Internationellt ledande politiker med USA i spetsen och den verkliga makten bakom dessa politiker, använder enligt erfarna geopolitiska bedömare frekvent falska våldsprovokationer för att nå sina politiska mål. Våldet iscensätts av t.ex. infiltrerade agenter, legoknektar eller för ändamålet lokalt välavlönat fotfolk...
***Internationellt ledande politiker med USA i spetsen och den verkliga makten bakom dessa politiker, använder enligt erfarna geopolitiska bedömare frekvent falska våldsprovokationer för att nå sina politiska mål. Våldet iscensätts av t.ex. infiltrerade agenter, legoknektar eller för ändamålet lokalt välavlönat fotfolk...
Det hela sker noggrant planerat. Ibland är syftet att misskreditera vissa oönskade personer, grupper och aktivister på hemmaplan. (typ Occupy Wall Street, fredsaktivister, etc)
Demokrati är arbetsnamnet, men skeendet är oftast så långt ifrån demokratiska principer man kan komma. De bakomliggande orsakerna till supporten från oligarker och eliten i väst har ingenting att göra med att snälla västerlänningar vill ge exotiska flaggviftande personer långt bort större frihet, utan snarare tvärt om...
Prickskyttar som mördar både polis och demonstranter har varit ett genomgående tema under de senaste årens många USA-NGO-finansierade s.k. färg-revolutioner och under den mycket selektivt utvalda s.k. arabiska våren.
Av någon märklig anledning fick demonstranterna inte något västligt stöd i länder som Saudiarabien, Bahrain, Qatar etc. I de länderna fick diktaturerna istället hjälp av den den internationella eliten och politiker i väst att färga gatorna röda med demonstranternas blod. "Färgrevolution?
Vittnesmål om en "tredje kraft" med prickskyttar och legoknektar, som skapat kaos vid lämpliga tillfällen i bakgrunden, för att frammana regimskiften, har rapporterats under de flesta av de officiella färgrevolutionerna.
- De fredliga protesterna har ofta snabbt övergått till ett mer krigsliknande tillstånd samtidigt som de snälla plakatviftande demonstranterna ersatts med internationella provokatörer, legoknektar och dödspatruller.
Västlig media börjar mer och mer likna gamla CCCP-Pravda och de högavlönade propagandisterna presenterar synkat elitpolitikers och krigsindustrikomplexets teatraliska illusioner om fredliga demokratiska protester, för alla ointresserade TV-beroende medborgare, som faktiskt finansierar kalaset via skattesedeln.
Illusionen fortsätter sedan ända tills huvudmålet för övningen målet uppnåtts. Sen är det dags för nästa mål.
...Läs om några exempel från Washington's Blog här undertill.

Ukraina - några av offren för prickskyttarna kulor.
Snipers Are Commonly Used as “False Flag” Terrorists
March 6, 2014 Source: Washington's Blog
A Common Tactic to Discredit Opponents Or to Create Momentum for “Regime Change”
The powers-that-be often use agent provocateurs to disrupt protests and paint protesters as violent and unlikeable.
The powers-that-be often use agent provocateurs to disrupt protests and paint protesters as violent and unlikeable.
- For example, violent provocateurs were deployed:
- At the G20 protests in London
- In Cairo
- At the Occupy protests
- In Burma
- And in many other places
There is a related type of false flag operation commonly used to create chaos and discredit regimes or protesters: snipers.
- Unknown snipers reportedly killed both Venezuelan government and opposition protesters in the attempted 2002 coup
- Unknown snipers fired during Thailand’s 2010 protests
- Unknown snipers allegedly have created bedlam in Syria
- And the Estonian foreign minister claims that the new Ukranian coalition deployed snipers to discredit the former government of Ukraine
Brutal … but effective and cheap.
Because it doesn’t cost much to hire one or a handful of snipers to access rooftops or bridge overpasses, create chaos, and then quietly disappear...
*Värt att ha i åtanke angående videos undertill är att USA/Pentagon flitigt refererade till liknande YouTube-videos som sitt huvudmaterial, när de ville "trygghetsbomba" Syrien för ett tag sedan...
