Under ett uppsnappat telefonsamtal mellan Estlands utrikesminister Urmas Paet och EU:s Catherine Ashton, så framkom det att EU visste om att samma prickskyttar mördat både poliser och demonstranter i Ukraina. Skyttarna hade sannolikt anlitats av samma politiker som EU och USA backar och finansierar i Ukrainas uppror. Urmas Paet har i efterhand bekräftat autenticiteten på samtalet...
Läs mer på: Global Research
Publicerad den 6 mar 2014
These are the images that shocked
the world just a few weeks ago, when over 80 people were shot dead
during riots in Kiev. Ukraine's government then insisted that police had
nothing to do with the killings and now those claims have been
independently backed up. In a leaked conversation with the EU's foreign
policy chief, Estonia's top diplomat says it was the same snipers who
targetted both activists and police.Publicerad den 6 mar 2014

Leaked EU’s Ashton Phone Tape: Kiev Snipers Were Hired by US Supported Opposition Leaders
Läs mer på: Global Research
*This is straight out of the Operation Gladio playbook.
*** http://www.globalresearch.ca/leaked-eus-ashton-phone-tape-kiev-snipers-were-hired-by-us-supported-opposition-leaders/5371956?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=leaked-eus-ashton-phone-tape-kiev-snipers-were-hired-by-us-supported-opposition-leaders
Publicerad den 5 mar 2014
The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online...[...]
Publicerad den 5 mar 2014
Officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to the ousted President Viktor Yanukovich have hacked phones of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and leaked their conversation to the web.
The officials discuss their impressions of what's happening in the country after the revolution. The gist of it is that Ukrainian people have no trust in any of the leaders of Maidan.
The officials discuss their impressions of what's happening in the country after the revolution. The gist of it is that Ukrainian people have no trust in any of the leaders of Maidan.
However the most striking thing of all is the fact which concerns the use of force during the revolution, particularly the snipers who killed both protesters and officers of the riot police. Mr. Paet reveals astonishing information which confirms the rumours that the snipers were employed by the leaders of Maidan.
RT 2014-03-05
The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.
The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.

RT 2014-03-05
Estonian foreign ministry has confirmed the recording of his conversation with EU foreign policy chief is authentic. Urmas Paet said that snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were hired by Maidan leaders.
Paet told RIA-Novosti news agency that he talked to Catherine Ashton last week right after retiring from Kiev, but refrained from further comments, saying that he has to “listen to the tape first.”
“It’s very disappointing that such surveillance took place altogether. It’s not a coincidence that this conversation was uploaded [to the web] today,” he stressed.
“My conversation with Ashton took place last week right after I returned from Kiev. At that time I was already in Estonia,” Paet added.
Order Out of Chaos: Gladio Snipers Behind Killings in Kyiv
Phone call between diplomats reveals dark underside to Euromaidan coup
Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com March 5, 2014
In a leaked audio recording of a telephone call between Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign affairs boss Catherine Ashton, Paet told his counterpart leaders of the Euromaidan movement that would ultimately overthrow the government of Viktor Yanukovych were likely behind sniper killing last month.
The revelation was recorded an uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine loyal to Yanukovych who hacked the phone conversation, RT reports today.
“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Paet said.
“I think we do want to investigate,” Ashton said.
The EU has not announced an investigation and the media in the West is not reporting the story. Paet said the coup government in Kyiv has so far not expressed an interest in investigating the allegation that snipers targeted both protesters and police.
The Estonian Foreign Minister said the people of Ukraine do not trust the newly installed Euromaidan leaders. He also said opposition politicians set to govern the country have a “dirty past.”
NATO Gladio Operation in Ukraine
On Monday, researcher and journalist F. William Engdahl said a “secretive neo-nazi military organization reported linked to NATO played a decisive role in targeted sniper attacks and violence that led to the collapse of the elected government.”
“The question unanswered until now is who deployed the snipers? According to veteran US intelligence sources, the snipers came from an ultra-right-wing military organization known as Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO),” Engdahl writes.
