.... :)
man nästan önskar att om de så ber om det ..... att de får det....