Amerikanska legoknektar i Ukraina - Academi? (=f.d. Blackwater, Xe)
YouTube / RT 2014-03-06
[...] Videos have sprung on YouTube alleging that the US private security service formerly known as Blackwater is operating in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Western press is hitting back, accusing Russia of fabricating reports to justify “aggression.”
The authenticity of videos allegedly made in downtown Donetsk on March 5 is hard to verify. In the footage, unidentified armed men in military outfits equipped with Russian AK assault rifles and American М4А1 carbines are securing the protection of some pro-Kiev activists amidst anti-government popular protests.
The regional administration building in Donetsk has changed hands many times, with either pro-Russian protesters or pro-Kiev forces declaring capture of the authority headquarters. In the logic of the tape, at some point the new officials appointed by revolutionary Kiev managed to occupy the administration, but then
– as the building was surrounded by angry protesters – demanded to secure a safe evacuation.
This is where the armed professionals come in. The protesters, after several moments of shock, start shouting, “Blackwater!,” and “Mercenaries!,” as well as “Faggots!,” and “Who are you going to shoot
at?!” But the armed men drive off in the blink of an eye without saying a word.
- Surely these men were not Blackwater – simply because such a company does not exist anymore. It has changed its name twice in recent years and is now called Academi.
The latest article on the case, published by the Daily Mail, claims that though these people did look like professional mercenaries, they conducted the operation too openly.[...]

Colour revolution
Text från:
Color revolutions, also called "Corporate Revolutions", is a term that designates a series of massive street riots and protests by the population made possible by a preliminary script and accompanied by professional PR-campaigns.
In most cases this ends with a change of political regime, like in the former Soviet Republics , the Arab States (Arab spring) and South America, without military involvement and without to much violence. [...]***
Publicerad den 12 mars 2014 av: GlobalResearchTV
Violence and bloodshed continues to rock Ukraine as factions compete in the power vacuum of last month's coup in Kiev.
As the country struggles to find its way forward, however, it finds itself in the crosshairs of a NATO war agenda that has been unfolding for years. This is the GRTV Feature Interview with our special guest, Professor Michel Chossudovsky.
RT 2014-03-13
There is no doubt there were mercenaries at Maidan, the former head of Ukraine’s security service, Aleksandr Yakimenko, says.
The violence on Maidan which caused almost 100 deaths was organized by some opposition leaders who poured Western money and resources into the coup, Yakimenko told the Russia-1 TV channel. Now Major General Alexander Yakimenko is in the top five of Maidan’s hit list. He made it to that list while he was still in his office in Kiev.
Q: How did you manage to escape?
Aleksandr Yakimenko: I am a Security Service officer.
Q: Where did those snipers come from?
AY: First shots were fired from the Philharmonic building. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was in charge of the building. On February 20, this building was used as a base by the snipers and people with automatic weapons.
They basically covered those who were attacking the demoralized policemen running in panic, hunted down like animals. They were followed by armed people with different kinds of weapons. At that point, somebody opened fire at those who attacked the police, and some of them were killed. All this fire was coming from the Philharmonic building.
After this first round of fire, about 20 people came out of this building – this was witnessed by many. These people wore special combat clothes and carried sniper rifle cases, as well as AKMs with scopes.
There were witnesses, and not just our operatives, but also Maidan activists from Svoboda, Right Sector, Batkivshchyna, and UDAR.
In the beginning, when the shots were scattered, I was asked by Right Sector and Svoboda to mobilize a Special Forces unit and remove the snipers from the buildings.[...]
RT 2014-03-13
Former chief of Ukraine’s Security Service has confirmed allegations that snipers who killed dozens of people during the violent unrest in Kiev operated from a building controlled by the opposition on Maidan square.
Read full interview with Aleksandr Yakimenko
Shots that killed both civilians and police officers were fired from the Philharmonic Hall building in Ukraine’s capital, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Aleksandr Yakimenko told Russia 1 channel.
The building was under full control of the opposition and particularly the so-called Commandant of Maidan self-defense Andrey Parubiy who after the coup was appointed as the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Yakimenko added.