Intelligence sources quoted by Engdahl say UNA-UNSO “is part of a secret NATO ‘Gladio’ organization, and not a Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media.” UNA-UNSO members are NATO mercenaries fighting “dirty wars” in Lithuania, Abkhazia, Khazar, Chechnya, and Kosovo. They were behind the Soviet coup d’etat in the summer 1991.
“These people are the dangerous mercenaries used all over the world to fight NATO’s dirty war, and to frame Russia because this group pretends to be Russian special forces. THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS, forget about the window dressing nationalists, these are the men behind the sniper rifles,” Engdahl’s sources insist.
In 1991 Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed the existence of a NATO “stay behind army” organized at the conclusion of the Second World War. Dubbed “Gladio,” the Italian word for sword, the secret terrorist organization, maintained by the CIA and MI6, killed hundreds of innocent civilians as a fear tactic designed “to force… the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security,” said Italian neo-fascist activist Vincenzo Vinciguerra.
“Originally set up as a network of clandestine cells to be activated behind the lines in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe, Gladio quickly expanded into a tool for political repression and manipulation, directed by NATO and Washington,” writes Chris Floyd. “Using right-wing militias, underworld figures, government provocateurs and secret military units, Gladio not only carried out widespread terrorism, assassinations and electoral subversion in democratic states such as Italy, France and West Germany, but also bolstered fascist tyrannies in Spain and Portugal, abetted the military coup in Greece and aided Turkey’s repression of the Kurds.”
Evidence has accumulated demonstrating the Euromaidan movement was artificially created by the architects of color revolution – the State Department, USAID, and the Soros NGOs – and this movement, consisting in large part of sincere yet duped Ukrainians attempting to effectuate political change, was cynically used to install a preferred minion in power, namely Arseniy “Yats” Yatsenyuk, a central banker. Yats is, as the Nuland-Pyatt conversation revealed, the preferred choice of the State Department and, thus, the financial elite.
The Gladio element was introduced when the Euromaidan movement stalled and the coup seemed to be in danger of losing momentum. Past color revolutions have relied on lower levels of violence and, to a large degree, non-violence, but as the so-called Lotus Revolution in Egypt revealed (as did other elements of the Arab Spring), violence is a key and often preferred component of the order of chaos strategy. The so-called Arab Spring, as well as the Maidan coup in Ukraine, have not brought democracy, as claimed, but disorder, ethic and religious strife, and widespread violence and mass murder.

According to the New York Times, “The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here as another flowering of democracy, a blow to authoritarianism and kleptocracy in the former Soviet space.” ( After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face Battle for Credibility, NYTimes.com, March 1, 2014, emphasis added)
“Flowering Democracy, Revolution”? The grim realities are otherwise. What is a stake is a US-EU-NATO sponsored coup d’Etat in blatant violation of international law.
- The forbidden truth is that the West has engineered –through a carefully staged covert operation– the formation of a proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.
Confirmed by Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by Washington: “We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”
The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi” is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary.
It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector.[...]
The threat of neo-nazi ideology is causing alarm in Ukraine. The country, home to over 13 ethnicities, is now rocked on a daily basis by shocking videos - uploaded to Youtube by some of those who came to power following the ousting of President Yanukovich. Maria Finoshina reports.
Mer Ukraina: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/search/label/Ukraina
Ukraina: - EU visste oppositionens prickskyttar mördade både poliser och demonstranter
--Report: Kiev snipers hired by Maidan leaders - leaked EU's Ashton phone tape--
--Order Out of Chaos: Gladio Snipers Behind Killings in Kyiv--
SvaraRaderaPhone call between diplomats reveals dark underside to Euromaidan coup
Kurt Nimmo
March 5, 2014
In a leaked audio recording of a telephone call between Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign affairs boss Catherine Ashton, Paet told his counterpart leaders of the Euromaidan movement that would ultimately overthrow the government of Viktor Yanukovych were likely behind sniper killing last month.
