
'- Colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing': UN rapporteur on Palestine blasts Israel
RT 2014-03-23
The UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine accused Israeli authorities of conducting colonialist policies that constitute forms of apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Speaking at a news conference at the UN European headquarters in Geneva on Friday, the UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine, Richard Falk, accused Israel of pushing Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and creating unbearable conditions for the minority to force them to immigrate.
- Falk, an ethnic Jewish expert in international law and professor emeritus at Princeton University, told journalists that Israeli policies have “unacceptable characteristics of colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing.”
In the present situation where talks between Israel and Palestinian authority remain in deadlock, the acceleration of Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories is causing Palestinians to lose their faith that a state of their own could ever be created.
“Every increment of enlarging the settlements, or every incident of house demolition is a way of worsening the situation confronting the Palestinian people and reducing what prospects they might have as the outcome of supposed peace negotiations,” the UN Special Rapporteur said.
Speaking about Israel de facto annexing parts of the Palestinian territory, Falk was actually citing a report on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, prepared by his group and presented in January.
- The report maintains that Israeli policies in the West Bank are effectively denying the Palestinian right to self-determination by means of “apartheid and segregation.”
“To sustain indefinitely an oppressive occupation containing many punitive elements also seems designed to encourage residents to leave Palestine, which is consistent with the apparent annexationist, colonialist and ethnic-cleansing goals of Israel, especially in relation to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” the report said.
For that purpose, the Israelis use bureaucratic processes, such as “revocation of residency permits, demolitions of residential structures built without Israeli permits (often virtually impossible to obtain), and forced evictions of Palestinian families,” which is a definite violation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, said the report.
In Jerusalem alone, over 11,000 Palestinians had lost their right to live in the city since 1996, only because Israel has been imposing residency laws in favor of Jews, making it possible to revoke Palestinian residence permits, Falk reported.[...]
Publicerad den 20 mars 2014
The Swiss-based Euro-Mid Observer
for Human Rights reported the Israeli government is continuing its
violations of the Geneva Conventions and that 740 Palestinian children
were arrested during the first two months of 2014, from January to
Many of these children were tortured and arrested by the
Israeli military to inflict collective punishment and psychological
damage on Palestinian communities. 465 of these Palestinian children
remained in custody for at least one week.
Press TV's reporter in Ramallah, Nel Burden, talks about the report from Geneva and interviews Ayed Abu Qtaish from the Palestinian rights group, Defense for Children International (DCI).
"DCI has recorded 8,000 child arrests since the First Intifada and each year the range is between 500 to 700 children. During these periods of arrest, the children are subject to torture and out of 91 cases this year, 70 percent of the children complain of ill treatment," Qtaish said in his interview.
Israeli officials are violating both international laws and their own domestic laws routinely. In January of the same year, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel accused the Israeli government of systematically torturing Palestinian children, saying the minors are routinely held in outdoor cages for hours after their arrest.
The organization said the children have to endure freezing temperatures outside transit facilities, and this kind of torture is a long-running practice meant to terrify the detained children.
To read more about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict please visit Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/indepthr...
Press TV's reporter in Ramallah, Nel Burden, talks about the report from Geneva and interviews Ayed Abu Qtaish from the Palestinian rights group, Defense for Children International (DCI).
"DCI has recorded 8,000 child arrests since the First Intifada and each year the range is between 500 to 700 children. During these periods of arrest, the children are subject to torture and out of 91 cases this year, 70 percent of the children complain of ill treatment," Qtaish said in his interview.
Israeli officials are violating both international laws and their own domestic laws routinely. In January of the same year, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel accused the Israeli government of systematically torturing Palestinian children, saying the minors are routinely held in outdoor cages for hours after their arrest.
The organization said the children have to endure freezing temperatures outside transit facilities, and this kind of torture is a long-running practice meant to terrify the detained children.
To read more about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict please visit Global Research: http://www.globalresearch.ca/indepthr...
Hitler igår - Israel idag - del 1
Gårdagens Offer - Dagens Förövare 1
Bildena är sammanställda av Prof. Norman Finkelstein på Counter Currents.org Texten är en redigerad version av Hans Lindes (V) riksdagsmotion från 2011/12
Israels ockupation av Palestina har skapat en av världens mest segdragna konflikter. Redan genom processen som ledde till att staten Israel utropades 1948 skapades grogrunden för dagens konflikt genom att hundratusentals palestinier fördrevs från sina hem.
http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2012/06/hitler-igar-israel-idag-del-1.html ***
Hitler igår – Israel idag – del 2

FN: - Israel praktiserar apartheid och etnisk utrensning - Hitler igår, Israel idag
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