“Shots came from the Philharmonic Hall. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was responsible for this building. Snipers and people with automatic weapons were ‘working’ from this building on February 20. They supported the assault on the Interior Ministry forces on the ground who were already demoralized and have, in fact, fled,” Yakimenko said in an interview with Russian television.
The police officers were chased by a group of rioters armed with various weapons and at that point, Yakimenko says snipers fired at pursuers themselves.
“When the first wave of shootings ended, many have witnessed 20 people leaving the building,” former chief says, noting that they were well-equipped and were carrying military style bag for carrying sniper and assault rifles with optical sights.
Not only the law enforcers, but people from the opposition’s Freedom, Right Sector, Fatherland, and Klitschko’s UDAR party have also seen this, Yakimenko claims.
***As the country struggles to find its way forward, however, it finds itself in the crosshairs of a NATO war agenda that has been unfolding for years. This is the GRTV Feature Interview with our special guest, Professor Michel Chossudovsky.

RT 2014-03-13
There is no doubt there were mercenaries at Maidan, the former head of Ukraine’s security service, Aleksandr Yakimenko, says.
The violence on Maidan which caused almost 100 deaths was organized by some opposition leaders who poured Western money and resources into the coup, Yakimenko told the Russia-1 TV channel. Now Major General Alexander Yakimenko is in the top five of Maidan’s hit list. He made it to that list while he was still in his office in Kiev.
Q: How did you manage to escape?
Aleksandr Yakimenko: I am a Security Service officer.
Q: Where did those snipers come from?
AY: First shots were fired from the Philharmonic building. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was in charge of the building. On February 20, this building was used as a base by the snipers and people with automatic weapons.
They basically covered those who were attacking the demoralized policemen running in panic, hunted down like animals. They were followed by armed people with different kinds of weapons. At that point, somebody opened fire at those who attacked the police, and some of them were killed. All this fire was coming from the Philharmonic building.
After this first round of fire, about 20 people came out of this building – this was witnessed by many. These people wore special combat clothes and carried sniper rifle cases, as well as AKMs with scopes.
There were witnesses, and not just our operatives, but also Maidan activists from Svoboda, Right Sector, Batkivshchyna, and UDAR.
- The snipers split into two groups – 10 men each. The Security Service lost track of one of the groups.
- The other group took a position at the Ukraine hotel. Killings continued.
In the beginning, when the shots were scattered, I was asked by Right Sector and Svoboda to mobilize a Special Forces unit and remove the snipers from the buildings.[...]
RT 2014-03-13
Former chief of Ukraine’s Security Service has confirmed allegations that snipers who killed dozens of people during the violent unrest in Kiev operated from a building controlled by the opposition on Maidan square.
Read full interview with Aleksandr Yakimenko
Shots that killed both civilians and police officers were fired from the Philharmonic Hall building in Ukraine’s capital, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine Aleksandr Yakimenko told Russia 1 channel.
The building was under full control of the opposition and particularly the so-called Commandant of Maidan self-defense Andrey Parubiy who after the coup was appointed as the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Yakimenko added.
- Furthermore the former security chief believes that Parubiy has been in contact with US Special Forces that could have coordinated the assault.
“Shots came from the Philharmonic Hall. Maidan Commandant Parubiy was responsible for this building. Snipers and people with automatic weapons were ‘working’ from this building on February 20. They supported the assault on the Interior Ministry forces on the ground who were already demoralized and have, in fact, fled,” Yakimenko said in an interview with Russian television.
The police officers were chased by a group of rioters armed with various weapons and at that point, Yakimenko says snipers fired at pursuers themselves.
“When the first wave of shootings ended, many have witnessed 20 people leaving the building,” former chief says, noting that they were well-equipped and were carrying military style bag for carrying sniper and assault rifles with optical sights.
Not only the law enforcers, but people from the opposition’s Freedom, Right Sector, Fatherland, and Klitschko’s UDAR party have also seen this, Yakimenko claims.
The former security head also said that according to the intelligence those snipers could be foreigners, including mercenaries from former Yugoslavia as well former Special Forces employees from Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.[...]
