"Den årliga jaktsäsongen på hemlösa" har tydligen börjat i USA och de jaktintresserade och välbeväpnade amerikanska poliserna ville givetvis vara ute på fältet och fälla några byte i vildmarken. På bilden ser vi hur ett jakt-gäng av motiverade poliser har ringat in sitt villebråd och avlossar sedan en svärm skott för att vara säkra på att det hjälplösa bytet dör omedelbart... (viss satir kan förekomma?)
Den hemlöse och mentalt störde uteliggaren, James Boyd, 38, mördades av polisen, för att han som uteliggare - "campade utan tillstånd från amerikanska myndigheter..."
Den hemlöse och mentalt störde uteliggaren, James Boyd, 38, mördades av polisen, för att han som uteliggare - "campade utan tillstånd från amerikanska myndigheter..."
...Och USA-polisens manuella drönar-drängar gjorde givetvis som vanligt inget fel, vilket vare sig Gestapo eller den svenska polisen, heller nästan aldrig någonsin gjort...
Lycka till med det...

The Albuquerque Police Department in the state of New Mexico is coming under fire following the release of video footage taken from the helmet-mounted camera of an officer who shot and killed a man earlier this month for camping.
James Boyd, a 38-year-old homeless man thought to be schizophrenic, was shot by the Albuquerque PD on Sunday, March 16 after he became engaged in an hours-long standoff with officers who caught him illegally camping in the Sandi foothills. He was pronounced dead the next day.
Late last week, the APD released video footage taken from the helmetcam of an officer on the scene of the crime that shows a cop opening fire on Boyd while his back was turned to the police. The clip has since been widely circulated online and caused the local police force to become the target of widespread condemnation.
In the video, Boyd is heard telling the police, "Don't change up the agreement, I'm going to try to walk with you.” As he reaches for his belongings, however, an officer says “Do it” and a flash-bang device is fired at the suspect while a law enforcement dog is let loose.
Boyd remains standing a few yards from the police seemingly unaffected by the blast, but moments later, the police say, he reached for something that they believed to be a knife, prompting Officers Dominque Perez and Keith Sandy to fire a total of six shots into the man.
- As Boyd laid motionless on a rock with his face in a pool of blood, the police continued to bark orders at him before firing further rounds of non-lethal ammunition.
When the APD released the video on Friday, New Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden said that the video showed that the shooting is justified. It’s since been proven that Boyd had an extensive criminal past, and mentioned killing the police earlier during the encounter.
“I’m almost going to kill you right now. Don’t give me another directive. Don’t attempt to give me, the Department of Defense, another directive,” Boyd said earlier on.
According to KOAT News, previous incidents on Boyd’s record involve cases where he told people that he was God, or on a special mission handed-down to him directly by former-US President Gerald Ford. In 2009 he cut the face of a homeless man with a box cutter, and during a 2010 incident he was apprehended with a knife and razor blade in his waistband.
With regards to this month’s incident, Chief Eden said Boyd posed a “direct threat” to his officers and cited Garner v. Tennessee, a Supreme Court of the United States decision that found that the police can use deadly force in certain circumstances.
- Grassroots organization ProgressNow reported that Albuquerque police have shot more people than the New York Police Department since 2010, despite being one-sixteenth the size, and has been the subject of a Department of Justice federal probe when the APD’s fatal shooting record was called into question.
According to the Huffington Post, Officer Sandy — one of the two cops responsible for firing the shots against Boyd earlier this month — was fired from the New Mexico State Police in 2007 over allegations of fraud.
“When Sandy joined the APD, the department said he would be a civilian employee and wouldn't have a gun or badge,” Sebastian Murdock wrote for HuffPo.
Albuquerque’s City Council President Ken Sanchez has asked that a federal investigation be opened up to review Boyd’s death, and a protest is scheduled outside of police headquarters on Tuesday afternoon.
Publicerad den 23 mars 2014
http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/ja...ALBUQUERQUE, NM -- Outrage has ignited over a helmet-cam video of officers fatally confronting a homeless man at his primitive campsite in the foothills.
Video shows the man standing by his meager possessions, surrounded by rifle-toting officers who were citing him for illegally camping without government permission.
Officers ultimately tossed a concussion grenade in his face, sicced an attack dog on him, and shot him to death with a flurry of gunfire. James M. Boyd, 38, was killed on scene.

5-åring flicka i USA hotade skjuta såpbubblor med rosa vattenpistol...
- Förhördes 3 timmar som terrorist
- Förhördes 3 timmar som terrorist
InfoWars 2013-01-18
Den lilla 5-åriga flickan skojade att hon skulle skjuta sina klasskamrater med sin rosa vattenpistol av märket Hello Kitty. Ammunitionen som den misstänkta 5-åriga terroristen planerade att använda var såpbubblor.
Flickan från Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, förhördes efter incidenten i tre timmar utan att hennes föräldrar var närvarande.
Jaktsäsongen på hemlösa inledd i USA - Polisgäng fällde "olagligt campande jaktbyte"
Israel trains US law-enforcement in counter-terrorism
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SvaraRaderaWhere People Were Shot
Most Deadly States
California 183 total (102 fatal)
Florida 96 (49)
Illinois 64 (26)
Texas 58 (26)
New York 49 (23)
Pennsylvania 49 (23)
Ohio 45 (28)
Arizona 45 (27)
Maryland 41 (16)
Washington 39 (29)
Least Deadly States
Delaware 0
Vermont 0
North Dakota 1
Wyoming 2 (1)
Alaska 2 (2)
Montana 3 (2)
South Dakota 3 (3)
Hawai 4 (3)
Conneticut 6 (1)
West Virginia 6 (5)
New Hampshire 6 (5)
Idaho 7 (2)
Kansas 7 (5)
Most Deadly Cities
Chicago 46 total (10 fatal)
Los Angeles 22 (14)
Philadelphia 17 (7)
Las Vegas 17 (15)
New York City 16 (6)
Phoenix 15 (10)
Baltimore 15 (5)
Columbus, OH 14 (8)
Atlanta 12 (4)
St. Louis 11 (3)
Cleveland 10 (7)
Miami 10 (6)
Houston 10 (3)
Least Deadly Cities
Boston 1
New Orleans 1 (1)
Portland, ME 1
Buffalo 2
Detroit 2 (1)
Seattle 2 (1)
Denver 2 (2)
Pittsburgh 3 (1)
Cities with High Per Capita Shooting Rates
Fresno, CA 9 total (4 fatal)
Tucson, AZ 8 (6)
Aurora, CO 7 (6)
Oakland, CA 7 (6)
San Jose, CA 7 (3)
Albuquerque, NM 6 (5)
Mesa, AZ 6 (2)
Jacksonville, FL 5 (4)
Syracuse, NY 5 (3)
Orlando, FL 5 (2)
N. Miami Beach, FL 5 (2)
Little Rock, Ark. 5 (1)
Yakima, WA 4 (1)
Bakersfield, CA 4 (3)
Long Beach, CA 4 (2)
Garden Grove, CA 4 (3)
Redding, CA 4 (2)
New York City
In 1971, police officers in New York City shot 314 people, killing 93. (In California, the state with the most police involved shootings in 2011, the police shot 183, killing 102.) In 2010, New York City police shot 24, killing 8. Last year, in the nation's largest city, the police shot 16, killing 6. In Columbus, Ohio, a city one eighth the size of New York, the police shot 14, killing 8. Statistical diversities like this suggest that in the cities with the highest per capita shooting rates, better people ought to be hired, or the existing forces need a lot more training in the use of deadly force.