The revelation was recorded an uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine loyal to Yanukovych who hacked the phone conversation, RT reports today.
“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Paet said.
“I think we do want to investigate,” Ashton said.
The EU has not announced an investigation and the media in the West is not reporting the story. Paet said the coup government in Kyiv has so far not expressed an interest in investigating the allegation that snipers targeted both protesters and police.
The Estonian Foreign Minister said the people of Ukraine do not trust the newly installed Euromaidan leaders. He also said opposition politicians set to govern the country have a “dirty past.”
NATO Gladio Operation in Ukraine
On Monday, researcher and journalist F. William Engdahl said a “secretive neo-nazi military organization reported linked to NATO played a decisive role in targeted sniper attacks and violence that led to the collapse of the elected government.”[...]
"Behind The Kiev Snipers It Was Somebody From The New Coalition" - A Stunning New Leak Released
SvaraRaderainformationliberation Mar 05 2014
The last time a leaked phone call out of Ukraine was released about a month ago ostensibly by the Russian NSA equivalent, one between US assistant sec state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, it was revealed that the real puppet masters behind the Maidan movement, and the true instigators of the Ukraine "revolution" were none other than the "developed" world superpowers, lead by the US.
Also revealed were tensions between the US and EU strategies on how to overthrow the current government, culminating with the infamous "Fuck the EU." Needless to say the US, which implicitly confirmed the recording, was angry at Russia and accused it of using dirty tricks.
That's ironic, because when it comes to "dirty tricks" what is about to be presented, blows the top off anything Russia may or has done to date.
Earlier today an even more shocking recording has been "leaked" this time one between the always concerned about human rights EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet, in which it is revealed on tape that all those photos of horrifying deaths of Ukrainians by snipers during the last days of the Median stand off, were in fact caused not by Snipers controlled by Yanukovich, but that the snipers shot at both protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders!
Putin eller den som spelar hans roll är NWO marionett............
SvaraRaderaAllt är bara planerad teater för befolknng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Förberedd er globalt till ökat pensionsålder, slavarbetskontrakt, multinationella företag, tvångs- "vaccination", juvenal justicia, avlivning sjukhus - koncentrations läger för gamla, ändringar i konstitution och globalt nytt feodal elektronisk samhälle.........
Sevärd video:
The Increment - redan i Kiev.
SvaraRaderaA short documentary about "The Increment", a covert UK black ops team formed from ex-SAS personnel. The video covers their exploits around the world, addressing concerns about their their covert participation in the murder of Princess Diana, suicide of Dr David Kelly and aiding Libyan rebels.
The Increment, MI6’s Secret Paramilitary Unit-
Here We Go: UK & US to Send Military Advisers to Ukraine, U.S Bolster Military Support to Poland, Suspends Military Cooperation with Russia
IMF Will RAPE Ukraine While Military Invades
John McCain explains everything wrong with U.S. foreign policy-
So, with you my friends, I see Americans who want our country to be engaged in events beyond our borders, I see Americans who want an internationalist foreign policy, I see Americans who want our country to stand with Israel and our other partners, I see Americans who are willing to spend their hard earned tax dollars on effective foreign assistance and to strengthen the greatest military the world has ever known..."
am.blogger svarar: Let's check out McCain's claim that Americans WANT their tax dollars spent on foreign wars and a strong military instead of being spent to take care of America and Americans".
Israel troops take position off Lebanon border - Israel utnyttjar moment ... :)
"Is a new Israel-Lebanon war looming while the world is busy with Ukraine?
Coup in Ukraine illustrates U.S. addiction to meddling and regime change-
Putin Targets America’s Achilles Heel: “He’s Going to Destroy the Stock Markets”
Paul Ryan stuns CNN host: Keystone pipeline will solve Russia’s Ukraine invasion
lite info från Kiev (av de som låtsas vara med deras ledning)- kupmakarna under total USA kontroll som dirigerar deras aktiviteter, tal etc.