Publicerad den 12 mar 2014
The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.Sources & full transcript:***
Vidareläsning:Ukraina: - EU visste oppositionens prickskyttar mördade både poliser och demonstranter

Blackwater var CIA:s militära gren - grundaren, Erik Prince, erkänner
Blackwater, Xe eller Academi. Oavsett vad de kallat sig för har de alltid varit CIA:s privatarmé.
Grundaren, Erik Prince erkänner nu att de ökända inhyrda legoknektarna som spelat en nyckelroll i USA:s invasionskrig de senaste åren, kontrollerats av CIA.
Fredliga Demokratiska Färgrevolutioner - med lite hjälp av Legoknektar och Prickskyttar
(Kommentaren kopierad från:
What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us
Australian makes protesting illegal and fines protesters $600 and can gaol (jail) up to 2 years
In the US Maidan style insurrectionists would be killed – Bruce Gagnon
:) ......
1,500 Haitian cholera victims accuse U.N. of causing outbreak in new lawsuit
israeli Navy warships intercept #FreedomWaves to #Gaza in Int'l -
--'No surprise Western govts prop up Ukrainian rebels, call them legitimate'--
SvaraRaderaMarch 14, 2014
Staging a coup and replacing an elected government with unelected stooges, as the US has specifically done with the Maidan opposition, is a true violation of sovereignty foreign affairs analyst Nebojsa Malic told RT.
RT: The US, the UK and others insist that Russian troops have taken over Crimea. The armed men there say they are local self-defense units. So what proof does the West have of a Russian incursion?
Nebojsa Malic: I don’t think they have any proof, but then again, they’ve never needed any proof for any of their allegations over the past 25 years. They simply say what they want the public to believe and expect the public to believe it. I don’t see a problem even if these were Russian troops because Russia has a treaty that allows it to keep a number of troops in the Crimean region, and the number of troops Russia does keep is far fewer than allowed by the treaty.
So again, I don’t really see a problem here. There’s been no invasion, the people in Crimea are happy enough. They’re posting selfies with these soldiers, they’re smiling, they are walking around with flowers. That’s not like a typical Western invasion, which involves lots of bombs and lots of dead people. This isn’t exactly the kind of imagery the West usually projects when they go around flexing their power, and that’s why they’re trying to be as panicky and as alarmist as possible in their public announcements.
RT: They said Russia is violating Ukraine's sovereignty. But what about the EU and the US politicians propping up the Maidan opposition before it came to power? [...]
--‘They are fascists!’ German Left leader blasts Merkel’s support of illegitimate Ukraine govt--
SvaraRaderaMarch 14, 2014
The recognition of Kosovo independence set a precedent that gives Crimeans, as well as Basques and Catalans, a right for self-determination, German opposition leader said, lashing out against Angela Merkel’s support of sanctions against Russia.
Gregor Gysi, a parliamentary head of the largest lower-house opposition party in Germany – the Left Party – has spoken out on Thursday against German Chancellor’s unquestioning support of the coup-appointed Ukrainian government.
“They formed a new government..... Immediately recognized by president Obama by the EU and German government as well. Miss Merkel! The vice- prime minister, the defense minister, minister of agriculture, environment minister, the attorney general.. They are fascists!” he stated.
Gysi was furious that Germany is doing nothing to address the extreme right threat in Ukraine.
"With fascists in Ukraine we are doing nothing. Svoboda party has tight contacts with NPD and other Nazi parties in Europe.. The leader of this party, Oleg Tyagnibok, has recalled that literally.”
The Left’s leader went on to read a quote from Tyagnibok, where he publically urged people in Ukraine to “Grab the guns, fight the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jews pigs and others.”
“And with these Svoboda people we are still in conversation! I find it as a scandal!” Gysi told his fellow politicians.
Gysi said that NATO opened Pandora’s Box by recognising the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and that Crimea’s secession from Ukraine applies the same pattern of international law.
“With Kosovo, they opened Pandora's box. What's allowed for Kosovo, you should also allow for others. I told you this but you haven't listened to me. Winning the Cold War has eclipsed everything for you, you forgot about everything else,” Gysi said.[...]
