Sharyl Attkissons sade upp sig eftersom hennes arbetsgivare vittvättar Obamas brottsliga politik..:) (engelsk text)
RT 2014.03.11
CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson announced on Monday that she had resigned from the network after more than two decades, and sources say her departure stems from disagreements over her former employer’s alleged bias.
Attkisson, an Emmy Award-winning journalist who previously worked for CNN, confirmed that she left CBS News with a single five-word message sent from her Twitter account on Monday afternoon.
“I have resigned from CBS,” she wrote.
Moments later, Politico writer Dylan Byers reported on her exit and included remarks made by sources who say they’re familiar with Attkisson’s departure from CBS.
Referring to allegations made by several unnamed sources, Byers wrote that Attkisson “had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network’s liberal bias, an outsize influence by the network’s corporate partners and a lack of dedication to investigative reporting.”
Attkisson has made a name for herself among fellow Washington journalist in recent years as a staunch critic of the Obama administration, and reported exhaustively on the Justice Department’s botched Operation Fast and Furious gun-running scheme and other DC scandals. According to Amazon, she is expected to release a book later this year tentatively titled “Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth in Obama's Washington.”
Other work attributed to Attkisson in recent months have included reports on the September 2012 storming of the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya and the tainted roll-out of the Affordable Care Act website by the White House, earning her the admiration of several contributors from the conservative-leaning Fox News network, including Stephen Hayes and Sean Hannity.
According to another report published on Monday by Erik Wemple at the Washington Post, Attkisson has become increasingly frustrated in recent months because her reporting on Benghazi and other matters have been routinely nixed from television broadcasts of The CBS Evening News. Wemple went on to site an unnamed source at CBS who said that Attkisson felt she was being kept off the air “because of political considerations.”
In Byers’ article for Politico, he alleged that those frustrations were severe enough that Attkisson approached management with her concerns nearly a year ago.
“Feeling increasingly stymied and marginalized at the network, Attkisson began talking to CBS News President David Rhodes as early as last April about getting out of her contract,” Byers added. “Those negotiations intensified in recent weeks, and her request was finally honored on Monday.”
“It’s been one of life’s great privileges to work at CBS News, and I’m sincerely grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had,” Attkisson said in a statement.
RT 2014.03.11
CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson announced on Monday that she had resigned from the network after more than two decades, and sources say her departure stems from disagreements over her former employer’s alleged bias.
Attkisson, an Emmy Award-winning journalist who previously worked for CNN, confirmed that she left CBS News with a single five-word message sent from her Twitter account on Monday afternoon.
“I have resigned from CBS,” she wrote.
Moments later, Politico writer Dylan Byers reported on her exit and included remarks made by sources who say they’re familiar with Attkisson’s departure from CBS.
Referring to allegations made by several unnamed sources, Byers wrote that Attkisson “had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network’s liberal bias, an outsize influence by the network’s corporate partners and a lack of dedication to investigative reporting.”
Attkisson has made a name for herself among fellow Washington journalist in recent years as a staunch critic of the Obama administration, and reported exhaustively on the Justice Department’s botched Operation Fast and Furious gun-running scheme and other DC scandals. According to Amazon, she is expected to release a book later this year tentatively titled “Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth in Obama's Washington.”
Other work attributed to Attkisson in recent months have included reports on the September 2012 storming of the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya and the tainted roll-out of the Affordable Care Act website by the White House, earning her the admiration of several contributors from the conservative-leaning Fox News network, including Stephen Hayes and Sean Hannity.

In Byers’ article for Politico, he alleged that those frustrations were severe enough that Attkisson approached management with her concerns nearly a year ago.
“Feeling increasingly stymied and marginalized at the network, Attkisson began talking to CBS News President David Rhodes as early as last April about getting out of her contract,” Byers added. “Those negotiations intensified in recent weeks, and her request was finally honored on Monday.”
“It’s been one of life’s great privileges to work at CBS News, and I’m sincerely grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had,” Attkisson said in a statement.
In the world of American state media, there is no room for adversarial reporting. Despite the fact that it used to be the role of the fourth estate to speak truth to power, Attkisson’s apparent unwillingness to let White House talking points go unchallenged has cost her her job.
Attkisson’s work over the past five years has primarily focused on Obama scandals such as the Fast and Furious gunrunning controversy and the attack in Benghazi, but she did also skewer Republicans. A source close to Attkisson told Politico that she was frustrated as CBS’ lack of support for anti-Obama investigative reporting.
While RT’s Liz Wahl received global attention and a slew of mainstream media appearances after she quit the Russian network for similar reasons, don’t expect the corporate press to afford Attkisson anything like the same level of attention.
As is documented in the video below, Wahl’s resignation was a cynical pre-planned stunt that had little to do with Russia’s actions in Crimea and everything to do with Wahl putting herself in the shop window for a job with CNN.
However, it was exploited by the establishment media as a tool with which to bash RT, which is stealing a good chunk of audience share from the likes of CNN and MSNBC, which have both lost around 50% of their viewership in the last year alone – precisely because they employ so few hard-hitting journalists like Sharyl Attkisson.
Obamakritisk Emmy-vinnande MSM-journalist sade upp sig - "CBS vittvättade Obamas brott"
---Canada ends 12-year military mission in Afghanistan---
SvaraRaderaRT 12 March, 2014
Canada has pulled its last troops out of Afghanistan, ending a 12-year mission to the country, AP reported. The Canadians formally ended their combat role in southern Afghanistan in July 2011.
However, they maintained a small training operation in Kabul, ending that operation Wednesday.
At its peak Canada was the sixth-largest troop-contributing nation and deploying more than 40,000 service members to Afghanistan since the mission began in 2001.
The Canadian government said 158 soldiers, one diplomat, one journalist and two civilian contractors had been killed during the mission in Afghanistan.
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