SvaraRaderaTill Kiev kommer hela tiden USA och internationella styrkor som somhann redan avsköja sig (enligt info) de har order att sitta inne och inte visa sig på stans gator- det är fransmän, amerikaner, israeler, tyskar och märks många serber och öst Europa (troligt arbetslösa fått betalt som knektar). CIA arbets grupp av 25 personer sitter på Vladimirskaja och styr "stugan" (ngn namn på plats i Kiev). Julia Timoshenko beskrivs som fylld på kokain upp till öron och på bra hummör- visar sig för folket i invalid fatölj men inne i USA ambasaden prmenerar utan stöd och på höga klackar med plato :). Klichko enligt info är intresserad resa bort tillbacka till Tyskland (han har business där) men få inte då Payet utnytjar dessa marionetter för fult, enligt info Klichco nu dricker utan stopp etc etc
Det liknar ingenting.....
en till detalj för info:
SvaraRaderaНемцы планируют тоже откусить чуток. Яценюку поставлена задача - приватизировать ВСЕАЭС. <> будет Westinghouse Electric.
Tyskland planerar klippa lite till sig också. Jacenjuk fått "uppdrag" -privatisera alla kärnkrafts anläggningar och köpare redan märkt som Westinghouse Electric
--BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine--
SvaraRaderaMarch 7, 2014
Source: Tony Cartlucci
Like the West’s support of sectarian terrorists across the Middle East, including Al Qaeda, it has found the most despicable elements in Ukrainian society to lead “revolution” for the sociopolitical reordering of Eastern Europe.
As the dust settles and the West’s proxy regime finds itself safely entrenched in Kiev, Ukraine – the Western media can now finally recuperate some of its lost legitimacy after months of denying the obvious – that armed Neo-Nazis led the so-called “Euromaidan” uprising.
A BBC Newsnight short titled, “Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine,” reveals xenophobic Jew-hating nationalists, armed and leading the mobs in Kiev, directly contradicting months of Western media narratives portraying the rabble as aspiring for “freedom,” “democracy,” and “closer ties with the West,” with the most absurd example being the “I am Ukrainian” propaganda reel.
Far from a “pro-democracy” uprising, the “Euromaidan” was yet another case of Western engineered regime change leveraging the good intentions of the ill-informed to mask the covert backing of ugly armed extremists, just as it had done all across the similarly engineered “Arab Spring” in 2011.
In light of the BBC’s report, confirmed intercepted phone conversations between the EU and Estonia regarding the Ukrainian opposition’s hiring of snipers deployed against both police and protesters takes on a new degree of veracity with deepening implications.
It also reframes US Senator John McCain’s taking to the stage in Kiev, side-by-side with these overt Nazis as an abhorrent, shameful act bordering on treason and material support of terrorism.[...]
NWO ockuperad USA eliminerar de som säger sanning:
-But am blogger say: But when Kosovo broke away from Serbia in 2008, that was cool in the eyes of the US!
Amid Ukraine crisis, US launches military escalation in Eastern Europe
Ukraine crisis: Crimea now part of Russia, local parliament declares
Man Arrested For Talking About Guns On Oregon Bus
False op specialister-
Iran denies shipping arms to Gaza
--Bloggens poster om "false flag" i Boston--
FBI avrättade vittnet Ibragim Todashev med 7 skott under förhör - intervju med änkan:
FBI dödade vittne till den misstänkta "False Flag -bombningen" i Boston under förhör:
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/fbi-dodade-vittne-till-den-misstankta.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/vem-ar-egentligen-graham-fuller-cias.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/bevapnade-fbi-agenter-omringade-saudisk.html
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/mainstreammedia-ljuger-om-militarens.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/bostonbombarnas-farbror-gift-med.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/usa-fortsatter-neka-medborgare-advokat.html
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/forhoret-med-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-den.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/fbi-3-nya-misstankta-inom-boston-dadet.html
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/03/50-miljoner-googlade-false-flag-pa.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/american-gestapo-snart-pa-en-plats.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/explosioner-pa-boston-marathon-i-usa.html
SvaraRaderaHär är bevis att i Ukraina användes internationella terrorister som USA finansierar i Syrien och Libyen - dessa sadister inte nöjer sig att mörda de avlägsnar huvud från levande offer:
SvaraRaderamassavrättningar av civila invånare (goyim) efter analys av de som känner till metoder - uppger israeliska upplärningsmetoder i mass-eliminering, först nackslag från ryggen för att sätta offer i chock tillstånd som bedövar och de kan inte röra sig efter detta - sedan skyter ihjäl - avrättning... (detta icke ingår i upplärning av vanliga militära i Ryssland eller annanstans då målet är inte massavrättningar - detta är speciell gren av sionist nazistisk träning- massavrättningar / slakt av civila....