--Crimea referendum opponents manipulate detached norms of intl law – Churkin--
SvaraRaderaMarch 13, 2014
Addressing the chorus of criticism at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, Moscow’s ambassador has reconfirmed that Russia does not want any escalation of the Ukraine crisis and is not interfering with the upcoming referendum in Crimea.
“Russia does not want war and neither do the Russians, and I'm convinced the Ukrainians don't want that either,” ambassador Vitaly Churkin told an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Thursday. “We don’t see any basis to consider the issue in such terms.”
It is unacceptable to reject Crimea’s right for self-determination using a smokescreen of protecting Ukraine’s territorial integrity, without even trying to balance these two principles, Churkin told the council.
“Some dispute the legality of such a referendum, but it is unacceptable to manipulate individual principles and norms of international law, randomly pulling them out of context not only of the international law, but the specific political circumstances and historical aspects,” Churkin said.
In each case, the envoy believes, one should “balance between the principles of territorial integrity and the right for self-determination.”
“It is clear that the implementation of the right of self-determination in the form of separation from the existing state is an extraordinary measure. In Crimea such a case apparently arose as a result of a legal vacuum, which emerged as a result of unconstitutional, violent coup d'état carried out in Kiev by radical nationalists, as well as direct threats by the latter to impose their order on the whole territory of Ukraine.” [...]
Russia to add 2 Maidan leaders to intl wanted list over Chechen militant links
SvaraRaderaMarch 14, 2014
Members of the Ukrainian far-right parties, including Maidan leaders Oleg Tyagnibok and Dmitry Yarosh, are to be added to the wanted list for participation in hostilities against Russian soldiers in Chechnya, Russia’s Investigative Committee says.
Russia intends to prosecute members of the UNA-UNSO ultranationalist party for being part of the gang that fought alongside militant leaders Shamil Basayev and Arab mercenary Emir Khattab [Thamir Saleh Abdullah Suwailem] in the North Caucasus in 1994-95, said Vladimir Markin, the spokesman for the Investigative Committee.
“There has been enough evidence collected to take the decision and bring them in as defendants in absentia within the nearest time for preventive detention and put them on the wanted list,” he said.
The UNSO participants in the battles include Ukraine’s nationalist Svoboda (Freedom) party leader Oleg Tyagnibok and leader of the Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) Dmitry Yarosh – as well as Vladimir Mamalyga, Igor Mazur, Valery Bobrovich, Dmitry Korchinsky, Andrey Tyagnibok and other members not yet identified, Markin said.
On March 5, Russia put Yarosh on an international wanted list and charged him with inciting terrorism. The far-right leader called for Russia’s most wanted terrorist, Doku Umarov, to act against the country according to an address posted on the Right Sector’s page in the Russian VKontakte social network. Yarosh later claimed the message was faked and that his blog had been hacked.
Earlier in the month, Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Yarosh, put him on an international wanted list and charged him with inciting terrorism. If the Maidan leader is indicted he could face up to seven years in prison.
On Saturday, Yarosh confirmed that he intends to run for president of Ukraine while transforming his movement into a political party. His Right Sector movement was been reportedly very active in the violence that led to the deposition of President Viktor Yanukovich.
--Russian companies withdraw billions from west, say Moscow bankers--
SvaraRaderaFinancial Times - March 15, 2014
Russian companies are pulling billions out of western banks, fearful that any US sanctions over the Crimean crisis could lead to an asset freeze, according to bankers in Moscow.
Sberbank and VTB, Russia’s giant partly state-owned banks, as well as industrial companies, such as energy group Lukoil, are among those repatriating cash from western lenders with operations in the US. VTB has also cancelled a planned US investor summit next month, according to bankers.
Full article here:
Jag är hellre legoknekt åt nato för en bra sak med lön än att bli tvingad under en regim att vara förtryckare åt konungen.
SvaraRaderaTror att du oavsiktligt avslöjade en del av problemet med många av nutidens s.k. "demokratier."
Radera...valmöjligheterna är minst sagt begränsade...