Både i Ukraina och i de flesta andra länder som genomgått "regimbyten" den senaste tiden, så har prickskyttar från en s.k. "tredje kraft" starkt bidragit till händelseutvecklingen. I USA avslöjades förra året att det även där fanns en plan på att prickskyttar skulle avrätta Occupy Wall Streets ledare "vid behov"...
Occupy Wall Streets ledare skulle således avrättas om OWS blev större än vad USA:s elit kunde hantera och om risken fanns att deras protester kanske t o m riskerade att inspirerade det amerikanska folket till ett "regimskifte" på hemmaplan...
The FBI returned scant evidence upon his request, and much of it was heavily redacted.
The bureau invoked their role in investigating terrorism as a reason to withhold the information.
Now, Judge Rosemary Collyer has gone on record saying it's no longer enough to just invoke the word "terrorism" to keep information from the people.
Ledande Occupy-aktivister skulle lönnmördas "vid behov" av prickskyttar - FBI varnade inte
whowhatwhy.com June 28, 2013 - RT 2013-01-02
Det fanns 2011 långt gångna planer på att "vid behov" lönnmörda ledande Occupy-aktivister över hela USA i en koordinerad terroraktion med prickskyttar.
Läs mer: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/06/occupy-wall-streets-ledare-skulle.html
Läs också:

Occupy Wall Streets ledare skulle således avrättas om OWS blev större än vad USA:s elit kunde hantera och om risken fanns att deras protester kanske t o m riskerade att inspirerade det amerikanska folket till ett "regimskifte" på hemmaplan...
Publicerad den 26 mar 2014
MIT doctoral student Ryan Noah Shapiro filed an FOIA request with the FBI to uncover the truth behind a plot to assassinate leaders of the Occupy movement by sniper rifles. The FBI returned scant evidence upon his request, and much of it was heavily redacted.
The bureau invoked their role in investigating terrorism as a reason to withhold the information.
Now, Judge Rosemary Collyer has gone on record saying it's no longer enough to just invoke the word "terrorism" to keep information from the people.
Occupy Wall Streets ledare skulle lönnmördas - FBI och Homeland varnade inte (update)
whowhatwhy.com June 28, 2013 - RT 2013-01-02
Det fanns 2011 långt gångna planer på att "vid behov" lönnmörda ledande Occupy-aktivister över hela USA i en koordinerad terroraktion med prickskyttar.
Läs mer: http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/06/occupy-wall-streets-ledare-skulle.html
Läs också:
Fredliga Demokratiska Färgrevolutioner - med lite hjälp av Legoknektar och Prickskyttar
Internationellt ledande politiker med USA i spetsen och den verkliga makten bakom dessa politiker, använder enligt erfarna geopolitiska bedömare frekvent falska våldsprovokationer för att nå sina politiska mål. Våldet iscensätts av t.ex. infiltrerade agenter, legoknektar eller för ändamålet lokalt välavlönat fotfolk...
Äkta Terror: - Prickskyttar skulle avrätta Occupy Wall Streets ledare i USA - FBI mörkar uppgifter
--Manning attorney denounces unfair trial, files clemency papers--
SvaraRaderaMarch 27, 2014
WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning did not receive a fair trial, the attorney who represented her in last year’s court-martial wrote on Wednesday, and her counsel has taken the next steps in seeking clemency from the United States military.
Trial attorney David E. Coombs weighed in on Manning’s ongoing fight for freedom in a rare statement issued from his Providence, Rhode Island law office late Wednesday in which he spoke harshly of the results of last year’s legal proceedings.
“I have fought to ensure that she received a fair trial and a just result,” Coombs said towards the start of a blistering two-and-a-half-page statement. “Unfortunately, I do not believe that she received either.”
Manning, a 26-year-old former intelligence analyst for the US Army, was convicted by a military judge last August of multiple counts related to her admitted role in supplying the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks with a trove of sensitive documents in 2009 and 2010 that were later published on the group’s website.
She had been arrested in May 2010 while serving during the Iraq War under her birth name, Bradley Manning, and announced she identified as female last September after being sentenced by Col. Denise Lind to 35 years in prison. Manning previously faced the possibility of life in prison until being acquitted of the most serious offense presented by the government: aiding the enemy.[...]