...det bäddas inte bra globalt .... utveckling är farlig
Official: Israel Supports both Sides in Ukraine.
SvaraRaderaAnd no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.—2 Corinthians 11:14
Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose US Intervention in Ukraine, Syria, Iran … Or Anywhere Else: (ingen frågar de.... då ledning ockuperad av sionist NWO, samma situation i EU och Norden.....)
Nuvarande israels representant i Ukraina är officer Mossad:
Israel will create an official contact with the political party and not with the government on the grounds of a shared religion with the leader
"The fact was confirmed by Alexander Levin, founding president of the World Forum of Russian-Speaking Jewry, who claimed that Kiev's central synagogue had served as the operation headquarters".
"Is the event related to a report published earlier this month that around 20 former IDF soldiers from Ukrainian origin had hurriedly traveled there?"
Den svenske efterretningstjeneste Säpo kender til rejserne, men tjenesten tillægger dem ikke større betydning ifølge Sveriges Radio (naturligtvis - Palme mordet inte utan deras hjälp och terrorattentat på Drotninggatan likaså - ledning ockuperad och naiva folk hölls sovande med sionist ägd media hjälp )
Det är inte långt till Nytt sionist Khazaria blir åberopat i Ukraina och del av Ryssland- då det är dags för exekutions patruller i Europa och Norden - skall SÄPO då stå och från ryggen ge nackslag till svenska befolkning (icke judiska förståss) befolkning för att ordna lugn avrättning (eliminering utan språng) om USA ingen snack där koncentrations läger med plastic boxar med plats för 4-6 döda kroppar väntar. Hassider säger öppet att deras Moshiah är redan här!
I Ukraina redan klar och väntar bara nästa steg - tvångs "vaccination" lag, just nu signerade lag om halvering av pension och annullering av sociala hjälp - folk skall då som flugor.... resten tvångs elimineras vid passande moment....
Ukraine's Military Mobilizes, Prepares For Combat: Trucks, APCs, SAMs, Tanks Rolling Out-
Ukraine Invites NATO to Hold Meeting in Kiev
US upgrades Israel to status above any other country-The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved on Wednesday a bill that would enhance US-Israel defence ties and waived US entrance visa for Israelis
Israel denies EU request to meet with Palestinian prisoners: report-
Ukraine was coup d'état by the CIA – David Shayler
The Ukrainian Pendulum. Two Invasions and a Putsch. American Special Forces in Ukraine under Cover
SvaraRaderaGoldreserve der Ukraine bereits ausser Landes?
Samstag, 8. März 2014 , von Freeman um 22:00
Hier weiterlesen: Alles Schall und Rauch: Goldreserve der Ukraine bereits ausser Landes?
SvaraRadera"He’ll arrive on Wednesday. He’ll meet his new boss. He’ll do so at the White House. He’ll get marching orders. He’ll learn more about Obama’s plans for Ukraine."
Ukraine crisis: US will not recognise Crimea referendum, says ambassador
SvaraRaderaWashington threatens further action against Russia if Vladimir Putin uses poll to legitimise military occupation, says Kiev envoy